
Looking for other Arizona skydivers

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Best place to find skydivers to jump with is hanging out at the DZ.


You can try to find someone on here, but schedules, etc...

Just go to the DZ, ask around in the hanger, and see who's around!

Depending where you are at in your progression, you could jump with Flail, do some drill dives with Diverwerks on their mentor weekend, or ask one of the freaks to jump (sorry, dont know who does what in the FF corner ;-) )

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The Divewerkz camps are great, for people of all levels from right off student status to all but the most experienced RW fliers. I highly recommend attending... it's free and they'll teach you a lot. Also, you'll meet a lot of locals that way.

Pay attention to who's organizing, and join them whenever you can. It might be tough for awhile until you get some more experience, but a lot of the time it's the organizer's job to get you on the dive no matter how rookie you are... use those opportunities! As your skills improve (and your face is recognized) you'll get onto dives more easily.

But what was said earlier... "best way is to be there" is really the truth. Get to the DZ as much as possible and you'll work your way in.
"Some people follow their dreams, others hunt them down and beat them mercilessly into submission."

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