
Distances while tracking

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I have some question about the distances that you can travel while tracking with the diferent options/suits available, I've diveded this into the following categories, what is the real relation between vertical vs horizontal ???

1.Tracking with FF suit
2.Tracking with RW suit w/booties.
3.Tracking pants.
4.Bird Man suit

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2.25 - 2.5 miles from 13k with booties at Spaceland. Highway 521 West of dz was exit point and deployment above 2k was 1/8th to 1/4 mile East of Highway 288. Measured by auto odometer. Slowest vertical fallrate was 83 mph.

Blue skies,


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1.6 miles from 12,000 to 4,000 wearing a tight FF suit. I measured it by specifically noting my position over the ground when I started my track and noting my final position after I squared up at 4,000. Got home, put the points into Google Earth and measured the distance between them. I happened to be over two large and recognizable landmarks at my two measuring points, so it made it easier. There's obviously a lot of room for error with this procedure but it gives me something to measure my improvement against over time.

The real "exact" way to do it is by wearing GPS.
I really don't know what I'm talking about.

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1.6 miles from 12,000 to 4,000 wearing a tight FF suit.

That would give you a little over 1:1 glide ratio.

I think your measurements may have been a little optimistic.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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1.6 miles from 12,000 to 4,000 wearing a tight FF suit.

That would give you a little over 1:1 glide ratio.

I think your measurements may have been a little optimistic.

Not necessarily, a good tracker can manage that. Besides, he didn't say if he was going with the wind, into the wind or crosswind.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I don't doubt that I'm being quite optimistic, my method of measurement is quite inaccurate and my ability to look straight down and truly determine what I'm directly over is potentially lacking. I was jumping crosswind/downwind but it was a pretty calm day... I'd sooner chalk it up to optimism than wind assist. I hope to jump with GPS soon for my own sake.
I really don't know what I'm talking about.

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If you visit Tracking Derby website, you'll see all kinds of nonsense, e.g. glide ratio of 1.36 average over 45 second period in freefly suit. You know, a bag of potatoes has twice as high glide ratio in 40mph winds as in 20mph winds. ;) It's not only the "pilot", it's the wind, too!

If you want to know your real glide ratio, you can jump a balloon with GPS and sample the winds on your way to altitude as described here.

Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps:
L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP
iOS only: L/D Magic
Windows only: WS Studio

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I have / use a Garmin GPs with paralog. It's very interesting when you view the images on google earth.

My only problem is reception on dives. Though I've got some good hop & pop data.

If you want to be *somewhat* accurate, I'd go that route.

I'll let you know later in the summer (when the DZ is in full swing) how many miles I can get....

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If you want to know your real glide ratio, you can jump a balloon with GPS and sample the winds on your way to altitude as described here.


It will still only offer an estimate. The winds are dynamic. They vary with time and space. Measuring at point A still only offers an approximation of winds at point B, even if the two points are fairly close.

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