
SIMS typo??

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I recently took a coach course therefore I had to read
the sim pretty much in depth. I stumbled across a statement that was a little confusing. It's in section
5-1, Item I. LOW TURNS #4c. I quote" In case of premature contact with the ground, no matter how hard, keep flying the canopy to reduce further injury." Am I missing something here or is it a typo.
It's on page 104

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I may be wrong, but the tip of your foot (or any part of your body for that manner) touching the ground qualifies as contact. Which is not to say you have safely landed. Letting the handles up at this point could still hurt you. As far as I am concerned, until the canopy is fully collapsed to the ground (especially on a windy day) and under my control, I am not "safely landed". But that is just my mere newbie experience, and more experienced jumpers will chime in I am sure.

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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No typo...now just have to think of a good way to explain this...

There are some instances where you could gain enough lift from your canopy after a hard landing (premature contact) to make it important to keep flying it to make your second contact with the ground soft. If you quit flying it you could end up hitting the ground hard again aggravating injuries from the first impact or creating new ones.
Hope this helps...

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Letting up on the toggles, reaching with an arm, leg, or some other activity could make the impact worse.

You'll usually see the above behaviours if you watch low time jumpers flare.
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Another simple way of putting it is to keep flying your canopy as long as it will allow you to do so. People have been saved serious injury or death by not freezing and still flying what they had left.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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You ever seen anyone frap in due to a low turn? Depending on their forward speed (angle they hit the ground at) a lot of times they will bounce and be popped up again in the air while traveling fairly quickly across the ground. If they don't keep flying their already very serious injuries will be much worst.

Its not a typo, its the seriousness of flying your canopy until your canopy is collapsed on the ground. The understanding of that seriousness has come from the experience of others.
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My question was a genuine one only to realize that
the answers that I rec'd were also very real, the bounce theory( don't like to say the word) made sense. Thanks for your input. It put that verse (sims)
into perspective and God willing will never have to see or experience it.

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It put that verse (sims)
into perspective and God willing will never have to see or experience it.

I'm with you, I hope to god I never have to see another one, as well as you never have to see it either. Not only does it ruin your day, it haunts from then on.[:/]
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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