
Bitin' it

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Hey all, I just had my 7th jump this Saturday (2 more AFF jumps to graduate), and I did really well on the jump, up until the landing. All previous landings were nice and smooth for me. But this time, I bit it hard. The instructor told me that it wasn't totally my fault, and that my canopy got hit with a "downward draft" when I was about 20 feet off the ground. I was very fortunate to walk away injury free, but it bruised the ego a little bit. Is it inevitable that every skydiver will eat sh*t eventually? And do the falls stop coming with experience?

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Is it inevitable that every skydiver will eat sh*t eventually?

You will, at some point, need to PLF. Learn to do one automatically, and use it often. It can save you from surgery.
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. --Douglas Adams

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I consider myself a reasonably competant but inexperienced canopy pilot.....and have been jumping out here in Zhills for a few days now..

The wind direction combined with the proximity to hangers/buildings has given most some very interesting and challanging landings.....ie 'dumped on the deck'....with the rotors from the buildings...

Far from concerning I have found the experience...very interesting.....requiring alot more concentration than normal.....
Evaluate the landing area with the wind direction and plan WHERE you want to land accordingly so you can avoid/limit such phenomenon......
But always ...always be ready to do that PLF should you need to...( so uncross those legs and just well...be ready !)

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I remember an event where I spent most of my time covered in dust and there were others on crutches 'cos I decided the dust can be washed out but the sprained ankle couldn't. You cannot expect to always stand up your landings, and as said above, PLFs can save you from ambulances.

Be ready to PLF every jump and be pleasantly surprised when you stand it up!

Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Being alive is a special occasion. Avril Sloe

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Be ready to PLF every jump and be pleasantly surprised when you stand it up!

Can I run up and give you a big sloppy kiss?

I too was at an event recently where I was dusty, and 5% of the participants ended up too injured to continue.

I'll take dusty any time.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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>I too was at an event recently where I was dusty, and 5% of the
>participants ended up too injured to continue.

That was strange! Compare it to the recent 108-ways, where there were two malfunctions and no injuries at all. I have to think about what was different.

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Yeah. Kind of a distressing difference, for me at least. I don't mind being dusty.

What can we do about it?

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Skydivers are like motorcyclists: crashing happens eventually. That's why preparation is not really optional.

(And by "crashing" skydivers I don't mean hooking in. (That's not inevitable.) I mean things that are unavoidable if we choose to jump, even in "safe" conditions, such as gusts.)


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With everyone talking about hard landings and all... they should just make a giant sponge square pit, kinda like what begginning skaters do flips on in skateparks and whatnot. and should have one at every dz. that way.. if u crash .. no broken legs. just a wierd idea i just thought of. but i did myself have a pretty hard landing on my first jump.

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