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Sandy Hook Elementary School in Virginia.

Kid walks in with 2 x 4 and discusses school security with school officials. Cops searched his home and he had guns. Cops took the gun and took the kid for mental evualation. The kid posed no threat. The school sent letters to the neighborhood where the kid lived and folks there wondered what was going on.

I keep saying lock the doors. He probably said "you might lock the door."

What is it going to take to get these liberal idiots to stop focusing on guns and focus on locking the friggin door.

Of all places;;;;; sand hook elementary school in virginia. What are these government school officials thinking


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Except it wasn't a "kid." It was a 33-year-old man.

Except it wasn't just a 2x4. It was a 2x4 with the words "High Powered Rifle" written on it.

AND the city the school is located in just had a horrible mass murder of 22 children by another man with a high powered rifle.

In other words, this guy was an asshole who was definitely not thinking straight and a cause for concern because, what kind of asshole does that?

Further, this happened in mid-December. We all talked about it then. Did you have something new about the case to bring up or are you just digging through old news looking for something to get furious about?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Except it wasn't just a 2x4. It was a 2x4 with the words "High Powered Rifle" written on it.

A high-power Assault 2x4 with a High Capacity Clip.

And yes, the guy was an asshole. But they still should've had the place locked.

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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Sandy Hook Elementary School in Virginia.

Kid walks in with 2 x 4 and discusses school security with school officials. Cops searched his home and he had guns. Cops took the gun and took the kid for mental evualation. The kid posed no threat. The school sent letters to the neighborhood where the kid lived and folks there wondered what was going on.

I keep saying lock the doors. He probably said "you might lock the door."

What is it going to take to get these liberal idiots to stop focusing on guns and focus on locking the friggin door.

Of all places;;;;; sand hook elementary school in virginia. What are these government school officials thinking


Totally agree on the door part.
The one school I went to for anyone to enter the building they had to be buzzed in and were on camera.
No matter how slowly you say oranges it never sounds like gullible.
Believe me I tried.

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But they still should've had the place locked.

Should they? Really? Does that seem reasonable to you? That every entry into a government run school should be locked and a person has to be buzzed in?

I'll admit the entrance to the area the KIDS are in needs to be secured, but the front office? Really?

That makes no sense. The reason the KIDS need to be secured is so strangers don't wander into the school and kidnap or molest or whatever, but the front office? No. That's non-sense.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Was there another secure door leading from the office to the classrooms? If the front office personnel are so scared of a non-threatening person carrying a 2x4 that they call the cops, then perhaps they should lock their door.

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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Except it wasn't a "kid." It was a 33-year-old man.

Except it wasn't just a 2x4. It was a 2x4 with the words "High Powered Rifle" written on it.

AND the city the school is located in just had a horrible mass murder of 22 children by another man with a high powered rifle.

In other words, this guy was an asshole who was definitely not thinking straight and a cause for concern because, what kind of asshole does that?

Further, this happened in mid-December. We all talked about it then. Did you have something new about the case to bring up or are you just digging through old news looking for something to get furious about?

Why don't people around here feel compelled to look up facts?

It was a school with the same name, but in a different state.

And what does it matter that he had written on the board? It was clearly a board, right? He was making a point.

Granted, he could have made the point without the board, but let's get real. It was a board. My principal had one in his office. He assaulted me with it more than once. Nobody wrote articles in newspapers.

Yeah, this guy could have made his point better. But I couldn't get into work yesterday because people were protesting the fact that their jobs aren't going to be given to their children. Everyone is fine with that kind of disorderly conduct. Why not this guy's? At least his was to benefit someone else and not his own pocket.

Probably not the wisest move. But he was making a point that could possibly help the school security. I'm not going to get too upset about it.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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But they still should've had the place locked.

Should they? Really? Does that seem reasonable to you? That every entry into a government run school should be locked and a person has to be buzzed in?

I'll admit the entrance to the area the KIDS are in needs to be secured, but the front office? Really?

