
Am I To Crap To Continue?

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Ok, last year i started aff in the uk at an undisclosed DZ. The 1st 3 levels seemed to go fine but then everything went downhill from there. The fact that i didnt get on iwth my instructor didnt really help. I have been thinking about retrying but going to spain instead becuase of the weather. Today though i had a look at my log book form previous aff and after reading how poorly i performed am thinking that maybe i would be just wasting my money even trying. I was actually thinking of doing 30 mins tunnel time ands then aff but like i said, i'm worried that i'll be wasting my money.

Ill write the notes for each jump that i completed

Level 1

Good set up in door & hotel check, legs kicking on exit, HASP, straighten legs, 3xD/P's good, 2nd HASP, straighten legs, good alti & pull & canopy control
Level 2 next

Level 3

Good set up in door & hotel check, dearched on exit, HASP arch and straighten legs, 1xD/P good, good forward movement but turning to right, 2ndry off, good in freetime, 1x st legs in freetime, good alti, slightly late on alti & pull but good pull & canopy control
Level 3 next

Level 3

Good set up in door & exit, HASP st legs, 1xD/P good, st legs before release, good hover control whilst released, good alti, pull and canopy control
Level 4 next

Level 4

Good set up and hotel check and exit, HAP st legs, released. Tried for left turn but went nto right spin due to pushing down. instructor stopped, 2nd try into right spin, legs up bum and arms forward causing stalling of the body, no response to st legs, responded to alti, good pull and canopy control
Repeat Please

Level 4 (repeat)

Good set up and hotel check. HAP st legs & arms back, released. 90 degree left turn, slight inv right turn, stopped, st legs, slight right turn then inst stopped, alti signal, good alti, pull and canopy control
Level 5 next

Level 5

God set up hotel check & exit, HAP, st legs, 90 degree left turn very good, iniial right turn ok then into right spin, inst stopped, released. stopped right spin again, into spin, inst stopped, released into right spin, inst stopped. no response to st legs signal, good alti, pull and canopy control
Repeat please

Level 5 (repeat)

Good set up hotel check, poor exit and kicking, responded to arch and st legs, released, 90 degree left turn into spin, inst stopped, released, 360 degree right turn good but legs up bum, responded to st legs, alti signal given, good pull and canopy control
Repeat Please

Level 5 (2nd repeat)

Good set up hotel check and excellent exit, good 360 right turn, overshot but ok. tried for left turnagain but back sliding, good alti, pull and canopy control
Level 6 next

Level 6

Weak set up, poor pulse and weak exit, unstable and spinning, inst stopped, st legs and relax, fell out of back loop, unstable and spinnng, nst stopped, relax, good track, good alti, pul and canopy control
Repeat please

And thats where it finished. My instructor told me off for going unstable , told me i shouldnt be doing that on level 6 and totally knocked my confidence!

What do others think? have you seen worse than this and these people to go on and make good skydivers or am i just not good enough?

Obviously instructors comments are what i'm really looking for but any comments will be greatly received

Mikey H

Fear Is Weakness Leaving Your Body

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Im no expert, just out of AFF myself, but the key is to relax. Could be this added pressure of desperatly not wanting to fail again is whats causing your issues.

I did 10 mins in the tunnel after level 3 to cure some instability issues induced by my wafty legs! :D

Don't give up, maybe try the tunnel and have another go. If you have issues with paticular instructor perhaps have discreet word with DZO. Your paying alot of money after all, reasonable to request another instructor if possible. Some people don't suit others learning styles.

Theres plenty of people on this site that took many more jumps than your taking to get off each level and some of them are now really competent skydivers. Chin up! :)

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Effective communication between student and instructor is very important. Two main possibilities:
1. You guys are not communicating. Try another instructor. Instructors all have different teaching skills...it sounds as though you two are just not clicking.
2. On the other hand, it could be you who is being overly sensitive. Not everyone "gets it" right off the bat. Handling constructive criticism is a part of a good learning process.

Tunnel time is a good idea if you are planning on continuing. The tunnel is both a good instruction tool and fun. Hell go to the tunnel anyway! You'll learn something AND have fun!

