Our President wants a promotion

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He's such a liar. He says they have the obligation to enforce the laws on the books. Wasn't it just least year they told the sheriff in Arizona they were not going to deport the people he detains, so they will just have to sit in his jail. Basically making it impossible for the sheriff to do his job because he had no more room due to the Feds not doing their job and enforcing laws.

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The Wall REALLY went up in an attempt to slow the trafficking of drugs and guns.

Just back from a nice day rock climbing. It was almost 60F on the Snake.

The wall is not up. This video is from Infowars, but it's not full of tin foil stuff.


"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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It's crap like this that makes me want to make nasty posts about obama: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323701904578276491630786614.html

This is not an "Obama thing"; although congrats to you for not missing a good ODS opportunity. It is a "regulatory agency thing", in which regulatory agencies tend to be heavy-handed, sometimes absurdly so, in the pursuit of what they deem to be their mission. Every Fed and state regulatory agency (where most employees are career bureaucrats who work there for decades) does this, and it happens under every President or governor regardless of party.

For example, you see, in your article, that EEOC ruling that Federal Judge Gonzales reamed them out about (the one about the EEOC's decision being "an insult to honest Hispanics".)? Well, although the author's phrasing tends to camouflage it to the casual reader - leaving the misapprehension that it was recent - that EEOC ruling occurred in 1989, when Bush-I was President, immediately preceded by 8 years of Reagan's presidency.


Don't you see when you're being played? The angle of the article - which, naturally, is making its way through the usual right-wing blogosphere (Google it) - is obvious - playing right into conservative white people's fears, because the impression they'll take away will be: "Obama (that Commie Negro) is so dangerous; look how HE is helping black and hispanic criminals make us real Americans unsafe". That it comes from the WSJ is no surprise.

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Didn't see what you saw. One in twenty-five people in the US is here illegally.

Much of this happened because the US looked the other way for decades when we needed cheap labor on our food farms and domestic help in our homes. Pretty much since the days of Pancho Villa.

The Wall REALLY went up in an attempt to slow the trafficking of drugs and guns.

There are fewer people actually trying to breach the wall to come to the US for work. Why? Because most of THOSE people intend to return to their families in Mexico (sending them money along the way) and crossing BACK is now very difficult.

The drug dealers and gun runners also make this entire idea very dangerous, i.e. just crossing over for temporary work. So many of these people have given up the effort.

Meanwhile, the drug guys and gun runners dig tunnels to keep their own businesses going, and they can be as dangerous to 'normal' workers as the Border Patrol.

Well, actually MORE dangerous. The Border Patrol doesn't cut off your head, arms, or shoot you in the head for pissing them off or infringing on their territory. In that way, the Wall is working.

Like the average citizenry, not ALL illegals deserve amnesty. Obama knows this. There are bad apples mixed in among the good. What's needed is a comprehensive program to determine the difference. And for those deported wrongly...who are here illegally anyway...they can try the legit option AFTER they are returned to Mexico.



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He's such a liar. He says they have the obligation to enforce the laws on the books. Wasn't it just least year they told the sheriff in Arizona they were not going to deport the people he detains, so they will just have to sit in his jail. Basically making it impossible for the sheriff to do his job because he had no more room due to the Feds not doing their job and enforcing laws.

Perhaps you need to check the facts, no president has deported more illegals than Obama. I know this may not be convenient with your belief system, but it's reality.


Obama’s DHS has so far deported more people than during the first six and a half years of George W. Bush’s administration. Just shy of 1.5 million unauthorized immigrants have been forcefully deported from the United States under Napolitano’s leadership. These annual deportation figures are higher that at any other time in U.S. history, pushing the backlog for deportation cases to a record 314,147 this June. The government is apprehending unauthorized immigration so quickly that it cannot effectively process them all.


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He's such a liar. He says they have the obligation to enforce the laws on the books. Wasn't it just least year they told the sheriff in Arizona they were not going to deport the people he detains, so they will just have to sit in his jail. Basically making it impossible for the sheriff to do his job because he had no more room due to the Feds not doing their job and enforcing laws.

ODS strikes again. Why bother with facts?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I called him a liar, never said he did not hold the record for the most deportations.

Obama said at the one minute mark in the OPs video that "We have a certain obligation to enforce the laws that are in place even if we think that in many cases the results may be tragic."

An ILLEGAL immigrant is a criminal and, and should be taken care of as the law states, Obama is ordering the federal government not to enforce laws as he stated in the video he has an obligation to enforce.



The political day has just been eclipsed by a major announcement by the Obama administration: by executive order, the president will end the deportation of certain young undocumented immigrants



The federal government "does not want to enforce the immigration laws as written, and leaves the States' borders unprotected against immigrants whom those laws would exclude," Scalia alleged.

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I called him a liar,

Name me a politician who isn't.

In my lifetime:

Truman lied
Eisenhower lied
Kennedy lied
Johnson lied (big time)
Nixon lied (big time)
Carter lied
Reagan lied
Bush1 lied
Clinton lied
Bush2 lied us into a war.

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How about condemning his actions rather than attempting (once again) to re-direct blame and say...but ma! look johnny did it too!


OK. Lying is bad.

Now how about you grow up and learn to live in the real world where politicians lie as a matter of course, including YOUR heroes.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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