
If I wanted America to fail

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Wow, it is a bit funny, when reality sneaks up your neck after abusing resources unlike anyone else the last 50 - 60 years. It will stand in the history as an crimminal act against the humanity.

Sorry, but we are spending the earth resources faster than it creates.

Someone have to pay the bill, and we will do.

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DAMN AWESOME VIDEO...all great American Freedom loving people need to check it out.B|

I'm looking forward to sitting in my sunning chair at the beach with a couple of working Offshore Plateforms in view and smell the Black Gold, Texas Tea brewing.

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At the very beginning he say's "cut off cheap plentiful energy"

Coud you please site a time when there was energy in the United states, that was priced below world market value.

"Site" should be "cite".

The definition of "cheap" does not mean "priced below world market value".

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At the very beginning he say's "cut off cheap plentiful energy"

Coud you please site a time when there was energy in the United states, that was priced below world market value.

"Site" should be "cite".

The definition of "cheap" does not mean "priced below world market value".

Can you exlpain when Obama cut off the supply of "cheap abundant energy" which is portrayed as oil and coal in the video.

You can never go broke peddling fear to the right.


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Can you exlpain when Obama cut off the supply of "cheap abundant energy" which is portrayed as oil and coal in the video.

You can never go broke peddling fear to the right..

Did...did you even watch the video? What was the very next thing the narrator said after he said he would cut off the supply of cheap energy?
Provoking a reaction isn't the same thing as saying something meaningful.

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Can you exlpain when Obama cut off the supply of "cheap abundant energy" which is portrayed as oil and coal in the video.

I didn't claim that he did - I was just arguing about your definition of "cheap".

Back when I was a teen with my first car, the minimum wage was $2.25 per hour and a gallon of gas was 25-cents. Thus, a gallon of gas was 11% of one-hour's work. Nowadays, the minumum wage is $8.00 and a gallon of gas is $4, so you have to work 50% of an hour to buy a gallon of gas. Going from 11% to 50% isn't "cheap".

On your next topic, here's just one news search for you regarding coal:

Coal provides over HALF of the electricity in America. Now what do you suppose would happen if Obama bankrupts the coal industry and all of those coal mines and coal fired electricity generating plants just disappear?

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