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And I have these same former AFF students sprouting "45 Degree" rule bullshit to me before they get to 40 jumps. I'd love to catch the fucker teaching that shit.

I wish you would. And when you get through whippin' on him/her, then we will need to send you out on a long trip to find the rest of them, because I know there will be a lot of them left.

Thank you in advance for admonishing even one of them if you find them.

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>Will that BULLSHIT never go away?

You think that's bad? I was once at a DZ in Ireland where the JM told us "winds are really high, so get out immediately after we exit!"

> I'd love to catch the fucker teaching that shit.

Dan BC is one, although I have a feeling you wouldn't pound him . . .

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And I have these same former AFF students sprouting "45 Degree" rule bullshit to me before they get to 40 jumps. I'd love to catch the fucker teaching that shit.>:(

Change the sign in the Porter, so under the separation times, in a 72pt font sits the words "The 45° rule is like pink on a rig. Just Wrong."

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Bill, remember this thread?


Maybe this is a simple way to get newcomers to sit in the door and think, make mental calculations creating separation and later on they will learn another way, a more correct way - who knows? This might be the same as having them count to 7, or 5, just get them to understand the importance of separation, teach em the importance or checking for traffic and the spot, then it all comes together for them one day as they gain more knowledge and experience.

In my original posting in this thread, I tried to make the point about climbing the learning curve, having "forgotten" things about skydiving as we go along. We cannot learn it all at once, or in a matter of 100, 1,000 or even 10,000 jumps - point is we learn as we go and the learning has to start somewhere which leads to the next plateau of understanding which leads to the next and so on. Is there a "best" way? We all seem to believe that ours is the best, including me, hell, especially me… But is there more than one path that leads to the Promised Land? Can any of us claim that at 25 skydives we knew everything there was to know about exit separation? About canopy piloting? About dealing with 2 out or the intricate details of the various types of Horseshoes? If we are honest with ourselves, with few exceptions the truthful answer would invariably be, what?

But we did seem to learn enough at the time to get us to the next plateau, and even if that 45 degree thing was not written in stone by the hand of God, at least it kept us alive until we progressed in our own personal body of understanding and I think that well intentioned skydivers are not going to give a piece of advice to intentionally harm another. I was taught the 45 degree rule by a skydiver that I respect a lot, and he taught me a lot of other things, some of the things he taught me I still hang onto and some go into the list of forgotten - point is he gave me information that kept me alive long enough to be writing this right here, right now...

Personally, I am reflecting on the many moments or self righteous indignation I have displayed inwardly and outwardly at the incompetent teaching methods of another, and I am discovering that I could choose to take on an attitude that looks for the good, looks for the similarities and the opportunity to add to the learning of myself and to the teaching of others not as an ideal of better or worse but more of the idea that we are all on the path of discovery – learning better methods as we progress, helping one another along the way hoping that we all make it to the end of our individual paths skydiving safely, having not been seriously injured of killed while participating in this wonderful activity.

We are all on this journey together and it is possible to make the journey in harmony, united and not divided.

I find myself being humbled further with a little help from my friends.

Thanks everyone…
Mykel AFF-I10
Skydiving Priorities: 1) Open Canopy. 2) Land Safely. 3) Don’t hurt anyone. 4) Repeat…

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> I'd love to catch the fucker teaching that shit.

Dan BC is one, although I have a feeling you wouldn't pound him . . .

No, I wouldn't pound him. (Or create an oportunity to let him pound me. No fight, no lose..)

He stood back to back with Bailey Edmunds against a band of belicous gypsies at the world air games in.. Croatia?
And I was there when he was all fucked up after the Otter crash in Perris with Air moves. I have huge respect for his skill, dedication and commitment, but that's no reason for not learning the truth about how run-ins work.

It's the year of the Pig.

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