
You know you're hooked on skydiving when...

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1. You have dreams about it
2. You start to make skydiving related references in regular conversation with non-skydivers (e.g. I'm going to cut away the knot in this bag because I can't undo it)
3. You practice AFF diveflow in random, everyday places (e.g. practicing AFF exit in the opening of an elevator door
4. Scour the internet for and watch skydiving videos on Youtube
5. Look forward to Sundays not for church but for skydiving. It's my religion.
6. Not liking the rain/cloudy days when you once loved it before

I miss my DZ during the week :(

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1. You have dreams about it
2. You start to make skydiving related references in regular conversation with non-skydivers (e.g. I'm going to cut away the knot in this bag because I can't undo it)
3. You practice AFF diveflow in random, everyday places (e.g. practicing AFF exit in the opening of an elevator door
4. Scour the internet for and watch skydiving videos on Youtube
5. Look forward to Sundays not for church but for skydiving. It's my religion.
6. Not liking the rain/cloudy days when you once loved it before

I miss my DZ during the week :(

It should read "you know you are a newbie skydiver if.....

Life is all about ass....either you're kicking it, kissing it, working it off, or trying to get a piece of it.
Muff Brother #4382 Dudeist Skydiver #000

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Wait until you have the malfunction dreams.[:/]

Oh I do love those. I look at it at practice while I sleep.
Life is all about ass....either you're kicking it, kissing it, working it off, or trying to get a piece of it.
Muff Brother #4382 Dudeist Skydiver #000

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1. You have dreams about it
2. You start to make skydiving related references in regular conversation with non-skydivers (e.g. I'm going to cut away the knot in this bag because I can't undo it)
3. You practice AFF diveflow in random, everyday places (e.g. practicing AFF exit in the opening of an elevator door
4. Scour the internet for and watch skydiving videos on Youtube
5. Look forward to Sundays not for church but for skydiving. It's my religion.
6. Not liking the rain/cloudy days when you once loved it before

I miss my DZ during the week :(

It should read "you know you are a newbie skydiver if.....


I thought it was implied , assuming you look at my profile :)

So that means you don't dream about it anymore? Hopefully it's not just a job for you...

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1. You have dreams about it
2. You start to make skydiving related references in regular conversation with non-skydivers (e.g. I'm going to cut away the knot in this bag because I can't undo it)
3. You practice AFF diveflow in random, everyday places (e.g. practicing AFF exit in the opening of an elevator door
4. Scour the internet for and watch skydiving videos on Youtube
5. Look forward to Sundays not for church but for skydiving. It's my religion.
6. Not liking the rain/cloudy days when you once loved it before

I miss my DZ during the week :(

It should read "you know you are a newbie skydiver if.....


I thought it was implied , assuming you look at my profile :)

So that means you don't dream about it anymore? Hopefully it's not just a job for you...

I still dream about it not as much though and I no longer talk about it all of the time or reference it to whuffo's
Life is all about ass....either you're kicking it, kissing it, working it off, or trying to get a piece of it.
Muff Brother #4382 Dudeist Skydiver #000

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I've had the "I'm going to pull a little lower, now I'm running down a dirt road with my PC in my hand" dream. It's embarrassing... :$

Yup, I never actually go in. I always end up on the ground with the pc in my hand thinking oh man I'm gonna get in shit for this one:P
Have you seen my pants?
it"s a rough life, Livin' the dream

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Yup, I never actually go in. I always end up on the ground with the pc in my hand thinking oh man I'm gonna get in shit for this one:P

I've had other amusing skydiving dreams but that one was the worst. I've heard some people have actual going in dreams though.

I've also had the "I'm sit flying in a barn like it's a wind tunnel, even has hay floating around" dream, that was just weird. ;)

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1. You have dreams about it
2. You start to make skydiving related references in regular conversation with non-skydivers (e.g. I'm going to cut away the knot in this bag because I can't undo it)
3. You practice AFF diveflow in random, everyday places (e.g. practicing AFF exit in the opening of an elevator door
4. Scour the internet for and watch skydiving videos on Youtube
5. Look forward to Sundays not for church but for skydiving. It's my religion.
6. Not liking the rain/cloudy days when you once loved it before

I miss my DZ during the week :(


"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
I'm an asshole, and I approve this message

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You wake up one morning and realize:

Your wife is gone and took the kids.
You sold the house and live in a trailer in the Ghetto.
All your credit cards, if you have any left, are maxed out.
Thanksgiving and Christmas are just 2 more week days that you can go to the DZ.
If you own a suit and tie you can’t remember where they are.
You don’t feel comfortable in polite company.

My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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you give one of your three rings as an engagement ring.

you're married to a skydiver.

the only people you know have been jumping for years.

your pets are named after gear parts (freebag, dytter, bellywart, etc).

your kids are named for the boogie they were conceived at (Eloy, Richmond, Freeflywinterfest).

your parents know not to call or come by on the weekend, any holiday, or when the sun is shining.

your car is 15 years old, but you have two new rigs, and you're happy with that.

you miss a weekend at the dz and people call the highway patrol to look for you.

you look at cloud in the sky and wonder what it looks like from the top.

beer is currency.

Jump more, post less!

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So that means you don't dream about it anymore? Hopefully it's not just a job for you...

Due to an injury, I haven't jumped since October. I still have some nice skydiving dreams (in fact, I'd like to have more, please.)B|

:) Best wishes to a speedy recovery! If you want to recount any memorable stories for us I'm sure that'll help you dream at night...

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