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  1. I met with a counselor today and setup another appointment on Friday. It really helped! She advised me to speak with a lawyer but to also not give up just yet. We will see where this goes.
  2. The thought of someone choosing to do such a horrible AND permanent action because that person chose not to be with you "even if they went about it the wrong way" is an absolute assault on our society and those who choose this method should be permanently removed from ALL human contact! Could you imagine looking at your son or daughter after something like that? Next, I have received so many kind words and support from people I do not know these past few days that I am literally in disbelief. You people have been so helpful in building my confidence to reestablish self value. These times are definitely difficult and I truly hope that I can look back at them and say, I handled everything with integrity and righteousness! For the record, I do not hate my wife. I do hope she gets help to give her guidance on handling these destructive patterns. She does have a good heart; she has just made some painful mistakes! The result of course is hurting many people she loves including herself. The reality is her and I will never succeed no matter what were to happen. I have come to terms with this. I will not fight for things! I will not fight for the small amount of money we have in the bank! I will fight for joint custody and appropriate child-support. There are many jobs I can get that will allow me to attend school and pay for my lovely children. I close friend and mentor told me life is not defined by where you have been, are, or will be, it is how the journey is lived. When I die I want my children to know their father was a man of integrity. I do not need to live off the backs of others including my wife! Her money is hers so long as she supplies her financial responsibilities to our children. Thanks again for all the kind words, Dan
  3. This is wild! I am actually happier having posted this because the replies are freaking great. Some supportive others saying it will be ok and you, well pretty much say to reduce her down to burger flipping. I do not care about stuff! It can be replaced with newer stuff. I want my kids to love both my wife and I. As long as we can do this without getting nasty, I will do everything I can. I do not HATE her. It is what it is. I just get stressed out sometimes and I do not want that stress to cause me to act stupid or say something stupid. LostAndCrazy, It sounds like you had a really rough divorce! How long ago was it? Anyways, I really appreciate all the people on here taking time out of their busy day to help me out!
  4. So, I am in need of some support! I am tripping out here. My wife of 7 years "together for 9 years" decided she wanted a divorce on Wednesday. OMG this rips me apart! We have two kids "6yrs. & 2yrs." and I really thought things were going pretty good! So, here is what I know. We had a plan for me to work full time and support the family while she went to school and than when she graduated and got a job she would work while I went to school. It seemed like the perfect plan. She graduated a 1.5 years ago and has been working since. We saved some money with both of us bringing in a full time income. My work of 7 years laid me off in August. I was pretty busted up but I got a good package so I figured it might be a good time for me to start school. The first thing I did was talk to my wife. I asked her feelings about it and we crunched the numbers. She agreed with me that it would be a good thing. So, I signed up for classes and off I was. 3 weeks ago she tells me that she does not like me spending so much time with school and that she wants me to spend more time with her. I told her that I understood and WE came up with a school and study schedule that we both agreed on. Then, on Wednesday I was writing a research paper on health insurance and was stuck. My wife sent me an IM asking how things were. I told her I was stuck and stressed. I told her I was glad to speak with her and that I missed her. She than went into this whole discussion about how this wasn't working! I told her I agreed that I needed to spend more time with her and the kids. Even though I was within the study time we agreed on! I went home and we sat down and started talking. She seemed kind of strange. The next day when she gets home from work she sits down and "THE TALK" happens! She said she just wants to be friends. "HOLY SHIT, I think, not say". How did this happen, I think to myself." I ask her if there is someone else in her life. She said no that she just needs me around more and school just gets in the way. I told her I would take fewer classes next semester but she didn't want to hear it. We agreed we would make this as painless as possible. I told her she could have everything and whatever she didn't want I would take. I told her I would split the costs for our kids "even though I do not work and have no income" to which she said no. That she did not want me to stress about that. I insisted stating that they are my kids as well and I must financially assist as well as be in their lives. She finally agreed. So, she says the reasons she wants a divorce is because she wants a normal family that both parents work and get home around the same time and everyone spends the nights together. She said she knows I am going to school to better myself and the family but she does not want to deal with that right now. I think to myself that I got short changed here! I paid for her to go to school and did the very thing she doesn't want to do. I stayed by her side and constantly told her what she was doing was important and good for her AND the family! She has not done/said any of that and now this! I just don't know what to say! I told her that she is my world and that I would quit school and go back to work full time. She said no because than I will hate her later on for not allowing me to go to school. She said she would hate me if she stayed and I went to school! SUCK!!! Now, in the 9 years we have been together she has full on cheated once "after the first year" and made out with a guy once "last year". I told her this was sudden and it seemed there was someone else. She said no there wasn't! So me being a total fucking loser log into her cell account and find a number sending and receiving text messages and photo messages throughout the night! I am really so fucking stupid? 3 times? Insert fist here!!! So, why am I posting here? Well I need advice and opinions and support. I just do not know what to do. Should I even try to make it work? Even though that is not an option right now I am sure it will come up later. I mean, she has been my best friend for years! I can't sleep because I am used to being with her "I know guys make fun of the bitch guy who likes to be close to his wife." I do not feel like I can do this! I am trying to find help and hope somewhere but so far this hasn't worked. What now?
