
Good for the ACLU

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>Six... Six threads at once. ah. ah. ah.

You may be thinking of Count von Count from Sesame Street. He loves to count.

Indeed... Sesame Street reference fail.

I could edit it to fix it, but I'll just own it instead.

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They'll be lucky not to get tossed at the first turn.

They have to prove standing. How do you do that when you don't have access to the details?

Then they have to get past secrecy. I give them approximately a 0.000% chance on that.

ETA: it's really sad seeing potus in the "then and now" video bits from the fox news types. Obama candidate debating Obama president.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Credit where credit is due, you beat me to the standing issue. Mea culpa, counselor.

Redeeming moment:
I think I may have gotten through to some of the "if you have nothing to hide" types. Remember when the feds were wiretapping and infiltrating the undesirables and outspoken critics? Weren't there cases specifically documenting the right of folks to communicate and exercise first amendment rights without being monitored for who they were talking to and where they were? That made a dent in their willful blindness.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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The downside - they will have to likely show 'harm' of some kind, but cannot because everything is secret..... You cannot tell or find out what the secret laws are, what the secret wire-tapping is, what the secret phone logs are, so you cannot request whether or not you have been 'tracked' because it's a secret.

America looks a lot like Czechoslovakia in the early 60's. Slowly taking it all away.

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My letter to Congress yesterday....did you write yours?

June 14, 2013
Congressman Gus Bilirakis
5901 Argerian Drive, Suite 102
Wesley Chapel, FL 33545-4220

Dear Congressman:

I am pretty shocked at the revelations of the extent of the NSA and Intelligence community surveillance industry here in the USA.

Bottom line, people do not trust the government to run such secret programs. If the Congressional approval rating was above 50%, then it (almost) might be justified, but sadly, your approval ratings are at all time lows, about 10%.

What that means is we do not trust you. We do not trust you to keep secrets, run secret programs, monitor the American people en masse and conduct such blatant violations of the Constitution.

The cost is secret, the programs are secret, the laws are secret, the courts are secret, the surveillance is secret, and that puts us closer to a totalitarian police state, much like Eastern Europe through the 50’s and 60’s. This is how it starts.

If you want to earn the trust and respect of the American people, then you have to actually EARN it. And one of the steps is to reel in these programs, defund the outside agencies that have made ‘spying on Americans’ a for-profit business with pretty much ZERO accountability to the American people, and put a stop to the nonsense and outright Constitutional violations.

The only reason that the government can justify these intrusions into our lives as ‘legal’ is through the passage of really bad laws that make them ‘legal’. You have voted many times on bills to repeal the ACA, but I do not see any work on repealing the Patriot Act. It has no place in our society, certainly not 10-12 years after it was implemented.

Stop the surveillance programs. Run the requests through the regular federal court systems and stop the secrecy. It will be the undoing of this country.

David Hayes
Zephyrhills, FL
.cc US Senators Bill Nelson & Marco Rubio

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