
The left hates mothers and housewives

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If the Dems were backing away any faster they'd need beepers. http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?section=news/national_world&id=8618259

Patrick Gaspard, executive director of the Democratic National Committee, sought Thursday to separate the Obama campaign from both Rosen's comments and Rosen herself.

Funny how she was important enough to rate time on AC360yesterday as a mouthpiece for Democrats.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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If the Dems were backing away any faster they'd need beepers. http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?section=news/national_world&id=8618259


Patrick Gaspard, executive director of the Democratic National Committee, sought Thursday to separate the Obama campaign from both Rosen's comments and Rosen herself.

Funny how she was important enough to rate time on AC360yesterday as a mouthpiece for Democrats.

I'm sure she works really hard, giving the servants instructions and telling the chauffeurs which gymkana to take the kids to. I expect she also worked with the consultants to select window treatments, oriental rugs, and colors for the mansions.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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If the Dems were backing away any faster they'd need beepers. http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?section=news/national_world&id=8618259


Patrick Gaspard, executive director of the Democratic National Committee, sought Thursday to separate the Obama campaign from both Rosen's comments and Rosen herself.

Funny how she was important enough to rate time on AC360yesterday as a mouthpiece for Democrats.

I'm sure she works really hard, giving the servants instructions and telling the chauffeurs which gymkana to take the kids to. I expect she also worked with the consultants to select window treatments, oriental rugs, and colors for the mansions.

You had better do a little reasearch before you go any further

It might help you save some face:D
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I'm sure she works really hard, giving the servants instructions and telling the chauffeurs which gymkana to take the kids to. I expect she also worked with the consultants to select window treatments, oriental rugs, and colors for the mansions.

Exhibit B, ladies and gentlemen.
Provoking a reaction isn't the same thing as saying something meaningful.

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I'm sure she works really hard, giving the servants instructions and telling the chauffeurs which gymkana to take the kids to. I expect she also worked with the consultants to select window treatments, oriental rugs, and colors for the mansions.

Exhibit B, ladies and gentlemen.

Hey, it takes a lot of effort to keep those maids on track. And choosing colors and fabrics: we know Mitt, being a guy, can't help her with that.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Hey, it takes a lot of effort to keep those maids on track. And choosing colors and fabrics: we know Mitt, being a guy, can't help her with that.

Ok, talking about Mitt's wife....

I read the thread (not the link) and thought you all were writing about Michelle Obama......

Now the partisan comments line up with the posters better

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I'm sure she works really hard, giving the servants instructions and telling the chauffeurs which gymkana to take the kids to. I expect she also worked with the consultants to select window treatments, oriental rugs, and colors for the mansions.

Exhibit B, ladies and gentlemen.

Hey, it takes a lot of effort to keep those maids on track. And choosing colors and fabrics: we know Mitt, being a guy, can't help her with that.

Yup. My grandmother was a stay at home "mother" to 8 children.

Never mind that she only saw the children for 1 hour each day, the rest of the time the kids were with the staff. At night bedroom doors were locked to ensure uninterrupted sleep.

I'm sure she had a very busy time telling staff what to do though.

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From the looks of this thread the left also hates success.

If someone makes money, tax them, if they still have money demagogue them, but if they are a total POS that contributes nothing to society, call them "hard working Americans". No wonder the left is so miserable.

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If the Dems were backing away any faster they'd need beepers. http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?section=news/national_world&id=8618259


Patrick Gaspard, executive director of the Democratic National Committee, sought Thursday to separate the Obama campaign from both Rosen's comments and Rosen herself.

Funny how she was important enough to rate time on AC360yesterday as a mouthpiece for Democrats.

Funny how the right's spin machine works. When all of the Republican presidential contenders state they suppoprt cuts to womens healthcare, restricting abortions, and resticting some employer provided contraception, a lot of women viewed this as anti-women.

When one DNC consultant, who is employeed by CNN makes a stupid comment, this is seen as proof positive that the left hates all stay at home mom's.

I guess deperate times call for desperate measures.

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Hey, it takes a lot of effort to keep those maids on track. And choosing colors and fabrics: we know Mitt, being a guy, can't help her with that.

Ok, talking about Mitt's wife....

I read the thread (not the link) and thought you all were writing about Michelle Obama......

Now the partisan comments line up with the posters better

Party has nothing to do with it. Barack is a guy too.

As you well know, we guys only recognize red, orange, yellow... brown and black.

Women, however, recognize "boston brick", "titanic rose", "rainforest dew", "asbury sand", "misty blush", "pecos spice", "persimmon"... and 2000 other so-called "colors" that are listed in the paint catalog.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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When one DNC consultant, who is employeed by CNN

Think about that for a second. Now explain to me how the Press is not biased.