That makes no sense. The reason the KIDS need to be secured is so strangers don't wander into the school and kidnap or molest or whatever, but the front office? No. That's non-sense.

it was all the exit doors that were locked and the main doors that had cameras and a buzzer. What's wrong with that? I mean come on. Having 1 or 2 trained security guards that monitor the cameras and buzzer. Yes, someone might get in with a gun if they shot through the door, but I would think that would give the guards enough time to react and the school to shut down. Afterall is this about keeping kids safe at schools or are people really more concerned about limiting the guns people have.hhhhhmmm just a thought there
No matter how slowly you say oranges it never sounds like gullible.
Believe me I tried.

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But they still should've had the place locked.

Should they? Really? Does that seem reasonable to you? That every entry into a government run school should be locked and a person has to be buzzed in?

I'll admit the entrance to the area the KIDS are in needs to be secured, but the front office? Really?

That makes no sense. The reason the KIDS need to be secured is so strangers don't wander into the school and kidnap or molest or whatever, but the front office? No. That's non-sense.

Yes. I think it perfectly reasonable to secure the entire school. We do it for law enforcement buildings that are filled with armed and trained officers. Why wouldn't we do it for schools? I'm in the military. I can't recall the last place I worked that wasn't locked up and inaccessible to anyone who didn't belong there.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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Well, I grew up in the 60s. I don't think there was a single locked entrance to any school I attended until high-school and those were only locked to keep kids from ditching school out the back way.

Has it really come to this? That a school has to be the equivalent of a prison, including the armed guards?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Well, I grew up in the 60s. I don't think there was a single locked entrance to any school I attended until high-school and those were only locked to keep kids from ditching school out the back way.

Has it really come to this? That a school has to be the equivalent of a prison, including the armed guards?

Come on that's a stretch, equivalent of a prison?? No disrespect but come on.
No matter how slowly you say oranges it never sounds like gullible.
Believe me I tried.

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When I was in school, students had shotguns displayed in the truck's rifle rack in the student parking lot. The worst thing we got into was ditching class to get a milkshake down the street.

I was a real hooligan. A buddy and I 'borrowed' a master key to the school for a while. We used it to go into classrooms and rearrange things in amusing ways.

Things have changed.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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Has it really come to this? That a school has to be the equivalent of a prison, including the armed guards?

You have to be shitting me. The argument is that there is too many evil and ill people in this country, that assault weapons and high capacity magazines are too much of a risk for society, even when in the hands of legal sane owners. All these crazies, better remove as many guns as possible.

Certainly we should be focusing equally on keeping those individuals out of our schools and away from our children.

You must both hate guns, and hope for dead children if you are willing to take away guns, but not better protect schools. ;)
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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But they still should've had the place locked.

Should they? Really? Does that seem reasonable to you? That every entry into a government run school should be locked and a person has to be buzzed in?

I'll admit the entrance to the area the KIDS are in needs to be secured, but the front office? Really?

That makes no sense. The reason the KIDS need to be secured is so strangers don't wander into the school and kidnap or molest or whatever, but the front office? No. That's non-sense.

When is the last time you were in a typical school???

The front office is in the front, normally a closed off area off of the main entrance and 99% of the time the classrooms are right after the main office along some big open hallways.

There is no staging area to lock up and keep people separated from students. If you are in the front door you are IN the school.

There are no doors separating where the office is from the rest of the school is, except for maybe automatic fire doors.

You want crazy people that have access to children.
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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You wanna get mad about someone trying to point out the problem rather than fix the problem.

You're the problem.

You think that leaving a campus unsecured physically, banning people's means of defense, suppressing education about such tools, and making a media frenzy of the incident to engage people on an emotional rather than logical level is going to prevent this sort of thing from happening again.

All you're doing is painting a bigger target.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Has it really come to this? That a school has to be the equivalent of a prison, including the armed guards?

