
AFF/AFP Training and repeating levels

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Listen to all these guys Jigs. We know you can do it and that you want to do it. ITs not worth it letting it get you down. Take those negative thoughts and use them as fuel to motivate yourself to achieve the goals on your next jump.

We got your back brosef and know you'll be awesome. Relax, breathe, and Jump.....:)
Puttin' some stank on it.

----Hellfish #707----

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If your father has brought up a family that loves him, as is evident, then I would differ on what you percieve weak to be. Of course I don't know your father or your family but I do think It's not easy to keep a family together. As for risk, well, the perception and propensity for risk is very personal. It takes a lot more committment and courage to raise a family and see it through, than it does to Skydive. You think Skydiving is scary, think of the responsibilities that go with bringing up kids. Being a skydiver has little to do with being well rounded and brave. I know Skydivers who are immature, reckless and have a horrible attitude. I wouldn't want to be caught anywhere near them. I also know Skydivers who have amazing character, the kind you can't stop admiring. The major thing that distinguishes the two is that the later are as comfortable with themselves being Skydivers as they are not being so. What you are is not defined by the sport you play. You play a certain sport because of what you are. If you try and flip the equation you'll never be satisfied either with yourself or with what you do. Skydive if you want to do it for your own pleasure. If it makes someone proud as a result, let that be a secondary outcome. There are safer and better ways of proving that you have strength, courage and conviction. Risking your life and well being for it is not the way to do it.

As much as I would love to join others in saying hang in there and you'll make it, I have to differ. Stay with it only if you want to be part of the sport for it's experiences and whatever else it has to offer to you. If you don't se much value in it other than it gives you a certain image to stand by, don't Skydive or you will get hurt and that won't prove any thing.

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don't beat yourself up too much.

I failed a couple levels, hell I failed one level so bad I pretty much thought the "game was over." Thinking back, I remember failing the level where the JM finally lets go(lev 3?). I started potato chipping like crazy and turning at the same time. God, I wish I had video of that, I must've looked hilarious...

The level before that incident I did something similar to you, when it came to pull time I nearly tore my JM's Alti off his wrist. Funny thing is, I went back to pull again and grabbed it AGAIN. Pull harder I told myself, haha, nope...I had found everything OK during the CoA but my hand was just gravitating toward the JM's Alti I suppose...

Again, try not to beat yourself up. Lots of people post about failing levels. The trick, for me at least, was honest to god *relaxation*. It's a whole new feeling when the door opens, you hang your head out for the spot, look back in and your smiling like a 2 year old who just opened all his christmas presents. Remember to relaxe, have fun, and rehearse that dive flow until you can picture yourself executing every move in your mind.

BTW, a bare bones "successful" skydive in my opinion means I jumped, landed, and walked away.
Does whisky count as beer? - Homer
There's no justice like angry mob justice. - Skinner
Be careful. There's a limited future in low pulls - JohnMitchell

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Jumping out of a plane should be something you do because you love it, not because you want to impress anyone or be different than your father. If it's any consolation, just making one tandem jump alone is impressive to most, and sets you apart from the majority of the population.

It seems as though you have given yourself a deadline to complete your AFF. With that August 10 deadline only two weeks away, you are probably putting so much pressure on yourself that it is interfering with your performance. Have you considered getting video of one of your jumps (including the landing)? Video is a very valuable tool as it will help you to see exactly what you are doing.

I understand your frustration. I really struggled to learn, and now I have to work very hard at getting better. But even when I'm not happy with my flying, I'm still having a great time. I've also been on jumps where someone with over 1,000 jumps has screwed everything up and I've done great. We're all human and we all learn different things at different rates. Just because you have to repeat levels does not mean you are a failure. Think of it as a test of your endurance.;)

I wish you luck in whatever you decide.

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Hi Jigs,

I hope you are doing ok. It sounds like you should see a doctor about your tailbone. If it is really bothering you then don't hesitate and have it looked at.

