
More Hot Air From Teheran's Supreme Assahollah

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2 hours ago, turtlespeed said:

Well, you know, those silly Jews should just give back that land and just become accustomed to be exiled like they were before.

That would make the Iranians happy.  Right?

Iran is the only country in the world that systematically and consistently threatens the destruction of another country.

Well at least the USA doesn’t threaten, they just go in and fuck it up! Iraq, Libya to name a couple. 

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3 hours ago, turtlespeed said:

Well, you know, those silly Jews should just give back that land and just become accustomed to be exiled like they were before.

That would make the Iranians happy.  Right?

Israel is just a handy scapegoat for the assahollahs, and everyone knows it. IMO most Persians could not care less about the status of Jerusalem.

That said, I find it disturbing that Zionists such as Ben Shapiro refer to the West Bank and other parts of the area as "Judea and Samaria", as if the people living there (Palestinians) don't even exist. I lived in the West Bank for a few months, and found the Palestinians to be nothing like the ways in which they are characterized by the media, whereas the Jewish settlers in the West Bank (the occupation and usurpation of which have long been identified as illegal under international law) have been known to throw rocks at Palestinian children for committing the horrendous crime of walking to school (I personally know some folks who were international eyewitnesses to this. One even got beaned by a rock thrown by a Jewish settler. Yes, they had pictures and video). The Jewish settlers are armed with guns, lots of guns, whereas the Palestinians are forbidden to own firearms. Pretty uneven.

However, it looks like the assahollahs may be on the verge of being toppled at last. Iran may not even be a moslem state afterwards as there has been a quiet revival of pre-islamic spirituality (Zoroastrianism), which supposedly predates even Judaism. It will be interesting to see how it all turns out. A poster which contains a picture of that (dead) douchebag Soleimani on the mosque in Jeru is just another assahollah circle-jerk which won't amount to anything. Israel bombs the crap out of Iranian bases in Syria because they're not stupid and they're not going to let Iran do whatever it wants, unlike some US administrations I could name (pallets of cash, anyone?)

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8 hours ago, turtlespeed said:

Well, you know, those silly Jews should just give back that land and just become accustomed to be exiled like they were before.

That would make the Iranians happy.  Right?

I know this is just a jest but that statement hits on the root of upheaval in that region going back 1000s of years.

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1 hour ago, wolfriverjoe said:

Oh, my fucking God.


Please enlighten us on the "pallets of cash" to IRAN.

Obama Bribed Iran $400 Million

Trump has repeated the lies as recently as December 2018, when he tweeted: “The Democrats and President Obama gave Iran 150 Billion Dollars and got nothing, but they can’t give 5 Billion Dollars for National Security and a Wall?

More trump lies swallowed by his cadre of yes boys.

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On 5/28/2020 at 3:34 AM, Phil1111 said:

Obama Bribed Iran $400 Million

Trump has repeated the lies as recently as December 2018, when he tweeted: “The Democrats and President Obama gave Iran 150 Billion Dollars and got nothing, but they can’t give 5 Billion Dollars for National Security and a Wall?

More trump lies swallowed by his cadre of yes boys.

Yes, pallets of cash. And hostages held by Iran were released. A coincidence, but certainly a convenient one...how does a decades-old dispute in the Hague end at the exact same time that hostages are released? The State Dept admitted it held onto the dough until those people were safely out of the hands of the assahollahs.



On 5/28/2020 at 2:11 AM, wolfriverjoe said:

Oh, my fucking God.


Please enlighten us on the "pallets of cash" to IRAN.





Personally I think we we should have kept Iran's money to make cash payouts to victims of their terrorism such as the State Department hostages from '79 and those who survived the '83 Beirut attack, and the many, many more since then. These would have been poetic justice, but there are ethics rules and laws against that, and a deal's a deal, I guess. In the end, as much as I don't want to admit it, that dough belonged to Iran and not Uncle Sam (John Kerry himself said that at least some of it would end up in the hands of the IRGC, but it appears the Obama administration was willing to accept that). I know the pallets of cash were a good-faith act, but it's just that there's no dealing with the assahollahs that doesn't somehow turn dirty. Ask Oliver North.https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2017/jun/06/karen-handel/Handel-pushes-details-Iran-deal-terror-support/


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2 hours ago, markharju said:

Personally I think we we should have kept Iran's money to make cash payouts to victims of their terrorism such as the State Department hostages from '79 and those who survived the '83 Beirut attack, and the many, many more since then. 

If you're going to go back that far, why not calculate how much we owe Iran as a result of operation Ajax?


Not only is it worse than anything they've done to us, everything that's happened since stems from it.

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4 hours ago, jakee said:

If you're going to go back that far, why not calculate how much we owe Iran as a result of operation Ajax?


Not only is it worse than anything they've done to us, everything that's happened since stems from it.


Seems as if the Saudi's get a walk for Sept. 11 Don't hear Mark mention them. I guess the swords, white leopard skins, etc. that trump got as gifts make up for that.

Kim gets his nuclear weapons, ICBM's gets to threaten America....crickets.

Putin attacks American elections....quiet applause.

What about those Japanese, surely two nuclear bombings was hardly enough punishment for Dec. 7.

Don't forget the UK, and their uppity Queen. They tried to crush American independence. The UK never paid reparations for the 4,000 US POW's killed on British ships.


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