
Is Gold, Money?

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A very interesting discussion between Ron Paul and Ben Bernanke...

Raises that queston, if gold is not money, then why do central banks (supposedly) hold it in thier vaults.

Just Traditon Bernanke suggests:o... Nice tradition.

I liked that statistic about the bailouts. 2 $T = 15k for every citizen, I recon that would have kicked the economy in the guts a bit more than handing it to the big wigs... as Ron said, it would have been difficult for it to have done worse.

I want my $15k...
Back a hundred years ago, especially around Woodrow Wilson, what happened in this country is we took freedom and we chopped it into pieces.
Ron Paul

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A very interesting discussion between Ron Paul and Ben Bernanke...

Raises that queston, if gold is not money, then why do central banks (supposedly) hold it in thier vaults.

Just Traditon Bernanke suggests:o... Nice tradition.

I liked that statistic about the bailouts. 2 $T = 15k for every citizen, I recon that would have kicked the economy in the guts a bit more than handing it to the big wigs... as Ron said, it would have been difficult for it to have done worse.

I want my $15k...

Hell, I'll take 10k, TBH.
You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

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"I'll take stupid, self-righteous politicians for $1000, Alex."

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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15K for every citizen would have done more to stimulate the shareholders of wallmart, and the local liqour store.

Not to mention the fact that a large number of financial insitutions have paid back their bailout funds.

How much return on investment do you think we would have gotten out of 15K of free Obama money for everyone?

I didn't like the bailouts, but I am not stupid enough to think that we could have just let the system meltdown.
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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>Raises that queston, if gold is not money, then why do central banks
>(supposedly) hold it in thier vaults.

Same reason they hold silver, platinum and other valuables - because they are valuable.

>I want my $15k...

Everyone does. Which is why we are many trillions in the hole.

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Not to mention the fact that a large number of financial insitutions have paid back their bailout funds.

Can you show anything to prove that? I find it hard to believe...


How much return on investment do you think we would have gotten out of 15K of free Obama money for everyone?

Australia gave a couple of grand to everybody to stimulate the economy... look at them.


How much return on investment do you think we would have gotten out of 15K of free Obama money for everyone?

That money would have been spent n local economies and actually stimulated growth, buying up bad debt is just like throwing it all in the offal pit.


I didn't like the bailouts, but I am not stupid enough to think that we could have just let the system meltdown.

So you don't think bad businesses should be allowed to go out of business?

Buying bad debt is what created the mess, so how does buying that bad debt actually help the situation
Back a hundred years ago, especially around Woodrow Wilson, what happened in this country is we took freedom and we chopped it into pieces.
Ron Paul

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>I want my $15k...

Everyone does. Which is why we are many trillions in the hole.

Actually besides the price of the unnecesary wars , the majority of our debt comes from the trillions we've spent buying back those fraudulent mortgage backed securities that the banksters sold to unwary investors.
When our bankers were caught in their criminal actions the politicians took the average Joe's cash to hush up those upon whom the fraud was perpetrated inorder to avoid criminal proceedings against their banker buddies and to protect their own investments.

That is why we are trillions in debt, not because the people would each like 15 G.

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>the majority of our debt comes from the trillions we've spent buying back
>those fraudulent mortgage backed securities that the banksters sold to
>unwary investors.

More like "those mortgages that greedy flippers got that they couldn't afford." The default rate is very high; the rate of lender fraud is quite low.

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>the majority of our debt comes from the trillions we've spent buying back
>those fraudulent mortgage backed securities that the banksters sold to
>unwary investors.

More like "those mortgages that greedy flippers got that they couldn't afford." The default rate is very high; the rate of lender fraud is quite low.

Obviously you have been hoodwinked, duped ,and generally just been made a chump and the banksters bitch!

Here is how it worked.

Wealthy bankers conspired to make law requiring that they lend to unqualified buyers.
No problem they own Congress and the country.
The policy passed.

Next they made a new *investment commodity* the Mortgage Backed Security.

Basicly a MBS is a bundle of mortgages which a big investor can purchase.

Thing is the banksters are very naughty men!!!

They decided to put the same mortgages in several diferent bundles a hundred thousand times and more.
Basicly they sold the same mortgages to many different investors.
Clear fraud.

