
Alex Jones Shows Off His Newest Tin-Foil Fashion

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for your argument that this level of weather control is in fact possible (I trust I'm correctly assessing that as your position?

You are incorrect, My position is that it is not necessarily impossible. And stating that it is impossible is moronic and naive.

It may be impossible but that is undetermined.

Do you understand Agnosticism? it does not necessarily relate to religion.


agnosticism: an intellectual doctrine or attitude affirming the uncertainty of all claims to ultimate knowledge.

If you understand agnosticism you will understand my argument.

I don't believe one person that has replied so far has shown they actually understand what they are arguing against.

That is the problem here.

Weather warfare may be impossible having ultimate knowledge. Unfortunately nobody has that. Neither do they know everything that is happening in this world.

I am happy knowing that it may or may not be possible, the ones that claim it is impossible are the ones that have the burden of explanation.

This is the hard part of the argument for those that somehow conclude it is in fact impossible.

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I'm immediately reminded of something my first year philosophy lecture said - "It's impossible for me to know that the lectern I'm leaning against is actually there at all. However, I'm not about to second guess myself every time I go to put my weight on it". I'm paraphrasing a bit, it was some time ago.

Bottom line, I get your position. My response is that it's a childish get-out-of-jail-free card the second anyone questions you. Grow up.
You are playing chicken with a planet - you can't dodge and planets don't blink. Act accordingly.

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Bottom line, I get your position. My response is that it's a childish get-out-of-jail-free card the second anyone questions you. Grow up.

So, you don't get it, but you want to say you do.

I have no claim to ultimate knowledge. There is nothing more respectful than that.

Your attempt to spin has failed.

Not one person has explained how it is impossible.

One thing I know that is impossible, is ultimate knowledge.

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You are incorrect, My position is that it is not necessarily impossible.

Stop being a weasel and stand by what you've written.

You came into this thread objecting to people calling Alex Jones a conspiracy theorist for stating that they do exist and are being used and you later stated that it would be naive to think that the technology had not been developed.

Pretending that all you ever meant was that it cannot be conclusively proven that it isn't thoretically possible is transparent ass-covering bullshit.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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You came into this thread objecting to people calling Alex Jones a conspiracy theorist for stating that they do exist and are being used

Weather weapons do exist and have been used, the tornado thing I am not so sure about.

I came into the thread arguing that Quade was incorrect in claiming it is moronic to believe this could be possible.

Even Alex Jones did not say that the tornadoes were man made, just that they could be or that they would likely be if there were aircraft buzzing the thing during formation.

The only concrete standpoint in this debate is from the douche bags that somehow claim it is is impossible.

It is not ass covering bullshit, I have had the same stance from the beginning. It has just been mis-interpreted buy short sighted dickheads.

Please quote where you suggest I said the tornadoes were man made.

Or explain how you have the expertise or information to suggest weather warefare of this nature is certainly impossible.

If you cannot do either of these things, you have no argument.

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Even Alex Jones did not say that the tornadoes were man made, just that they could be or that they would likely be.

And that's why he's a conspiracy theorist tin-foil hat wearing moron. And arguing that it's impossible to say that man-made tornadoes are impossible is not a defence against that.


It is not ass covering bullshit, I have had the same stance from the beginning. Please quote where you suggest I said the tornadoes were man made.

Please quote where I said you said this tornado was man-made?

You did say that it is naive to think the technology hadn't been developed and that it was a small step from cloud seeding to tornado creation. And that's why your current "I'm just an agnostic bro that's all I'm saying" act is bullshit.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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And that's why he's a conspiracy theorist tin-foil hat wearing moron. And arguing that it's impossible to say that man-made tornadoes are impossible is not a defence against that.

When you use the assumption that they are impossible to base your judgement, it most certainly is.


You did say that it is naive to think the technology hadn't been developed and that it was a small step from cloud seeding to tornado creation. And that's why your current "I'm just an agnostic bro that's all I'm saying" act is bullshit.

I said there was not too much of a progressive step from making devastating rain storms in the dry season in the tropics, to intensifying (not creating) an already naturally occurring tornado storm in a tornado prone region.

