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Settle down, I know you are still emotionally scarred from the election results, so I will cut you some slack. I sourced every single claim, just because you don't like it doesn't make it not so. Your failure to understand basic economic terms reflects poorly on you not me.

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Getting back to the topic of the OP, Rex Tillerson's Senate hearing is scheduled on the same day as Trump's news conference. Democrats go glug glug glug as Trump sucks up all of the oxygen and dominates the news cycle.

Looks like I was right. MSNBC is stuck on outrage after the Trump press conference. I had to turn to CNN for Tillerson's confirmation coverage.

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***> I sourced every single claim . . .

. . . right before you backpedaled away from them.

But by all means keep digging; I am enjoying this.

No I reinforced and expanded on them, as Kallend would say, "you are having some reading comprehension problems today."

While you are having an honesty problem. You have not sourced, reinforced or expanded, in any way at all, on your claim that Obama's recovery was the most anemic, even though this was your main point.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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***> I sourced every single claim . . .

. . . right before you backpedaled away from them.

But by all means keep digging; I am enjoying this.

No I reinforced and expanded on them, as Kallend would say, "you are having some reading comprehension problems today."


You remind me of the guy in black.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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"In terms of average annual growth, the pace of this expansion has been by far the weakest of any since 1949. (And for which we have quarterly data.) The economy has grown at a 2.1% annual rate since the U.S. recovery began in mid-2009, according to gross-domestic-product data the Commerce Department released Friday."

Just what part of "the pace of expansion has been by far the weakest of any since 1949" do you guys not get?


Sorry for no clicky, iPad acting up

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>Yup, sound science like:
>Vaccines cause Autism.

And LED light bulbs cause cancer. It's the best science, the best.

Hey guys, the anti-Vaccination crowd are largely lefties. Apparently you are unaware that RFK jr. is one of yours. But by all means, keep digging :ph34r:

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***>Yup, sound science like:
>Vaccines cause Autism.

And LED light bulbs cause cancer. It's the best science, the best.

Hey guys, the anti-Vaccination crowd are largely lefties. Apparently you are unaware that RFK jr. is one of yours. But by all means, keep digging :ph34r:

Ah yes, but unlike those on the right, we are able to disagree with people with similar political leanings.

When you disagree with that party line: you are so low energy. SAD!

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>Yup, sound science like:
>Vaccines cause Autism.

And LED light bulbs cause cancer. It's the best science, the best.

Okay, it's not the LEDs per se, but the "square wave light" being admitted by them.

Come on now, get with the program.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Hey guys, the anti-Vaccination crowd are largely lefties. Apparently you are unaware that RFK jr. is one of yours. But by all means, keep digging :ph34r:

God you're dishonest. I've known some slippery bastards in my time but you really go the extra mile don't you?

The guy you just said would usher in "a new era of transparency based on sound science" has appointed a well know anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist to oversee a new vaccine commission because he himself is an anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist (just one of several conspiracy theories he believes in).

Pointing out that there are anti-science guys on both sides doesn't make your guy any less anti science, or the idea that he will make decisions based on sound science any less laughable.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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***>Yup, sound science like:
>Vaccines cause Autism.

And LED light bulbs cause cancer. It's the best science, the best.

Okay, it's not the LEDs per se, but the "square wave light" being admitted by them.

Come on now, get with the program.

Hey I'm down with LEDs! I am replacing all of the halogen bulbs in my house with LEDs as the halogens burn out. LEDs are great CFLs on the other hand are garbage.

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***Hey guys, the anti-Vaccination crowd are largely lefties. Apparently you are unaware that RFK jr. is one of yours. But by all means, keep digging :ph34r:

God you're dishonest. I've known some slippery bastards in my time but you really go the extra mile don't you?

The guy you just said would usher in "a new era of transparency based on sound science" has appointed a well know anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist to oversee a new vaccine commission because he himself is an anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist (just one of several conspiracy theories he believes in).

Pointing out that there are anti-science guys on both sides doesn't make your guy any less anti science, or the idea that he will make decisions based on sound science any less laughable.

Simmer down now..... my post was regarding the EPA not NIH here is more of the article for additional context:
"Millions of hard-working Americans rely on affordable energy to make ends meet. However, it’s no secret that the president’s so-called Clean Power Plan, the cornerstone of the Obama administration’s climate change policy, could cost up to $292 billion. The so-called Clean Power Plan would actually have no meaningful impact on our environment and only end up reducing global temperatures by three one-hundredths of a degree Celsius. This burdensome regulation would also only lower sea level rise by the thickness of three sheets of paper.

As America looks forward to a new age of cutting red tape, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt’s appointment as EPA administrator is a welcome response to the Obama administration’s legacy of overregulation. Mr. Pruitt has been a leading proponent for inviting local governments, stakeholders and industry leaders to have a seat at the table to help decide what measures and rules work best for them. While he acknowledges the need for the EPA, he sees the truth that the current administration has devotedly ignored: the EPA was never intended to be an advocate of extreme environmental regulations that serve no purpose and are costly and burdensome."

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******Hey guys, the anti-Vaccination crowd are largely lefties. Apparently you are unaware that RFK jr. is one of yours. But by all means, keep digging :ph34r:

God you're dishonest. I've known some slippery bastards in my time but you really go the extra mile don't you?

The guy you just said would usher in "a new era of transparency based on sound science" has appointed a well know anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist to oversee a new vaccine commission because he himself is an anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist (just one of several conspiracy theories he believes in).

Pointing out that there are anti-science guys on both sides doesn't make your guy any less anti science, or the idea that he will make decisions based on sound science any less laughable.

Simmer down now..... my post was regarding the EPA


Seriously, if you think the guy who believes conspiracy theories and appoints anti-science whack-jobs in one area is going to allow his policy to be led by good science over ideology in another area then I simply don't understand the world you are living in.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I simply don't understand the world you are living in.

You don't understand? ...that is an understatement. Well, allow me to clue you in, Snowflake. It is what I like to call the "real world," and yes, blinders not withstanding, you are living in it too.

Oh BTW moderators, Snowflake is not a pejorative; it means unique, special and precious.

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