
Five "accuracy" landings for A license?? Stand ups only?

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I was hoping to get some clarification please.

I am aware that on my journey to get my A license I need to have 5 jumps within 20 meters of preselected target.

I am reading the two sided proficiency card and it seperately mentions: "demostrate a stand up landing".

Originally my instructor has been telling me the accuracy landings also need to be stand ups.

Which I am aiming for any way, I stand up more than a fall now, but it sounds like I don't need to stand up in the peas for them to count.
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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You have the SIM and what the DZ wants. The SIM wants accuracy. Open up your SIM (you DO have one, right? Since you're a student...) and check to see what it says. The DZ can impose stricker conditions for your A-license then the SIM has for the minimums. That's the DZ's choice. Its not necissarily a bad thing, although sometimes it can be taken to extreme.
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That's the DZ's choice. Its not necissarily a bad thing, although sometimes it can be taken to extreme.

That is a good way of putting it. Like I said I don't mind the harder requirements... I was just wondering what the standard was.
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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Well I sort of blew my accuracy landing on my first solo this past weekend. I landed a whopping 3+ miles from the dz :o

Got out of the plane late after a 4-way in front of me. I opened (partly cloudy weather) and couldn't see distance until 3500 ft. There are big power lines about a mile or so from the dz and I was on the other side of them. I thought I was on the correct side of the power lines! at about 3000 ft and unable to find the dz I decided on a field to land.

This was only my second unassisted flare and my first was about 4 feet too high. So I flared lower this time upon landing in the field. Unfortunately the field was not flat and I landed on an uphill slope so my landing was a bit rough...but nothing to write home about.

I had a two way radio attached so I heard them looking for me. They asked if I was alright and I said "Yes". The then asked if I had any money because they thought it would be easier for me to buy my case of beer on the way back to the dz....lol.

So much for my first solo jump!
Damn, this is fun!

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You only have to stand up one landing. You can stand up a landing w/in 20 meters and count the same landing for two criteria. My girlfriend just went through this, needed to stand up a landing for her A license, then she stood up her 24th landing and was good to go for her checkdive.
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"Within 20 meters" isn't exactly accuracy- its essentially landing on the DZ within your designated landing area. Don't worry about hitting the peas for your A license.

depends on the LZ! My primary training spot was small, surrounded by tarmac. I had it within 10m. Then I visited places where the student area was a crop field 300m square, and the vanpickup at one corner next to a massive structure. Walked a lot further there. Accuracy dropped for a while - 50m like.

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