
All Your Kids Belong to Us

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Was that a spoof?
Had to be.

Nope, it's a promo. Many on the extreme left think this way. Remember "you didn't build that"? How about "It takes a village"?

I remember "you didn't build that" - the whole speech. The fact that the article rehashed a tired and hugely out of context meme removed all credibility for me.
You are playing chicken with a planet - you can't dodge and planets don't blink. Act accordingly.

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Was that a spoof?
Had to be.

Nope, it's a promo. Many on the extreme left think this way. Remember "you didn't build that"? How about "It takes a village"?

I remember "you didn't build that" - the whole speech. The fact that the article rehashed a tired and hugely out of context meme removed all credibility for me.

frankly this is exactly how many school boards here in Ontario and possibly canada now think. That's why a school board can have a father arrested and strip-searched, his pregnant wife separated from her children and questioned while individually interrogating all the siblings because a 4 year old drew a picture of her father fighting off bad guys with a pink nerf gun, and then say they were justified because they 'co-parent' the kids...
If some old guy can do it then obviously it can't be very extreme. Otherwise he'd already be dead.
Bruce McConkey 'I thought we were gonna die, and I couldn't think of anyone

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That's pretty messed up stuff, I'll agree. The flipside of that - and I'm purely playing devil's advocate here - is there does seem to be an increasing trend of parents who expect the schools to teach their children a whole lot of shit they should have been taught at home long before hand. [:/]

You are playing chicken with a planet - you can't dodge and planets don't blink. Act accordingly.

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Out of all the wing nut ideas on why guns are needed, you come up with Melissa Harris-Perry? you need to cut back on the fluoridated water.

Just adding one more reason the the already long list. Some of us don't like having the government and do-gooder left wingers telling us how we need to run our lives. So sit back and have another toke of hope and change.

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Didn't children get raised by the community in the olden days. Why is this any different?

What is this olden days you speak of?

Before the year 1900.

Back then, people actually took responsibility for their actions and didn't rely as much on the government to raise their kids. Back then there was such a thing as humility for irresponsible behavior. Back then, others helped parents look out for their kids because they wanted to and accepted it as their social responsibility. They didn't need a government agency to force responsibity on them or a lawsuit insane society ready to sue because they got involved.

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Out of all the wing nut ideas on why guns are needed, you come up with Melissa Harris-Perry? you need to cut back on the fluoridated water.

Just adding one more reason the the already long list. Some of us don't like having the government and do-gooder left wingers telling us how we need to run our lives. So sit back and have another toke of hope and change.

I take it you are pro-choice, then.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Out of all the wing nut ideas on why guns are needed, you come up with Melissa Harris-Perry? you need to cut back on the fluoridated water.

Just adding one more reason the the already long list. Some of us don't like having the government and do-gooder left wingers telling us how we need to run our lives. So sit back and have another toke of hope and change.

I take it you are pro-choice, then.

Yes, even though I consider abortion a poor choice.

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Since when have children ever been someone else's property? Children are a gift of life to the parents and it is the parent's responsibility to nurture these children in loving homes, teaching their children morals and ethics where one day these children will grow into self sufficient caring adults themselves, and the cycle continues. But children are not the property of the parents and they sure as #### are not the property of the progressive nanny state bureaucracy. I see slavery is still very much alive in the minds of some. But instead of enslaving one specific race of people, the progressives seek to enslave the entire population through their indoctrination efforts.

Oh who am I kidding, this indoctrination is not new. It's been going on for decades.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Oh who am I kidding, this indoctrination is not new. It's been going on for decades.

The reason we have the president we do today
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I think everyone is missing the point. The issue is what to do with the kids who are not being raised correctly by their parents. Most answers are along the line of, "the parents shouldn't have kids unless they are responsible enough to raise them".

It is cheaper to prepare a child to be a minimum wage earning productive member of society than it is to put them in jail after their irresponsible parents fucked them up.
For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.

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I think everyone is missing the point. The issue is what to do with the kids who are not being raised correctly by their parents. Most answers are along the line of, "the parents shouldn't have kids unless they are responsible enough to raise them".

It is cheaper to prepare a child to be a minimum wage earning productive member of society than it is to put them in jail after their irresponsible parents fucked them up.

There is no doubt that society is spiraling out of control in a flat spin and it remains to be seen if we can pull out of the stall before we pancake (I don't think we will and we are getting pretty damn low to the ground). Society is spinning out of control because the family unit has been allowed to decay for decades. How can today's children learn how to be good parents for their children when they get around to propagating when today's children are not learning valuable life lessons from the poor parents they have now? It is a vicious cycle. But if your solution is to take the children away from parents in care of the big government nanny state bureaucracy? Yikes I want nothing to do with the world you are calling for because that world is not a free world,

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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>How can today's children learn how to be good parents for their children when they get
>around to propagating when today's children are not learning valuable life lessons
>from the poor parents they have now?

If they can't learn from parents? The lucky ones might learn from grandparents or aunts and uncles.

If they can't learn from aunts and uncles? The lucky ones might learn from other role models in their lives.

If they can't learn from role models? The lucky ones might learn from what they learn in school.

If they can't learn it in school? The very lucky ones might learn from what they learn in the media.

(Of course, once you get to the point where you are trying to learn how to be a parent from the media, you have to be very, very lucky indeed to learn anything useful at all.)

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