You are spinning the story.

Once again I never said this was fact, just that I think it is likely this technology has been advanced, like all technology, over the past 50 years.

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I meant specifically on the topic of element number nine.

I confess to not paying much attention to conspiracy theories. What is so special about fluorine?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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When you use the assumption that they are impossible to base your judgement, it most certainly is.

Nonsense. Even if you believe that one cannot know that anything is impossible, a statement that the technology does exist and is being used by a government against its own citizens with absolutely no supporting evidence whatsoever is tin-foil hatted conspiracy theorist blathering.


I said there was not too much of a progressive step from making devastating rain storms in the dry season in the tropics, to intensifying (not creating) an already naturally occurring tornado storm in a tornado prone region.

You lose.

"There is not much of a progressive step between creating massive fatal rain storms in the dry season and creating tornadoes in tornado prone places... if you ask me. "


Once again I never said this was fact, just that I think it is likely this technology has been advanced, like all technology, over the past 50 years.

Oh really? I thought that this "My position is that it is not necessarily impossible" was all you were saying?

Spinning, dancing, choose your own word for it:D
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I confess to not paying much attention to conspiracy theories. What is so special about fluorine?

It's the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids. It's why I only drink grain alcohol and rainwater.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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***I confess to not paying much attention to conspiracy theories. What is so special about fluorine?

It's the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids. It's why I only drink grain alcohol and rainwater.

Oh, thank you General Ripper.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Nothing soecial about it. (Might define the people as special, but thats another issue) I'm just fed up with that particular bit of idiocy at the moment. I've had more than my fill.

The dumbest one I can think of is "water memory". Yeah, water remembers that it had onion years ago, but forgets all the fecal matter. OK. :S

witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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The tin foil hat card is usually pulled out by those that freak out about something they do not wish to understand and are looking for others to assure them.

Really? I'm a meteorologist and think I understand this more than most, and I think this asshole deserves a tinfoil hat the size of the luxor. So, I'm going to have to veto you on this one.
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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I have not said once that 'I know' it is possible to create a tornado.

I have simply said is naive to suggest it is impossible.

This my own agnostic standpoint and it is something I am comfortable with. Nothing any of you have said suggests otherwise.

I do not see how this can be looked at from an agnostic approach. One of the reasons people are agnostic is because there is not enough evidence to prove or disprove something. I think there is enough science behind this to disprove it-- no great wonder left to ponder and be agnostic over. This is not an argument that will come down to "my faith," when I can't prove something.

Weather people are still trying to understand these storms up, down, and all around. If we had the ability to create a large and deadly tornado, don't you think we would have the science down to also forecast these things with 100% certainty in all areas, IE: point of touch down, width, strength, exactly direction, long tracked, short tracked, etc, etc. Don't get me wrong, we've come a long way, but we are far from getting it so well that we nail each forecast even down to the smallest detail of the storm. I'm pretty sure if we had the ability to create it, then we'd understand it so well that it could be forecasted for with 100% certainty.

Do you know how much energy and what precise elements have to be present for a favorable environment, even for small tornado development? Hell, even just for embedded mesocyclones?
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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Nonsense. Even if you believe that one cannot know that anything is impossible, a statement that the technology does exist and is being used by a government against its own citizens with absolutely no supporting evidence whatsoever is tin-foil hatted conspiracy theorist blathering.

I see you did not paste the part where I said that.

They used it against Vietnamese citizens though, and most probably US citizens as well.

Do you know about geo-engineering? Do you think that is being done or is that just tin foil hat stuff too?


You lose.

"There is not much of a progressive step between creating massive fatal rain storms in the dry season and creating tornadoes in tornado prone places... if you ask me. "

touche, but that statement does not say anything is fact, just that it does not seem like much of a progressive step. I don't imagine them conjuring a tornado at will when they want, I see them making an already present low pressure system more intense with outside influence.

If the possibility of that seems ludicrous to you, then I guess you and I think quite differently.


"My position is that it is not necessarily impossible"



I never said this was fact, just that I think it is likely this technology has been advanced, like all technology, over the past 50 years"

These are still the same position.

