
More hoodrats lining up to clean out the gene pool

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Just five miles from the site where Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, Missouri, another young, black teen was shot and killed by police late Tuesday night.

Demonstrations and angry clashes between police and protesters erupted overnight as the community reacted to another death of a young, black teen at the hands of police. The St. Louis County Police confirmed the death, saying the teen had pulled a gun on an officer from the city of Berkeley and that “fearing for his life” he had “fired several shots.” According to police, a handgun was recovered at the scene.

Berkeley is just two miles from Ferguson; this is the third police shooting death of a young black teen in less than six months. A second teen, also armed, was shot and killed in the Shaw neighborhood of St. Louis by an off-duty police officer in October. The latest shooting comes just as many have called on the anti-police brutality protests to halt in the wake of the deaths of two New York City police officers who were killed by a man allegedly outraged by the deaths of Brown and others.

Police reported early Wednesday that the officer had fired three shots and that one had struck the victim; the gun recovered was a 9 mm and had five shots in the chamber. At this time, they don’t believe the suspect fired his weapon. The officer was responding to a robbery call when he approached two young people, one of whom was the victim. The second fled the site.

There is camera footage of the shooting from the gas station, which police released on Youtube; it shows the young man – quite far from the camera – raising his arm, but the gun police say he held is not clearly visible. The officer was not wearing his department-issued body camera at the time of the incident, officials said on Wednesday, and the dash cam – activated by police car lights – was also not on.

Around 200 protesters gathered near the site of the shooting – a Mobile gas station – and clashed with police as the victim’s body lay covered on the ground. A police car’s windows were smashed, officials said, and bricks were thrown at police. Three explosive devices were also ignited during the protests, with one starting a small fire and another injuring an officer trying to flee from the explosion.

Police didn’t identify the victim.

She said the teen had turned 18 in September and used to attend Jennings High School nearby.

In August, the shooting of Michael Brown – who was unarmed – kicked off turbulent protests that were aggressively suppressed by police who fired off tear gas and arrested hundreds. Since then, Brown’s death – and the deaths of other black men who have lost lives at the hands of police – has become a rallying point for demonstrations around the nation, attracting thousands in New York, California, Washington, D.C., Missouri, and more.

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the gun recovered was a 9 mm and had five shots in the chamber.


I heard this on the radio this morning, and thought I hadn't heard correctly.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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/edited because my phone apparently ate my post... weird

I suppose if it were a 9mm revolver it would be a slightly less ridiculous thing to say (though still not the best way to say it.)

Not much to go on yet regarding what actually happened, but throwing bricks and molotovs at police while the scene is still under investigation is generally not helpful.

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***the gun recovered was a 9 mm and had five shots in the chamber.


I heard this on the radio this morning, and thought I hadn't heard correctly.

That's one helluva misfeed, especially for a 9mm.
If you can't convince them, keep them confused.

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No, I am just getting tired of only white people being called racists...over and over again. Meanwhile HOODRATS can try to kill any white people they see and I'm the fucking racist for pointing it out.

Side note: a "hoodrat" is probably more specific of a term than you intend. (ref: 2 Live Crew - Hoochie Mama)

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***No, I am just getting tired of only white people being called racists...over and over again. Meanwhile HOODRATS can try to kill any white people they see and I'm the fucking racist for pointing it out.

Side note: a "hoodrat" is probably more specific of a term than you intend. (ref: 2 Live Crew - Hoochie Mama)

Seems the most common usage means "promiscuous female", (to put it politely): http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Hood+Rat
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Racism: The belief that a race is, by virtue of its genetics, inferior to another, and a member of that race cannot change the view of the racist. This doesn't mean that the racist is necessarily cruel, but simply cannot see a person of the "other" race as an equal.

Prejudice: Literally, pre-judging. Taking the measure of another without complete information. The opinion of the person who has pre-judged can be changed with additional information. Often the pre-judging is based on prior experience or the experiences of others.

Bigot: "A person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions." In other words, someone who doesn't like a person because of their thoughts.

Now, can we please start using the right words at the right times? Very little of what is, in the popular discussion, called "racist" is actually racist.

Eh, I think you're being too technical. For example, a fucking asshole can technically be defined as sexual intercourse with the anal orifice of an Equus Asinus.
And yet, when spoken, people generally have no trouble understanding what it means.

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That's what I was getting at, yes.

On the bright side it does make this thread title awesomely bad. Rivaling the "riots over a shoting" one. "Lining up hood rats" means something very different from what regulator probably pictured. :D

Anyway, back to snowshoeing in RMNP.

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What's the one thing that all these shot-dead black men have in common? They were all assaulting armed cops. I would think they would get the message that such behavior is not a good idea.

Isn't it funny how this thread so quickly deteriorated into calling the original messenger a racist? People seem to be more concerned about that, then the dead black man, or the cop who was attacked.

As for "5 rounds in the chamber", yeah, that's not possible. A chamber only holds 1 round at a time. There might have been 5 in the magazine, or maybe 1 in the chamber and four in the magazine. But nope, you can't have 5 in the chamber.

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They were all assaulting armed cops.

The definition of "assaulting" seems to vary from cop to cop; that's one of the problems. Police spent 20 minutes or more talking with a middle-aged white guy brandishing a shotgun in their faces in Detroit recently; they spend under a minute yelling at a 12-year-old black kid before shooting him. No, they didn't know the gun was fake, that's why I'm not including that in the evaluation.

Being black shouldn't change the perception of danger. It really shouldn't.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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