When the big investment houses got wise the US Gov't stepped up to the plate and put out enough of your hard earned money to buy back these "toxic securities".
The bailout waqs actually a buy back to hide the criminality of the banksters.

Would you like for me to explain Credit Default Swaps?

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Not to mention the fact that a large number of financial insitutions have paid back their bailout funds.

Can you show anything to prove that? I find it hard to believe...

There's no question about TARP - its cost will end up being 20-30B for a jobs program.

That was $765B at its peak outlay - where is this 2T figure you've created coming from?

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There's no question about TARP - its cost will end up being 20-30B for a jobs program.

That was $765B at its peak outlay - where is this 2T figure you've created coming from?

I stand corrected, I must have been a little haphazard in the OP, the figure is $5T or $5.1 = $17 for each citizen to be more precise.

Did you watch the discussion in the link....?

Ron Paul and The Fed are more in tune with these figures... I suggest you ask them that question in the form of research, all the information is there.
Back a hundred years ago, especially around Woodrow Wilson, what happened in this country is we took freedom and we chopped it into pieces.
Ron Paul

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A very interesting discussion between Ron Paul and Ben Bernanke...

Raises that queston, if gold is not money, then why do central banks (supposedly) hold it in thier vaults..

Because it is BETTER than money! hummm, paper, heavy, shiny gold thing?
I'll take the shiny gold thing!
~~We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly~~MLK

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Here is how it worked.

Wealthy bankers conspired to make law requiring that they lend to unqualified buyers.
No problem they own Congress and the country.
The policy passed.

Next they made a new *investment commodity* the Mortgage Backed Security.

Basicly a MBS is a bundle of mortgages which a big investor can purchase.

Thing is the banksters are very naughty men!!!

That sounds like a more logical explanation to the vague and ambiguous drivel most people tout when trying to pass claim to ultimate knowledge...

Have you got any links for that type of information please?

There is too much crap flying around these days and it seems we are almost expected to not give a shit.

The majority are far to apathetic to even begin to understand what is going on anyway so the corruption is simply in your face and goes past seemingly without detection.

That is all quite understandable and consistent with human culture...

The thing that gets me is the chumps that defend such tyranny in some sort of attempt to win over their peers by defending the imposed Status Quo.

People need to learn to make their own decisions and base them on everything they have available to them.

But we are in the Speakers' Corner so we are not likely to find much of that in here.

I am glad I have discovered that there are in fact rational thinkers present among the: ‘follower of the headlines’ type and their repetition we all get so used to...

Back a hundred years ago, especially around Woodrow Wilson, what happened in this country is we took freedom and we chopped it into pieces.
Ron Paul

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>the majority of our debt comes from the trillions we've spent buying back
>those fraudulent mortgage backed securities that the banksters sold to
>unwary investors.

More like "those mortgages that greedy flippers got that they couldn't afford." The default rate is very high; the rate of lender fraud is quite low.

Obviously you have been hoodwinked, duped ,and generally just been made a chump and the banksters bitch!

Here is how it worked.

Wealthy bankers conspired to make law requiring that they lend to unqualified buyers.
No problem they own Congress and the country.
The policy passed.

Next they made a new *investment commodity* the Mortgage Backed Security.

Basicly a MBS is a bundle of mortgages which a big investor can purchase.

Thing is the banksters are very naughty men!!!

They decided to put the same mortgages in several diferent bundles a hundred thousand times and more.
Basicly they sold the same mortgages to many different investors.
Clear fraud.

When the big investment houses got wise the US Gov't stepped up to the plate and put out enough of your hard earned money to buy back these "toxic securities".
The bailout waqs actually a buy back to hide the criminality of the banksters.

Would you like for me to explain Credit Default Swaps?

there is a power greater than the banks...politicians

Here is the truth .. The government got involved
with housing...
The government was suppose to protect us and failed.
The government used strong arm tactics to force the banks to lend to people who could not afford the house to began with.
Bush went to congress 18 times and asked for Fannie / Freddie to be restrained. the bill was filibustered by Barney Frank .

July 2008 Barney Frank still maintained that Freddie / Fannie were sound
shortly after came the crash..
January 2009 Obama blames Bush..