If it makes you feel any better, a lot of people take a LOT longer to "get it" than you have put in so far...I recently read a story of jump number 45 being a level 7 jump.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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instructor stopped, 2nd try into right spin, legs up bum and arms forward causing stalling of the body, no response to st legs, responded to alti, good pull and canopy control

:PI think I found your problem

Sounds like a typical sequence of someone not very relaxed
- tunnel time is good
- maybe a different instructor if you feel a bit tense with this one (even if it's not his fault, it's nothing personal)

If you are not comfortable in the plane and in the air by this time (other than just normal performance anxiety) maybe skydiving isn't the thing - there's many other sports, many extreme sports if that's your thing too

RANT - (I hate the bowling, golf cliche, it's a real way to belittle the student just to pump your own ego up). Not being suited to skydiving isn't any different than not being suited to golf (can't relax), or skiing (different base) or not climbing (poor balance or strength). It doesn't have to do anything with nerve or bravery. It could just be an incompatibility with the environment - nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to shame someone else about either. End of RANT

I'd keep trying for a couple more - Your experience is not out of the ordinary and a lot of really good skydivers out there started out with a very similar logbook.

Maybe ask for an instructor that will just take you out on a simpler dive - relaxing and checking altitude the entire time just to feel the air. Big Breath, exhale and relax, check altitude. Big breath, exhale and relax, check altitude - repeat as necessary. pull at altitude.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I am obviously no expert but reckon if you enjoyed you jumps then you should try again. Go for the tunnel time, you will be able to get relaxed and stable in a safe environment and then learn turns/slow/fast fall etc. So many people I have talked to had real trouble getting their A lisence, with numerous jump repeats, and they are enjoying jumping now. Don't be dishartened, get the tunnel time, go to a different DZ or spain, find an instructor you like and keep jumping!
Good luck.
Leeds University Skydiving Club

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give it another go

i did AFF last year in the UK, i got stuck on level 5 and did that level 4 times. i could not stop spinning as soon as i started a track. My instructor kept telling me what to do, but i just could not stop the spin at track time. I got a different instructor one day (my usual one was not at the DZ for some reason) and i told him my problem, he asked what my usual instructor was telling me, and then said maybe i could try a different approach... i was bringing my arms back really quick, and brining them back at the same time as straightening my legs.... the new guy told me to slowly straighten my legs first, then slowly brings my arms back... feel the forward movement as my arms get further and further back..... so instad of banging straight into a hard track, i was easing myself slowly into it while staying stable.

I told my usual instructor the day after, and he was really pleased that i had got it, he wasn't bothered in the slightest that another instructor had told me something different to him.

it's no bad reflection on an instructor that you can't get something with him, it maybe that you need to be told by somebody else to do something slightly different.

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it's no bad reflection on an instructor that you can't get something with him, it maybe that you need to be told by somebody else to do something slightly different.

Definately. I am a 'hands-on' tutor in another role. We deliberately try to allow our students to work with different people. Different learning styles and methods. They shouldn't be trying to make a newer version of themselves but instead you taking techniques away and doing whatever works and is safe.

Also in a skydive, your not getting alot of time to get it right. I highly recommend the tunnel, especially as quite possibly the best in the world is on our doorstep (www.bodyflight.co.uk)

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If you are not comfortable in the plane and in the air by this time (other than just normal performance anxiety) maybe skydiving isn't the thing - there's many other sports, many extreme sports if that's your thing too

I am certainly nervous on the ride up and getting in the door but i am pretty sure that once im out i'm as relaxed as a relaxed thing that is really relaxing, no nerves at all! ;) its just that learning the manoevres doesnt seem to come that naturally to me

When i was in the spin on level 6 i knew i was doing something wrong but couldnt quite figure it out. Even whilst this was happening i stayed pretty calm because of my training.

I think one of the comments that the instructor made at the time was that i tend to think and analyse to much

Mikey :S

Fear Is Weakness Leaving Your Body

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When i was in the spin on level 6 i knew i was doing something wrong but couldnt quite figure it out.

Deep Breath, let it out. Happens to all of us.

Try the "just air it out" jump I recommended. Maybe you just need a relaxing freefall without any goals to get the air under your wings and your mind in the right place. You'll need an AFF instructor, but maybe they won't charge the full price....

Just so you know - I had a flat spin at Level 4, then on Level 4, and then on Level 4 again, and once more on Level 4 - tried turning out of it, etc - doesn't work. But a big breath and calm exhale did. Also, on the next load, we didn't have full altitude to do the planned jump. So we just did this 'heading' jump for the cost of the two slots. No manuvers, just get out, feel the wind and relax. The "no pressure" skydive did the trick. I think the instructor was happier than I was (He was tired of stopping my flat spin, I really cooked it - I've caught/stopped newbies in hard flat spins, it can be frightening.)

You'll be fine. A good low "arousal" level is worth ten times trying to steer out of it and fighting your own body.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Try contacting Andy Ford. I have seen him work with students on the dropzone and also he takes you personally to the tunnel. He works really well with students and has grat communication skills. If you did want tunnel time he would also be in there with you so you would not be dealing with multiple instructors. You can find him at Weston on the green or Hinton.
Sounds like you just need to relax and not arch so hard, more just relax and push the hips forward.