  5. [email] In general, I agree. However, I disagree that one's reaction upon realizing an imminent collision should be dodging to one side or the other. We teach canopy pilots to make small turns to one side or the oher to avoid last minute obstacles, so you may end up juking left just as the pilot jukes left, too. If you think someeone is going to hit you, drop to the ground in place, brace for impact, and cover your head. Chances are they'll either go around you, or go over you. Leaving your helmet on until you get out of the landing area might be a good idea, too. This can easily be remedied by requiring all jumpers to immediately lay on the ground with their hands over there heads braced for impact until the DZ Gods sound the all clear bell. Never underestimate the value/power of the DZ Gods! It's just not a good idea. Remember your seat cushion can be used as a flotation device. Yep! you're an idiot. nuff said. My response was not to you! Freaking forum yuppy
  6. In general, I agree. However, I disagree that one's reaction upon realizing an imminent collision should be dodging to one side or the other. We teach canopy pilots to make small turns to one side or the oher to avoid last minute obstacles, so you may end up juking left just as the pilot jukes left, too. If you think someeone is going to hit you, drop to the ground in place, brace for impact, and cover your head. Chances are they'll either go around you, or go over you. Leaving your helmet on until you get out of the landing area might be a good idea, too. This can easily be remedied by requiring all jumpers to immediately lay on the ground with their hands over there heads braced for impact until the DZ Gods sound the all clear bell. Never underestimate the value/power of the DZ Gods! It's just not a good idea. Remember your seat cushion can be used as a flotation device.
  7. Are you in AFF? If not, which training method is your DZ using? Also, if this was a tandem, was the instructor letting you fly during freefall and canopy flight? Did you flare on your own?
  8. I do not want to hijack this thread so, please advise me if I should start a new thread regarding the following... I would like to get everyones feedback regarding what power the S&TA should have. Should the S&TA be able to remove jumpers from loads? S&TA be able to require your gear be inspected before jumping? S&TA be able to limit what type of jumps someone can do with the gear they have? Should the S&TA be separated from the DZ "not directly employed by the DZ" so issues are not clouded by profit, the DZO, keeping full loads, and other things that currently might tie the hands of the S&TA position? And what ever questions I should be asking relating to the above topic... P.S. I understand that I am a low/no jump number idiot who should not be allowed to ask or contribute to any thread until I have 5000 jumps and a skydiving puppy. So for all who discredit my questions simply because I have the smallest amount of jumps please just picture for a moment that my number reads 5000+ jumps. If you have a hard time visualizing this, I can put whatever number in my profile you wish
  9. So S& TA's don't get a day off, regardless of where they are jumping? They took the badge and are always obligated to uphold the law? No more personal fun jumps... they must selflessly dedicate themselves to save people too stupid to save themselves. For nothing... for you see, S&TA's DON'T GET PAID, and even better get second guessed by dzo's who don't agree with them. OMG who would want that job? Avgjoe Hook it for safety Hmmm, I guess it would be good practice to re'read my post before hitting the post button. I can see a few mistakes I made. Anyways, I am not saying that S&TA's should NEVER get a day off. I am saying they should have the authority to take action if/when they see fit "no matter what DZ they are from." The way the OP phrased his post was more "should I be able to do something as a S&TA from another dropzone?" The OP saw something that was very dangerous and he took action. How horrible do you think he would have felt if this guy would have gone in or killed someone else and he could have said something that might have prevented the whole thing? I don't think he would say to himself "oh well, this was my fun jump day/day off."
  10. OMG! This is an absolutely insane! Not only do I agree the S&TA should say something "no matter what DZ he is from, as they have a trained eye for things" I think DZ's should have a policy stating S&TA's from ALL DZ's have the authority to pull people off loads if they feel the person's life or the life of another is put in an unneccisaryly higher risk. This should be followed with a meeting with the DZ's actual S&TA. The DZ's S&TA should make the "final" call to allow the jumper in question to proceed on a different load! This would not cost the DZO's very much "just signage and a little extra load on staff" but I believe this could have a huge effect on the number of incidents. The S&TA can not see everything. Having known backups "volanteer basis" would yield more eyes looking out for potential problems. On a side note: I would rather hate someone for grounding me, and be able to come home to my wife and kids than to continue doing something wrong and one day "or later that day" pound in! Or take someone else with me/out. It is easy to say "we need to watch out for each other." It is entirely different to take action and do something about it. With action comes results. If the results do not yield the preferred outcome, we simply take another action and "learn" from the previous action.
  11. Paypal is pretty good but there are other problems with it. I would think the best way is to go through the sellers nearest drop zone. They could run the card and charge a small fee for doing so. This, to me, seems like a pretty safe way.
  12. OMFG
  13. Nothing snotty, just messing around with you. I bet you smiled first before you got upset. If I did upset you with my post please forgive me. I am sure he could be going that fast and even faster with hooking it in. Hope your son sticks to it and gets his A lic. Tell him to keep posting his progress here. I promise to be behaved.
  14. I did the calculations and found this canopy with your body size and makeup + the air density + temp + buildings and cars + type of landing grass + humidity + dew point + every other factor in the entire world and found it to be 207.8759 MPH. This means once you touch the ground you will lose your left shoe first and than evaporate into thin air. Keep in mind I had to make a lot of assumptions LMAO and none of my numbers or factors are anything more than total made up in my head while typing. The real question is, how fast do you want it to go?
  15. Why are you nervous about the instructor letting go? Just remember, the most important position to fall stable is to arch. The harder you arch the more likely you will fall stable. Practice arching as much as you can. I am sure the instructor would not let go of you if he did not feel you could fly stable. PS. One thing that helped me perform my AFF steps correct is saying them out loud during my skydive. It was a verbal way of reminding myself what to do, this included telling myself to arch. Good Luch and don't forget to report back to the forum how it went.