The worst part ?
2010 Barney Frank the guy who could have prevented the housing collapse from happening . Forms a financial bill to make sure this never happens again ( LOL this must be a joke right) ?:S

In the mean time the politicians say to the banks... don't worry if anything goes wrong we got you covered...[:/]

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>the majority of our debt comes from the trillions we've spent buying back
>those fraudulent mortgage backed securities that the banksters sold to
>unwary investors.

More like "those mortgages that greedy flippers got that they couldn't afford." The default rate is very high; the rate of lender fraud is quite low.

Ok you didn't ask so I'm just gonna add part 2 how you have been duped, hoodwinked and made into the banksters' bitch.

Credit Default Swaps.

If you'll remember the Banksters are the ones that pushed for the policy requiring themselves to make loans which they had a pretty good certainty would go into default.

They made the loans, bundled those mortgages,over and over into mortgage backed securities(those *toxic assets*) and sold them off to unwary investment firms.

Now comes the " Credit Default Swaps"

A Credit Default Swap is a gambling mechanism.

The purchaser of the CDS is betting that the mortgage will go into default.

So these same banksters who pushed the policy and then made the loans they knew would fail also bet that they would fail.

No Bil Von ..,
It aint the people who defaulted on the loans .That was the plan all along .., they didn't get rich.
It was the criminal banksters.
The ones who own this country.

They put the screws to you and me and most everyone reading this forum tonight.
They did it with the help of those they set up to be elected to Congress.

You aren't aware of this ?
You seem to be a pretty bright guy!

Have you simply let your guard down and never realized you were being made into a bitch, or were you fully aware?

Maybe you are in cahoots with them ?

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***there is a power greater than the banks...politicians

You have it backwards.

The banksters have the money, thus the power.
They have the leverage to place people in the position to be elected.
When they place both a Democrat and a Republican in position to be elected they can't lose.

You are a mouse.
Do your civic duty and vote for one of these two cats.

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Gold's value increases with speculation and fear. Just like everything else. You buy gold, you better hope the economy never recovers.

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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Gold's value increases with speculation and fear. Just like everything else. You buy gold, you better hope the economy never recovers.

Gold is always a wise investment. The trick is to invest when the prices are fair.

Nanooks, "you better hope the economy never recovers" is a bit dramatic.

The fact is that the Federal Reserve Notes we call dollars are worth absolutely nothing if no one wants them and considering our militarys' poor showing in Afghanistan and Iraq not too many countries are going to be cowed down to our military non- threat.
I expect Hugo Chavez to be the first head of state to expose the dollar as the charade that it is.

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***That sounds like a more logical explanation to the vague and ambiguous drivel most people tout when trying to pass claim to ultimate knowledge...

Have you got any links for that type of information please?

Dude! Do you know how to search?
If so research!
If I pull you by the nose hairs to the well would you be ready to drink?
And never rely on me to provide you with credible information.
Do your own research and know the truth.
Sometimes I just like to play around on the web and fuck with the webbites !

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Gold is always a wise investment. The trick is to invest when the prices are fair.

Exactly. That is, when prices are fair. The eighties were very unfair to gold prices. Also, gold only seem to rise when the dollar is fickle.


Nanooks, "you better hope the economy never recovers" is a bit dramatic

If the economy recovers, gold will devalue. It can't sustain this inflated price.


The fact is that the Federal Reserve Notes we call dollars are worth absolutely nothing if no one wants them

True. Same with gold.


and considering our militarys' poor showing in Afghanistan and Iraq not too many countries are going to be cowed down to our military non- threat

Don't confuse political control with military capability.

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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Don't confuse political control with military capability.

The two are closely related.
Our "political control" has to do with enslaving other countries with debt.

When they realize they have been hoodwinked and refuse that control is when it's time to send in the military.

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Nope. The cost of wars caused our issues, not the wars were an instrument to put other countries into debt. That's pretty weird thinking.

If other countries stop being "hoodwinked" like you suggest, we wouldn't be able to borrow to "send in the troops", therefore can't use your alternative idea of using the Military to cause other countries to go into our clutches of debt.

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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***]Nope. The cost of wars caused our issues, not the wars were an instrument to put other countries into debt. That's pretty weird thinking.


As usual you are talking in gibberish.
As foreign policy we entrap countries in debt so that we can dictate the terms of the removal of their natural resources,
If they don't accept those terms we send in those wild eyed patriotic chumps of our military to enforce the contract.

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