P.S. no point in trying not to mention a dropzone when you have it in your profile:P

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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P.S. no point in trying not to mention a dropzone when you have it in your profile

That wasnt the dropzone i did AFF. Chatteris is actually where i did a couple of static line jumps :P

Fear Is Weakness Leaving Your Body

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It took me ages to get my A-license doing RAPS in the UK (55 jumps to be precise!). Many people get stuck at one stage in their training....I got stuck on seemingly all of them!

I guess many people in my situation would have decided "skydiving isn't for me" and given up long ago. But I'm totally addicted to the sport & don't think I could ever quit even if I wanted to! If you feel as passionate as me, why let a few obstacles get in your way? (as long as you're not a danger to yourself or others!)

I think to begin with the instructors were a bit sceptical about me but eventually came to admire my determination & worked their arses off to help me progress! (either that or i just provided good entertainment for them, doh!)

The day I REALLY started enjoying skydiving was the day I stopped comparing myself to other people & remembered why I do it in the first place...cos it rocks!

It all depends what you consider to be a "waste of money". In my book jumping out of a plane is never a waste of money, even if you fail a level you're sure to have learnt SOMETHING and hopefully had some fun in the process!

Find yourself an instructor you really trust. Share your insecurities about your rate of progression and be prepared to give it time...most of all, relax and let yourself have fun!

(And if you do ultimately decide that skydiving isn't for you, keep hold of all those wicked memories that'll stay with you forever!)

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I graduated a seven jump AFF course on jump number 15, you can serarch my post for the story if you are interested. I know people who have taken twice that many. Hang in there, not everyone gets every level on the first try. Look for the positive. Good pull and canopy control is, I think, in every one of your jumps. The more experieced here will tell you that there is not much more positive than that. You know you can pull, no matter what happens you can pull and fly your canopy, the rest will come, just don't give up.

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If it makes you feel any better, a lot of people take a LOT longer to "get it" than you have put in so far...I recently read a story of jump number 45 being a level 7 jump.

Hey... I think I know that guy. Yep.

I did my AFF 1 in June 2005. After still being in the middle of AFF after about 15 jumps, I went to the tunnel. It helped a little, but I didn't get the breakthrough that some people seem to. I did another 20 or so jumps; in the later jumps in this sequence I was getting stubborn and determined to "jump my way out of it." After a couple of not-so-good jumps in a row, I went to a different DZ. I didn't expect anyone at the other DZ to wave a magic wand and fix me; I just wanted to get a "second opinion" from a different set of instructors. They did give me a different point of view and some helpful advice, but I still was going fairly slowly. After about 5 jumps at this DZ I decided to quit being stubborn and go to the tunnel again, this time to a different tunnel. So I went again this January, and came back to my original DZ. This time, I think the tunnel "took". I started progressing a lot faster than I had been - like one or two jumps per level instead of nine or ten. My L7 skydive went absolutely great for the first 10,995 feet. The last 5 feet kind of sucked, but I did win a shiny piece of titanium with professional installation. To be continued...

Anyway, what I'm getting at is that I had to try a couple of different things (tunnel (twice), different DZ/instructors) before it seemed to "work" for me. Along the way I wrote one or two posts that sound remarkably like the one that started this thread (do a search). In the few jumps I did after coming back from the tunnel this January, I finally felt like I had figured it out, and I think my instructors did too. I'd like to be able to close with "and he got his A and was a happy owl" but I can't do that yet. But I will get back in the air.

I hope something of this is helpful to you.

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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Ask yourself one question.. if you stop now, will you regret it for the rest of your life? Skydiving is an expensive sport and you are learning something new all the time, doesn't matter if it takes you aaaages to get through AFF, some people learn faster than others. (I personally learn quite slowly).

Trying different instructors is a very good idea and doing tunnel time is a very very good idea. Don't focus on how long it's taking you and how badly you're doing... just chill out and enjoy the ride!

If you are hating it, then don't bother spending the time or the money... if you are loving it, keep at it, you'll get there eventually!


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Well i am certainly not hating it, and i definately do love it! :)
Plus i'm gonna do either 20/30 mins in the tunnel at Bedford a week or 2 before the course. Its also in Spain so i wont have to wait weeks in between each jump like i did before, so i'm hoping that will help also

One day i will be an awesome skydiver, i just know it. ;) So ill take the advice of VampireGirl and just enjoy the ride until i get there!

Thank you so much for all of the encouragment, its really helped me a lot. Cheers ;)


Fear Is Weakness Leaving Your Body

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