Anyways, I only have one skydive so far and my landing ended up in a corn field. I didn't apply the brakes in time and end up rolling in the dirt pretty hard. This resulted in a sprained ankle. After that I started having doubts about whether I would continue this sport. But in the end I looked back at what I did and realized it was quite an awesome and magical experience. I just need to work on my canopy skills and landing.

I think skydiving has both its emotional highs and lows. All I can suggest is that if you are starting to have serious doubts about skydiving then it is ok to take some time off and think about why you want to do this. Think about what skydiving does for you, does it enrich your life, does it make you a happy person? If the answer is yes then continue after you've taken some time off. Otherwise, move on in your search without feeling as if you have failed.

Be safe and have fun.

"Find your passion, find that thing you love, and, well, get out there and do it" - Jeb Corliss

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Thank you very much everybody for your valuable advice and support. I have no words to express how much it means to me what all of you have said here. I have been reading each of yours messages in details and thinking and re-thinking about it.

I am feeling better now. I was having some fever due to pain OR maybe just due to tensions/concerns. It happens to me some times. I have not been to the dcotor, I guess I don't need to. I am getting better.

About why I do sky diving and I should do it for myself rather then to make somebody proud. I think you guys really have a point in that. I see it. I think I started doing it for the only reason to be something different, brave, Just to make my parents feel proud. I do that all the time. But after doing it and seeing that I was not good at it, challenged me. I love challenges. Not that I still liked the feeling about sky diving, but the challenge thing got me.

I could not accept the fact that I was fearing something so much. But that was overcomed with all the valuable advice I got from you guys that it was normal to fear. But was still not happy about it. The fact that I was not clearing the levels are first attempt was extremely frustrating. I totally understand that its a part of the sport. But there is money invovled. I do not know about all you guys and I do not have details about how all of you performed during AFF training and if you repeated levels. But to me right now, I really get frustrated repeating levels just becuase I have to spend again to clear that level. The day when I can do jumps for 18$ keeps going away and away so much unlike the plan.

I guess I just have to get used to all this. But I can say that I already miss it. I will be jumping as soon as I feel better. I think I should be fine by next to next weekend.

Thanks a lot for all your comments.


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But to me right now, I really get frustrated repeating levels just becuase I have to spend again to clear that level. The day when I can do jumps for 18$ keeps going away and away so much unlike the plan.

dude ! reading your posts, here are a couple of things to keep in mind. Kind of a summary to what everyone has been saying:

A.) FUN: Skydiving is about having fun, so have fun. It's not an exam that you have to pass. Jump, have fun, enjoy your success, learn from your dissappointments and move on.

B.) PATIENCE: Take your progress in small steps and keep it in perspective. You have 11 jumps not 1100. You will fail. Every one of us has in some way or the other. This is a serious sport, not an amusement ride. Like any other sport it'll take time, money, committment and patience to make progress. Some goals you will meet quickly, and for others you will have to cry and crawl.

C.) VALUE: Have the right motives. Whatever they are, you need to be able to justify them TO YOUR SELF ! against the risk you take. Skydiving can be fun and it can also hurt very badly. Be very clear what you want from it and the risk you want to take in return.


But after doing it and seeing that I was not good at it, challenged me. I love challenges. Not that I still liked the feeling about sky diving, but the challenge thing got me.

D.) RISK: Skydiving comes with two types of challenges, skill and risk. Keep in mind it's a package. If you don't like risk, it not worth pursuing it as a challenge. It can hurt or kill you. Be sure that you enjoy risk.When things get shitty make sure you will want to be there to fix it because like it or not, you will be there. You may want a good challenge but be certain you are ok with risk being in the package.

F.) Think of all of the above in your down time, and if you still miss it and want it, get your ass back in the Sky ;)

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Hang in there! :)
I struggled in my AFP levels. Believe me, I know the frustration! But also believe me in this -- it will help you SO MUCH if you stop pressuring yourself!! I was just like you, I would forget the dive plan because I was concentrating too hard on one thing. I also had trouble with turns (to the right, in my case). When I finally relaxed, I did so much better. One big way to help relax is to LOOK and SMILE at your instructor. It really helps! Plant a big, huge smile on your face. Then once you get out the door, let out a huge breath, relax your arms & legs and let the wind blow you into a beautiful arch. B|

Like someone else said, learning isn't easy! And you only get about 40 seconds to try! But when you de-brief, please, please, try not to beat yourself up too much if you don't pass!! That will just make your next jump worse. Just enjoy the skydive!! Like someone else said -- you jumped, you pulled, you landed. Thats a successful skydive!! B| Think how cool it is that you are up there in the sky, soaring with the birds! Be proud of yourself for getting yourself up there and out the door! (Thats more than the majority of the population will ever do!)