Are you stupid?

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I do not see how this can be looked at from an agnostic approach. One of the reasons people are agnostic is because there is not enough evidence to prove or disprove something. I think there is enough science behind this to disprove it-- no great wonder left to ponder and be agnostic over.

What science? Are you saying it is absolutely certain that weather cannot be manipulated?

if cloud seeding is happening and has been happening for 50 years. how can you say that and where is the line drawn as to what is possible and what s not.

People have some foolish ideas that life is as clear cut as we a lead to believe. Christians, Muslims and atheists for a prime example.

All fools in their on right, agnosticism relates to everything, science included.


Weather people are still trying to understand these storms up, down, and all around. If we had the ability to create a large and deadly tornado, don't you think we would have the science down to also forecast these things with 100% certainty in all areas, IE: point of touch down, width, strength, exactly direction, long tracked, short tracked, etc, etc.

No but when these do happen we have all the information on these things. A storm that may not have formed a tornado could be intensified....

I actually track storms for a week before they happen, the forecasts change obviously and no forecast is exactly precise but I book my time off days in advance using forecast as and they are most often correct within a few days. How perfect do you want them to be?

Nature has all the energy needed to create anything and everything...

This is akin to creating earthquakes with fracking etc... the energy is already there.

If your forecasts are no good, try this website, works well for me for precipitation anyway.


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Basic science eludes some people, yet those same people will believe any total bullshit myth because, "anything is possible."

True in many cases. OTOH, some attackers do not understand the difference between believing something and acknowledging the possibility of it.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Nonsense. Even if you believe that one cannot know that anything is impossible, a statement that the technology does exist and is being used by a government against its own citizens with absolutely no supporting evidence whatsoever is tin-foil hatted conspiracy theorist blathering.

I see you did not paste the part where I said that.

Alex Jones said that. You could at least try to keep up.


They used it against Vietnamese citizens though, and most probably US citizens as well.

Creating tornadoes? Nope.


I don't imagine them conjuring a tornado at will when they want, I see them making an already present low pressure system more intense with outside influence.



If the possibility of that seems ludicrous to you, then I guess you and I think quite differently.

That is not in doubt.



"My position is that it is not necessarily impossible"


***I never said this was fact, just that I think it is likely this technology has been advanced, like all technology, over the past 50 years"

These are still the same position.

No, they aren't. Not even close. "Likely" is a strongly qualitatively different statement to "not neccessarily impossible".

Is english your first language?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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What science? Are you saying it is absolutely certain that weather cannot be manipulated?

Weather is a very broad term-- I thought we were specifically talking about tornadoes; large and violent ones at that. Without large scale changes/manipulation, IE: 0-6km bulk shear changes, temp/dewpoint changes, LCL changes, energy/helicity changes, jet core strength/location changes, freezing level changes, stability (or rather instability in this case) changes. And all of these have to be done on a large synoptic scale. Scientifically speaking, I believe it is not possible to simply alter things of this nature. Especially not by something as simple as "aircraft buzzing around a storm."


No but when these do happen we have all the information on these things. A storm that may not have formed a tornado could be intensified....

And how does that storm get intensified? Can you even explain the meteorology behind it now, let alone what a human would have to do to intensify it?


How perfect do you want them to be?

When we get death tolls as low as Moore, OK, that is pretty good. Zero deaths would obviously be better and the ultimate goal of forecasting for the NWS.
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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***Basic science eludes some people, yet those same people will believe any total bullshit myth because, "anything is possible."

True in many cases. OTOH, some attackers do not understand the difference between believing something and acknowledging the possibility of it.

I acknowledge the possibility that every molecule of oxygen in your home will diffuse to a room that is unoccupied, leaving the occupants of the other rooms to suffocate.

The probability of this is quite low, however, so you needn't worry too much. I don't believe it will happen.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Well done professor. Well done.

I just had the joy of describing diffusion and osmosis, and then trying for ten minutes to convince an idiot that no, they are not the same thing. I had to settle for "write what you want, I tried. If you want to fail that's your problem."
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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