That seems to be the argument, Paul. It's also come to automatic suspension for a kid who got the shit beaten out of him because he was engaged in fighting. And a kid being suspended for zero tolerance because she took an aspirin at school. And even a kid being suspended for simulating a hand grenade.

These are the times. Big fun.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Except it wasn't a "kid." It was a 33-year-old man.

Except it wasn't just a 2x4. It was a 2x4 with the words "High Powered Rifle" written on it.

AND the city the school is located in just had a horrible mass murder of 22 children by another man with a high powered rifle.

In other words, this guy was an asshole who was definitely not thinking straight and a cause for concern because, what kind of asshole does that?

Further, this happened in mid-December. We all talked about it then. Did you have something new about the case to bring up or are you just digging through old news looking for something to get furious about?

Hmmm, that's almost as bad as this terrorist with his imaginery grenade --

If some old guy can do it then obviously it can't be very extreme. Otherwise he'd already be dead.
Bruce McConkey 'I thought we were gonna die, and I couldn't think of anyone

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Has it really come to this? That a school has to be the equivalent of a prison, including the armed guards?

That seems to be the argument, Paul. It's also come to automatic suspension for a kid who got the shit beaten out of him because he was engaged in fighting. And a kid being suspended for zero tolerance because she took an aspirin at school. And even a kid being suspended for simulating a hand grenade.

These are the times. Big fun.

Pretty sad, that the last decade or two of school administration likes to overreact about everything except for actually keeping students safe.

Zero tolerance for dodge ball and other activities that run a small risk of fat lips.

Zero tolerance for snack machines, because some children's parents can't manage their children's weight.

Taking measures that actually make schools safe... whoooooo hold on a minute, that might take more than just brainless application, it might cost money. Wouldn't want to spend more on student safety if it cut into my school superintendent salary.
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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But they still should've had the place locked.

Should they? Really? Does that seem reasonable to you? That every entry into a government run school should be locked and a person has to be buzzed in?

I'll admit the entrance to the area the KIDS are in needs to be secured, but the front office? Really?

That makes no sense. The reason the KIDS need to be secured is so strangers don't wander into the school and kidnap or molest or whatever, but the front office? No. That's non-sense.

are you familiar with schools? They have things called hallways. generally if you get in the school anywhere, you can use a hallway to get pretty much anywhere inside the building.... Many rooms off the hallways are not locked (washrooms, for instance, but also sometimes the gym, the library, or various classrooms that are occupied...
If some old guy can do it then obviously it can't be very extreme. Otherwise he'd already be dead.
Bruce McConkey 'I thought we were gonna die, and I couldn't think of anyone

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Except it wasn't a "kid." It was a 33-year-old man.

Except it wasn't just a 2x4. It was a 2x4 with the words "High Powered Rifle" written on it.

AND the city the school is located in just had a horrible mass murder of 22 children by another man with a high powered rifle.

In other words, this guy was an asshole who was definitely not thinking straight and a cause for concern because, what kind of asshole does that?

Further, this happened in mid-December. We all talked about it then. Did you have something new about the case to bring up or are you just digging through old news looking for something to get furious about?

We need to re-inforce the idea that access control and secuity are VERY GOOD measures to aid in protecting our kids. Not restricting my rights, because I'm a law abiding citizen.

Do you have kids?
Have you ever been in an elementary school visiting your kids? Do you know the layout of the school? Are the doors locked? Is there a buzzer? Is there a waiting area? Anybody watching the front door?
Have you been living under a rock since the 60's--the world has changed bud.
There are more nut cases now. Just today a cop is running around California killing people.
And you sit there and type we should not LOCK DOORS.

Why would even want to check your chute before jumping out of the plane?

Quade: I can help you. I mean your not saying things that make any sense.

Think about it: NOT LOCK THE DOOR is a defense?

Do you lock your car doors at the supper market?
Do you lock your house doors?
How about your locker at DZ where you keep your wallet with all that cash you have...

Taxing me, or requiring me to send in finger print cards all while keeping the school doors unlock and unattended WILL NOT PROTECT THE KIDS THERE.


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