One more thing -- what kept me going when it was tough was that I KNEW there would come a time when it would be fun. I knew that because my 2nd tandem was a complete blast. I wasn't nervous, I was totally aware and I had the time of my life. I did AFP cuz I wanted to feel like that over and over again. So when I was struggling, I just thought back to that tandem and how wonderful it felt. I hope you have a jump like that that you can think of. For me, it definitely DID become fun. Right after I started relaxing. ;)

Good luck!
Oh, one more thing -- PLF is your friend! Just like with freefall, landing takes practice. While you are learning, it is easy to hurt yourself. But if you PLF you're much more likely to walk away. I had a nasty landing on level 8 in which I tore my knee. I didn't PLF that one. Months later I landed on the runway and in a bean field. Both of those I walked away from without even a scratch because I PLF'd. Ask your instructors how to do it if they haven't shown you. It works!! I hope your tailbone is okay.
"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
My Jump Site

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Hey Jigs,
Glad to hear you are feeling better both physically and mentally. However, if you have health insurance, it might not be a bad idea to have yourself checked out just to make sure that there was no real damage.

If it makes you feel any better, I also had to question my own motives for skydiving. I started skydiving during a very difficult time in my life. I often asked myself if I was doing it to escape from my problems. The honest answer to that question was yes but the primary reason, always, was that it was fun.

Once I started failing levels, my stubborn nature kicked in and I refused to give up. However, I always did a "fun" check: am I still having fun even though things aren't going perfectly? If not, I went home for the day but I always came back. My whole schedule was blown to pieces by my slow progression. I started in April and expected to jump during the whole summer as a licensed jumper. I did not get that A until September.

You are not alone. I hope that provides some comfort. Try to leave the frustration over paying for the additional AFF jumps in the parking lot. It is possible that this can hinder your ability to relax and focus on your jumps. I also found that I had to leave my pride in the parking lot. Once the pride and frustration was safely stowed in the trunk of my car, I was able to relax. If you do stick it out, I think you will find that it will have all been worthwhile.

Hope this helps!

PS Don't focus too much on transitioning to the $18 jump tickets. Remember that in order to reach that level, you have to drop another little load of money on gear.

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I went yesterday to jump my AFF2 again. I hung out there all day just to watch other people landing. Just wanted to have a feel on what is that they are doing which is so right which maks them land so soft as compared to my hard landings. I still had pains in my butt, so wanted to make sure that I do not land on it this time and make it worse. Looking at like 50 landings before my actual jump made me feel a lot more confortable about my jump.

Talked a lot with my instructor about what I have been doing wrong and discussed it and all way possible to do it right. Finally decided to jump.

This was my first flight when I was not nervous or scared at all. All the time when the flight was getting its altitude, I was totally relaxed. The only time when I felt a little bit fear was when I was just about to jump. Finally jumped. YOOOOOOHOOOOOO

Did COA, Attempted to do practice pull, but will not get my pilot chute handle inspite of trying it so many times on the ground. Stuggled to get the handle but will still not get a hold of it. Finally my instructor helped me get it. I was also moving my hands so fast to search the handle that it was also getting difficult for the instructor to get hold of my hand to help me reach the handle. But finally he helped me reach the handle. OHHHH Finally!!!!

The second practice pull was fine. Did my 90 degree right turn, which was good. Did my 90 degree left turn which had a little problem but it was good. Checked altitude between those turns. Did forward movement for 4 sec which was good according to my instructor, but I didn't feel any forward movement. My instructor told me that I will feel it when he is infront of it in the future levels. Checked altitude and I was like 6000.

