
What's wrong with the USA ?

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How about we start with the explosion of the media and where kids see shows like 'jersey shore' and see dumbasses like snooki and jwoww...people who have probably never actually contributed anything to soceity are seen as role models. What about Violent films that are so common these days that youth want to emulate the 'bad guy' cause he gets more pussy than the good guy. There are lots of contributing factors and there is no concrete answer. But if you look back in time even the most advanced civilizations averaged around 200 years. I'm not saying were going down the gutter just yet...but it'll happen...history eventually repeats itself.

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How about we start with the explosion of the media and where kids see shows like 'jersey shore' and see dumbasses like snooki and jwoww...

I agree with you on that, yet I don't think that is the core of the problem. You have to ask yourself why shows like jersey shore are so popular.


But if you look back in time even the most advanced civilizations averaged around 200 years. I'm not saying were going down the gutter just yet...but it'll happen...history eventually repeats itself.

Just out of curiosity, which would those be ?

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How about we start with the explosion of the media and where kids see shows like 'jersey shore' and see dumbasses like snooki and jwoww...people who have probably never actually contributed anything to soceity are seen as role models.

Well, there is that pesky 1st Amendment (you know, the one that comes right before the 2nd).

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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We are not killing off ourselves fast enough, just too many people and so few jobs and opportunity? Too much NFL watching and talk about football players knees? Corporate attention on short term profits not long term profitability which stifles innovation? OBAMA as he really should not have been relected as he didn't do what he was elected to do: stop wars and reduce all the debt Bush piled up.

But America enjoys watching a freak show. Just ask Barnum Bailey Circus.

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How about we start with the explosion of the media and where kids see shows like 'jersey shore' and see dumbasses like snooki and jwoww...people who have probably never actually contributed anything to soceity are seen as role models.

Well, there is that pesky 1st Amendment (you know, the one that comes right before the 2nd).

Interesting what the first two are huh.....
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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One reason the U.S. comes out poorly in these sorts of studies is that it's compared to a few countries that are not demographically representative of the U.S. As the third most populous country on earth and the melting pot of the world, it would be more accurate to compare America to all other countries, not just one or two dozen. For instance, in terms of murder rate, the U.S. is right at the median of all countries. That gives plenty of room to pick two dozen that are either better or worse. For that matter, if you wanted to cherry-pick for your comparison, you could pick 60 million Americans whose stats would beat the shit out of the U.K. in any category you wanted to name. The article quoted actually touches on this at the end, then dismisses it. In reality, this factor can't be dismissed.

By the way, in regard to popular TV shows, I got a note the other day that said "Take a look at MTV's new series, Buckwild. It proves we were right all along. {signed} The Mayans".
You don't have to outrun the bear.

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