
Third Party Candidates for 2012 Election

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How many people here are really happy with either Romney or Obama? Seriously. I get a sense that a substantial fraction of the Republicans are only voting against Obama - not for Romney. I also get the sense that as many - if not more - Democrats are voting against Romney instead of for Obama.

How many are looking at third party candidates? For me, the GOP convention merely confirmed why I don't like them and cemented my vote for Gary Johnson for President. I do not have the distaste for him that I had for Bob Barr in the last election (whom I did not vote for because of that distatse).

What about Third Party candidates? How many people out there find the idea of a third party candidate distasteful? is there a candidate out there who best represents your viewpoints but that you won't vote for because, well, you don't want Romney in there?

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I don't think I've actually voted for anyone in a long, long time.
It's been a "I don't like him, but I really don't like the other guy."

But for the first time in a Presidential election, I dislike both of them almost equally.

I may vote for one of the majors, in part because of the potential for SC nominations; but the idea of voting for a 3rd party candidate, knowing full well it's a protest vote, beats the idea of not voting at all.

I will usually cast a vote for a third party candidate in most elections. Either a race that is lopsided or an office that doesn't really matter (what does the state Secretary of State really do?).

Even though they aren't really valid alternatives, I like the idea of having more than 2 choices. That these days are becoming so similar that it's hard to tell them apart.
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I think it's a shame that third party Presidential candidates really have no chance of winning. Yes, there are a couple of third party candidates that I probably like better than the "main two," but I know they have no chance of winning. And since I feel pretty strongly about who I like better of the main two, I'd rather use my vote to help that person win.

What could be changed that would make way for someone other than D/R to have a real chance at becoming President? I know I'm contributing to the problem by not casting a vote for who I really want, but until something changes, I would feel like I was wasting my vote.

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I've voted for far more third party presidents than I have for either democrats or republicans. I absolutely can't see voting for either of the bozos at the top of those parties, so it will be another third party vote for me. Haven't decided which at this point.
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The problem is you all are not voting for (or against) a president. You don't elect a president. That is the job of the Electoral College. Now abolish that and go with a purely popular vote (across all states) and I will vote.

However, I really think that all elections should have a check box for "None of the Above". :D

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Traditionally I have voted for the "lesser of two evils". After spending the year following, supporting, going to see Ron Paul I cannot and WILL NOT vote for either of the front runners. After seeing the outright shameful things that the GOP did to Ron Paul and his supporters at the RNC I will do everything in my power to either reform the party or push a third party into power. I think it's time for people to vote third party or write in and send a message. If the two parties see how many votes they are losing to write ins and third party candidates maybe they will finally get a clue of how dis-enfranchised people are with them. Call it a wasted vote if you want, but damn it I am fed up. :|

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This is the first year i've seriously considered voting for a 3rd party candidate.

Having lived in New Mexico when Gary Johnson was governor, I can tell you that he knows how to run an executive branch of a government, and he did a damned fine job.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised to see him take a significant portion of the vote in NM, because everyone who was there during his terms as governor can tell you he left the state better off.

While I differ with his views on a couple of points, most of them i heartily agree with.

I just wish he had more than a snowball's chance in hell of winning. [:/]

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How many people here are really happy with either Romney or Obama? Seriously. I get a sense that a substantial fraction of the Republicans are only voting against Obama - not for Romney. I also get the sense that as many - if not more - Democrats are voting against Romney instead of for Obama.

How many are looking at third party candidates? For me, the GOP convention merely confirmed why I don't like them and cemented my vote for Gary Johnson for President. I do not have the distaste for him that I had for Bob Barr in the last election (whom I did not vote for because of that distatse).

What about Third Party candidates? How many people out there find the idea of a third party candidate distasteful? is there a candidate out there who best represents your viewpoints but that you won't vote for because, well, you don't want Romney in there?

The present choice is about as appealing as having to decide whether you want Polio or Encephalitis. The temptation to cast a protest vote for a third party is strong, but the ramifications of having the worse of the two candidates win are too severe.

Just another "hold you nose and vote" election.

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