Signalled my head for no more manuevers. Waved for pull around 5500. Attemped to reach my pilot chute handle and my GOD, I don't find it again. Once again I was stuggling to find it but i just could not find it. Those 2-3 seconds were BAD. Finally my instructor pulled it for me. OH it felt soooo good to know that I am going to be alive. LOL LOL.

The canopy controlled was GREAT. I think this was my first jump when I finally understood what actualy means by "holding area" I always understood the concept of it on the ground theorically, but when I would be in the air, it would just make NO SENSE at all to me. I would just be confused and would not know what to do. But since I had discussed a lot of things with my instructor on the ground, I think it helped me finally. Normally as soon as I would open , I would hear my instructor talking on the radio givig me instructions to turn right,left and all that stuff to be in the holding area, But in this jump, I just didn't hear him. That really scared me. I thought I will have to manage it myself this time. But I can say I was ready. I know what i was doing this time. I knew what I had to do this time, THE FIRST TIME.

But still I was scared not to hear him on the radio. I even kinda tried to adjust the volume on the riado, just in case. But found that it was already on full. So I just assumed that the radio must have gone dead for some reason and was 1 million times more cautious becuase I was on myself now. When I checked my altitude after open I think I was around 4000 feet. So I holded in my holding area until 100 feet as I was told. I was satisfied and sure about what I was doing and I knew it somewhere in my mind that I was doing it right this time.

Finally at around 1100 feet, I hear my instructors voice on the radio. "OH THE SWEETEST VOICE I HAVE EVER HEARD" I was not even expecting him, but when I heard him, it felp SOOOOOO good. He gave me instructions to land finally. The landing was as usual no as soft as many people I see. But still this was my first landing I kinda landed on my legs as oppsed to my butt. But I was extremely caution not to hit my butt. It would hurt very bad since its still injured. But no problem with the landing. Though it was hard, I walked out HAHA.

In the debrief part, I found out that I have to repeat the level. I kinda knew that already but some part of my mind said that I cleared it, I don't know why. Didn't have any reasoning. But I just want this so bad. This was my first jump in ever when I can honestly say I had fun. I REALLY HAD FUN. FUN FUN FUN FUN.

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DUDE ! CONGRATULATIONS ! ... It doesn't matter if you have to repeat the level again. Just the fact that you got back and enjoyed it is what it's all about. That's the biggest challege of it all. Relax, have fun and you will pull too. According to a research somewhere, a skydiver's anxiety is at it's highest at the time of exit and at pull time. As counter intutive as it may sound,'to relax' is the key.

Good to know that you tried to stand up your landing. Again, it takes a while so don't worry if you roll around in the dirt initially. Ask your instructor how he can help you better time your flare and work with him on it. Again, it's something that will take a couple of jumps. A lot more people than you can imagine have issues with depth perception when it comes to timing their flare. It takes practice.

Understanding canopy control is the most important. A skydive isn't over until you can walk away from it, and you can't walk away until you have landed safely.

Continue to have Fun ! with your jumps, find a way to relax, and you'll make it.

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Jigs, so good to know you are having fun B|

btw re 'not feeling' forward movement - i think it's normal till you get a bit more experience. i had a backsliding issue on one of my AFF jumps - i didn't feel at all like i was moving, and was looking at my instructor thinking "where's he going??" - LOL! it was only when i got the "straighten legs" signal that i realised what was happening :D

and this

but some part of my mind said that I cleared it, I don't know why

was because of this:


I'm betting you now understand why people say that even though you have to repeat a level it can still be a "successful" skydive.

Keep us updated!
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Way to go, Jigs. 99% of your jump was good! You'll get the hang of finding your handle. I bet you know exactly where to place your hand when you are reaching for your wallet--- so no doubt you will get used to where the handle is, too! I'm proud of ya'--- sounds like you were really stable and everything in freefall! YEA JIGS!
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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Congrats jigs!! I'm so happy you finally had some FUN!!! B|

I'm sure you will find the handle soon. But try not to freak out when you don't find it right away. That will just make you more tense/unstable. You were not about to die, you have a lot of time when you're at 5500 ft! ;) Maybe you could practice touching your hackey more on the ground? I'm assuming you do this, but maybe you could do it more when you're on your belly. Like, lay down in your arch with a rig on and then just keep reaching back to find it. One thing I've heard that might help is to touch your strap and follow it back. Or touch your butt and then go up.