Now you think about that for a second. We all know how many well-known, out-of-office Republican politicians and GOP consultants have been employed by Fox News as commentators. MSNBC has former GOP Congressman Joe Scarborough, and for the longest time it had Pat Buchanan as a regular commentator.

It's only logical: you put those who've been in the front lines of the big leagues in politics in front of the cameras as expert commentators in politics. Same reason why ESPN hires ex-major league jocks. You're pissing up the wrong rope.

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Fox never hides the fact they are biased. CNN etc. try to claim they aren't. Isn't it the hypocracy you like to complain about?

Don't piss into the wind.

CNN makes Rosen's political affiliation quite clear.



Rosen apologizes over comments against Ann Romney

(CNN) – Hilary Rosen offered an apology Thursday after her comments about Ann Romney sparked an uproar and a debate over women and the economy.

"I apologize to Ann Romney and anyone else who was offended," Rosen, a top Democratic strategist and CNN contributor, said in a statement.

You know, any random twat can preach to his/her own choir and be a boo-leader at the other team, but to the 98% of the rest of the population who aren't hacks, nobody else really cares much.

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She's eithe affiliated closly to the DNC or she isn't.

Axelrod claims she isn't on the DNC payroll and tries to portray her as just some woman on TV when in fact she's on the DNC payroll.


Excerpted from The Washington Examiner: Controversial Democratic strategist and CNN contributor, Hilary Rosen, was hired by DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to coach her on media appearances.

According to a Wall Street Journal report in February, Obama advisers told Wasserman Schultz to “tone it down,” suggesting that she hire “two seasoned Democratic female pros, Anita Dunn and Hilary Rosen,” for media training, in preparation for the upcoming campaign. Wasserman Schultz willingly accepted.

“I’m glad to get constructive criticism,” she said in the Wall Street Journal article.

Rosen is now under fire for suggesting that Mitt Romney’s wife Ann, “never worked a day in her life.”

Today, Patrick Gaspard, executive director of the Democratic National Committee sought to distance the party from Rosen’s comments.

“Hillary Rosen is absolutely not a paid adviser to the DNC or to the Obama campaign, absolutely not,” he said.

But Republicans at the Republican National Committee, have already pulled data on payments made by the DNC to Rosen.

“DNC has paid $120,000 to Rosen’s firm since 2011 for both a “communications consultant” and “media consultant,” tweeted Joe Pounder, the director at the RNC, “Sounds like Dunn and Rosen.”

I'm sure you have no problem with a paid DNC spin meister being paid by CNN and the DNC to spout propoganda on a "News Show", and then the DNC lying about it.

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She's eithe affiliated closly to the DNC or she isn't.

Axelrod claims she isn't on the DNC payroll and tries to portray her as just some woman on TV when in fact she's on the DNC payroll.

***Excerpted from The Washington Examiner: Controversial Democratic strategist and CNN contributor, Hilary Rosen, was hired by DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to coach her on media appearances.

According to a Wall Street Journal report in February, Obama advisers told Wasserman Schultz to “tone it down,” suggesting that she hire “two seasoned Democratic female pros, Anita Dunn and Hilary Rosen,” for media training, in preparation for the upcoming campaign. Wasserman Schultz willingly accepted.

“I’m glad to get constructive criticism,” she said in the Wall Street Journal article.

Rosen is now under fire for suggesting that Mitt Romney’s wife Ann, “never worked a day in her life.”

Today, Patrick Gaspard, executive director of the Democratic National Committee sought to distance the party from Rosen’s comments.

“Hillary Rosen is absolutely not a paid adviser to the DNC or to the Obama campaign, absolutely not,” he said.

But Republicans at the Republican National Committee, have already pulled data on payments made by the DNC to Rosen.

“DNC has paid $120,000 to Rosen’s firm since 2011 for both a “communications consultant” and “media consultant,” tweeted Joe Pounder, the director at the RNC, “Sounds like Dunn and Rosen.”

I'm sure you have no problem with a paid DNC spin meister being paid by CNN and the DNC to spout propoganda on a "News Show", and then the DNC lying about it.

You just will never get it. She is one person, she does not speak for the democratic party, let alone the President. I know how exciting it must seem for the right to spin a single non-elected person's comment to undue all the damage they have done in the last 3 months.

Once again the right under-estimates women.

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Bullshit, she was hired directly by Wasserman-Schultz as a campaign consultant. Your defense of her is pathetic.

Who gives a flying rats ass, she does not make policy and she is not running for office. Up until three days ago no one had ever heard of her, and you guys are now counting on her stupid comment to turn a presidential election around? Let me know how that works out for you.

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