Anyway, great that you did better under canopy, too! Try not to freak out, YOU CAN DO IT!! In my training, I was feeling dependent on the radio, so I told them to not use it unless I was about to crash. I found I did much better when I had to depend on myself. I knew where to go and how to fly, I just had to prove it to myself.
On your landings, good that it wasn't too hard. But don't worry about standing them up. It took me till jump 15 or 16 to stand one up. As long as you PLF or slide, you'll just get a little dirty. ;)

Again, congrats on that great jump! I'm sure once you start relaxing more you'll be passing those levels in no time! :)
"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
My Jump Site

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Today I went to my DZ to attempt my 2nd AFF level for the 4th time.

I was pretty confident that I will make it this time. I wanted to make sure that nothing can stop me from clearing this level this time. Have been preparing for this to make sure about it all week. Last time the only mistake I had was not being able to find the pilot chute handle while practice pull and not finding the same while pull, so instrcutor had to pull for me.

So this time I was not much nervous since I was sure I will not mess up in that area this time. Reached the DZ at around 12:30pm. Watched a few loads landing. Watching them really builds my confidence. So I have made it a routine to watch atleast 4-5 laods before I jump.

Finally went for the jump. Jumped out, I felt that I was unstable. But was fine after 2-3 sec. Did my COA. Did practice pulls. But something was not feeling right. Don't know what was going on. But continued to do my turns. But was still not feeling stable, didn't know what was happening. But something did not feel right. All of sudden I see my instructors fingers signally me to "legs in" I did legs in and it felt better. I started my right turn. It didn't seem to be allright. I did left turn. I didn't seem perfect, but still it was OK. Was totally altitude aware while the turns. Checked my altitude and I was very close to 6000. So did not have time to do a forward movement. So moved my head to siganl "no more manuaers". Waved at around 5500. And "PULLED" HAHAHA, I found the pilot chute handle myself this time. Canopy control was awesome. Did everything perfect. But still my instructor helped me after the 1000 feet. Landed a little harder. Tried my bext to do a stand up landing. But somehow at the end i lifted my legs and landed kind of on my butt. thank god it was soft. My butt cannot take any injuries right now. My tail bone is still hurting every time I sit down.

Went in the room for debrief with my instructor. Found out that he let me clear this level. OH MY GOD, I am so happy. I finally made it. Some things in life are just not easy. I have not achieved anything easily in my life. I guess this is another one. But I am glad I am making progress. I am so happy right now. Just after I finished my jump and found out that I have cleared the level, I immediately called my Mom in Belgium. She is the one really supporting me right now in this sport. I would have never made this without her support. She was very happy to know I finally cleared the level. Can't wait to do level 3 soon.

I was so tempted to do my level 3 today itself. But just didn't do it becuase I do not want to put myself in a situatiion which I am really not good at handing. I suck at that. When I jump and if I fail, it really frustrates me very much due to the money factor involved. I was very happy about my jump today and didn't wanted to ruin the happiness incase if I would fail. Will not be able to handle the sitation of spending for 2 jumps on the same day and failing.

But now I am home and I am happy. OH so much happy.

Thanks you very much Damian(my wonderful instructor). Thank you very much everybody. You have really been a great support. There was a phase infact so many times, I almost gave this up. But just becuase of all your support, I am still here and I have started feeling, I CAN DO THIS. I WILL DO THIS.

Love you all.

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I'm totally HAPPY for you, and I know the joy you're feeling right now, 'cos today I passed Level 4--- it took me six tries and over one month, but I finally did it. I also did Level 5. I, too, had thoughts along the way about giving up, but I wanted it too badly to give it much SERIOUS thought.

I say that we toast ourselves tonight, Jigs. CHEERS! GREAT JOB!
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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Conrats Jigs :)
It is good that you have support from your mom. That makes a world of a difference.

Remember, don't put any pressure on yourself to pass a level. Enjoy the skydive for what it is. Skydiving is all about living in the moment.

Be safe and have fun.
"Find your passion, find that thing you love, and, well, get out there and do it" - Jeb Corliss

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Conrats Jigs :)

Remember, don't put any pressure on yourself to pass a level. Enjoy the skydive for what it is. Skydiving is all about living in the moment.

I understood that very hard way. When I started this all I wanted to do is to pass the levels ASAP. I never had fun, only frustrations of failing and repeating. But after lot of fighting with myself in the mind and after a lot of stuggle, I have learnt it the hard way. Finally I have learnt to deal with repeating levels and having fun no matter weather I have passed the level or not.

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Jigs, you seem like a completely different person than before. I'm so happy that you're finally having a good time AND that you passed your AFF2. THATS AWESOME MAN!!

I am so proud of you and I'm sure everyone else is!! You stuck with it man and now you're having the time of your life!!! Keep going bro!! You'll be off AFF in no time, but go at your pace....

"Those that stay will be champions"

Blue Skies

Puttin' some stank on it.

----Hellfish #707----

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Since I started jumping I have not missed a single weekend when I did not jump. I was very excited about sharing my whole experience about sky diving with my parents when they visit me. They visited me since 10th August. Ever since they have visited me this was the 3rd weekend and ever since they are here, for some or the other reaons I have not jumped a single time. THAT SUCKS!!!!!

1st week. Decided to take both my parents to the drop zone. My mom already knew about my sky diving, but my father came to know only after he visited me. So has a long long discusstion with him about sky diving before going to the DZ for the first time. He was very understanding but still he had lots of concerns about my sky diving and he was very scared about the fact of me hurting or something going wrong with me. But he was still proud that I am doing this.

But while we were driving to the DZ, his fear started coming. I could see on his face how scared he was about me jumping. I am myself kinda bit nervous while I am driving to the DZ and over that the sad face of my father was too much for me to handle, It just made it more difficult and scary to me. I could read on his face as if I am going to die or something. I really didn't like the look on his face, but I still understand him. He was just worried. Finally we rached the drop zone only to find rains and clouds. So finally decided to not jump becuase of that. Just after it was decided I am not jumping, I was so relaxed that I don't have to jump. My father had a smile on his face again.

I was vert relaxed that I don't have to jump, but deep down I was very frustrated that the only reason I didn't jump is becuase I was scared. I could have waited, and I am sure I could have jumped. But I chose not to wait becuase I was scared. I was just fooling myself that it was the rains.

2nd Week: Dad decided to stay home. I was fine with that too. As a student, I am really not sure I could deal with my sky diving learning curve and my fathers worries. So I and my father were on the same page about that and he decided to stay home. He was happy that I am not asking him to come with us. I, my mom and my little nephew went to the DZ only to find bad weather again for some time, but decided to wait and finally found that my instructor with whom I have been jumping all the time is not available. I was no way going to jump with any other instructor. Not that I think that other instructors are not equally good or competent, but just the comfort I had developed with my instructor since all these jumps would be different with the other instrcutor. I am not sure if this is just my feeling or everbody feels like that. But finally decided not to jump just becuase my instructor was not available. While I was drivig home again, I was really angry on myself once again becuase I knew deep down these are only fears. The instructor thing was just a reason not to jump again. The feelings how bad I have missed jumping for 2 weeks and I still did not jump due to the stupid fear and making an excuse to myself about the instructor for not jumping. I really could not forgive myself for being scared about this. Waited for 1 whole week again to jump. All week I was upset about not jumping.

3rd week (today) Today, I had decided that no mater what I am jumping. Went with my mom to the DZ. The fear was there. When we reached we found that there were clouds all around. So waited and the clouds cleared. Found out that my instructore was not available again today to jump with me becuase he was flying the plane. But this time, I am not going to let this reason matter. So told the manifest that I will jump with other instructor. Talked with other instructor and was very comfortable with him too. But later found out that the winds are funky, So I had to wiat till they get normal. waited and waited, but winds were still crazy. Was already in my suit but still had to wait. It was almost 2:30pm by this time and I and my mom were starving so decided to get some food. Went and ate lunch and came back within 30 min only to find that the winds were still bad so could not jump. Later there were clouds. After some time there were rains. Was around 5:30pm. Finally left :-(

This was the 3rd week in a row, I went to the DZ and could not jump. OH I miss jumping soooo much right now. I just hope I get to jump soon.

Anybody with similar experiences? Any comments?

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but just the comfort I had developed with my instructor since all these jumps would be different with the other instrcutor. I am not sure if this is just my feeling or everbody feels like that.

MANY of us students feel this way about our instructors. I did, because I could see that my instructor was really becoming familiar with the way I think and the way I learn. Other students might do fine with whatever instructor they are assigned to, but I'm not like "other students" :$, (My instructor can attest to that.) If I'm able to go tomorrow, I will be jumping with a different instructor, but that's only because I've gained a lot more confidence in the past 3 jumps and I don't think I need this particular instructor to "hold my hand" any more. I bet you'll be the same way when your confidence increases.


I could have waited, and I am sure I could have jumped. But I chose not to wait becuase I was scared. I was just fooling myself that it was the rains.

Another common feeling among students. We wanna' jump, we wanna' jump, we wanna' jump--- but when we get to the dz, thank God it's raining! That, too, is just a symptom of a lack of confidence. If you continue with your AFF progression, which i bet you do, the confidence will come. But you also probably felt relieved because your Dad was there. He was making you more nervous than you would've been if you'd gone alone. You probably felt a sort of need to perform well for him. Of course, you felt relieved when that pressure was removed! Parents can do that to a person!! You don't need that added pressure. How old are you, Jigs? (I'm 51, and my 80-something parents still worry about me. There's no way I'd take them to my DZ--- at least not until I had my license!)

We're just students--- having to perform well for anyone but ourselves and our instructors would be quite a psychological burden. You're not ready for that. It's just my opinion, but I think you should go alone from now on so that you can concentrate on your skydiving lesson rather than worry about what your parents are thinking or feeling. :)
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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I have finally come to a point where it does not scare me anymore to jump with different instructors. I would feel totally comfortable with jumping with any of the instructors at my DZ now.

My last 2 jumps were Level 3 jumps. All I had to do was maintain my heading and I could not do that for some or the other reason. First jump, I did not even arch well. So as soon as my instrcutor would attempt to leave me, I would spin, So he grabbed me again and kep showing Arch sign, which I did not get.

Second attempt. I did a wonderful arch. As soon as my instructor would leave me, I world start turning and when I attempted to stop the turn, I would still not stop. My instructor grabbed me again and made me stable and let me go again and I turn again. Tried to stop, but it felt very stiff. I felt lot of air pressure on my arms. So much pressure, that I could not move it enough to turn. Once again my instrucotr grabbed me and I had almost approaced my Pull altitude so did not leave me again. I pulled normal and landed find.

Have anybody had a similar experience? I mean feeling so much pressure on your arms that its hard to move to turn/stop the turn? Was it a real pressure or was it just my mind giving me silly messages? LOL.

I have done 15 jumps now and I am still on my AFF level 3. I love this sport and want to pursue this until I get it right. But the fact is I SUCK AT IT. Are there other people who are as bad as me? Am I the only one? I know all you guys have repeated levels, but here I am talking about 15jumps and still on Level3? Did any of you guys did so bad?


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If you're having fun and have the funds to keep going, don't worry about it. I know of one guy that took 45 jumps to pass AFF...26 just to pass level 3.

I, personally, have failed level 3 three times so far and who knows, there's room for more. It doesn't really matter, though. You will eventually pass. It's not a matter of if, but when.

At this point, it is all mental. Take one deep breath before leaving the aircract. Then in freefall ARCH, LEGS, RELAX, SMILE, and BREATHE.
The dog has learned from experience, which is more than can be said for his owner.

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