
Socialism or capitalism.

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The following comments are not mine but i share his views.

President Obama's re-distribution strategy takes money from people who have it, and gives money to people who don't have it. This is "undressing John to clothe Bill". It is gaga socialism, because both John and Bill are already supposed to be well-clothed and independent in a rich modern society. But this will never be achieved with welfare. Only real-life-economic education can do this.
So Mr President, can we get your permission to ask your liberal czars why school-children are NOT educated basic real life economics, like saving 10% of all money they receive so they can retire millionaires at the age of 50/60? Old world cultures have always educated children to save a minimum of 10% of all money acquired during their lifetimes. Are us folks in the new-world stupid? Or is the absence of real-life economic education low-profilel communism? What about this 'czars'?
Mr. Obama mentions social justice and wealth distribution. But he practices this backwards. Justice and distribution cannot succeed AFTERWARDS when society has already become a jungle. This backwardness is an "after sales service department" for mis-education. Real social justice and wealth distribution can only succeed BEFOREHAND in the classroom.This prevents society from becoming a jungle in the first place. Real life economic education unifies, prospers, and protects society from crime, prejudice, and outrage.

Liberal mis-education causes society to borrow money to get screwed over and over again like running around inside a revolving door.It's like borrowing money to build a house up-side-down . The house falls apart (like America today). So you borrow money a 2nd time to fix it . But the house cannot be fixed, because the initial structure and foundation was never correctly constructed (exactly like the liberal mis-education of past generations). So you borrow a 3rd time and try again. And then a 4th time after that. When humans lived in the stone-age, they managed their resources better than that!
The liberals need failure, crime, poverty, and ruined families to survive. They make money setting people up for failure and poverty (mis-education), and then afterwards with police, prisons, and their Frankenstein research to 'cure' mis-educated people! Liberals don't give a hoot about suffering people nor innocent murder victims or they would have used their 'soaring-intellect' a long time ago to eliminate the causes of poverty, inequality, and the clashes between class and race.
Conservatives MUST abolish mis-education and put an end to liberal 'intellectuals', socialism and communisml. Until then, think about this essay when hearing of someone murdered for money (80/day - 29,000/year), and how Liberals 'spill-blood-and-play-big-shot. [email protected]

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Bullshit. It's a good idea to save 10% but why does one team get the blame for not teaching our kids that?
And as for deficit spending, why do only the Liberals get blamed for it? Is it OK when the Conservatives do deficit spending, just because they loudly pretend to be against it?

Politics is bullshit.
Speed Racer

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Bullshit. It's a good idea to save 10% but why does one team get the blame for not teaching our kids that?
And as for deficit spending, why do only the Liberals get blamed for it? Is it OK when the Conservatives do deficit spending, just because they loudly pretend to be against it?

Politics is bullshit.

+1. I really like how every one on this site fights for the conservatives or liberals as if their elected officials are on their "team".

Democrats, republican, doesn't matter 99% of them who get elected don't represent the average citizen, they have fucked us for decades, and will continue to do so.
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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Bullshit. It's a good idea to save 10% but why does one team get the blame for not teaching our kids that?
And as for deficit spending, why do only the Liberals get blamed for it? Is it OK when the Conservatives do deficit spending, just because they loudly pretend to be against it?

Politics is bullshit.

Because the Democrats and the unions are running the show... they are spitting out lower and lower results...
The kids are taught to fail that is why.[:/]

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Libertarian socialism (sometimes called social anarchism, and sometimes left libertarianism) is a group of political philosophies that promote a non-hierarchical, non-bureaucratic, stateless society without private property in the means of production. Libertarian socialism is opposed to all coercive forms of social organization, and promotes free association in place of government and opposes what it sees as the coercive social relations of capitalism, such as wage labor.[citation needed] The term libertarian socialism is used by some socialists to differentiate their philosophy from state socialism or by some as a synonym for left anarchism.

Adherents of libertarian socialism assert that a society based on freedom and equality can be achieved through abolishing authoritarian institutions that control certain means of production and subordinate the majority to an owning class or political and economic elite. Libertarian socialism also constitutes a tendency of thought that promotes the identification, criticism and practical dismantling of illegitimate authority in all aspects of life.

Accordingly, libertarian socialists believe that "the exercise of power in any institutionalized form—whether economic, political, religious, or sexual—brutalizes both the wielder of power and the one over whom it is exercised." Libertarian socialists generally place their hopes in decentralized means of direct democracy such as libertarian municipalism, citizens' assemblies, trade unions and workers' councils.

stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
good solid response-provoking keyboarding

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President Obama's re-distribution strategy takes money from people who have it, and gives money to people who don't have it.

Can you give an example of one capitalistic country with no socialist aspects? I'm just curious as to what we should be striving for.

You do realize taxes under Obama are lower now than at any other time in recent history for all income groups? Your post is just meant to inflame the ignorant.

Funny how when the republicans backed Dubya's unfunded medicare prescription drug plan, not a peep from you guys about him being a socialist.

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Funny how when the republicans backed Dubya's unfunded medicare prescription drug plan, not a peep from you guys [my emphasis] about him being a socialist.

You take this two-party system way too seriously with your need to identify everyone as either a Republican or a Democrat. A rational person wouldn’t try to assign GOP membership to someone just for disagreeing with President Obama’s ideology or his job-performance. George Bush and the Republicans are assholes? OK—I don’t disagree, but neither does that make me a Democrat nor does that in itself defines Barak Obama in a positive way.

Evidently you’d be too threatened to allow anyone to define their own political beliefs, but rather insist that they fit into one of your two neat little red or blue categories. Maybe Republican and Democrat parties alike are corrupt and self-serving, and you just can’t step back far enough to see that. Have some Kool-Aid.

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Bullshit. It's a good idea to save 10% but why does one team get the blame for not teaching our kids that?
And as for deficit spending, why do only the Liberals get blamed for it? Is it OK when the Conservatives do deficit spending, just because they loudly pretend to be against it?

Politics is bullshit.

+1. I really like how every one on this site fights for the conservatives or liberals as if their elected officials are on their "team".

Democrats, republican, doesn't matter 99% of them who get elected don't represent the average citizen, they have fucked us for decades, and will continue to do so.

Agreed. The public has been so completely hoodwinked, and behaves so childishly as a whole, that I'm coming around to the belief that they are getting what they deserve. The biggest fucking joke in the world is that our elitist politicians keep us hammering at each other. What we should be doing is giving the entire lot of them the boot.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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***Funny how when the republicans backed Dubya's unfunded medicare prescription drug plan, not a peep from you guys [my emphasis] about him being a socialist.

You take this two-party system way too seriously with your need to identify everyone as either a Republican or a Democrat. A rational person wouldn’t try to assign GOP membership to someone just for disagreeing with President Obama’s ideology or his job-performance. George Bush and the Republicans are assholes? OK—I don’t disagree, but neither does that make me a Democrat nor does that in itself defines Barak Obama in a positive way.

Evidently you’d be too threatened to allow anyone to define their own political beliefs, but rather insist that they fit into one of your two neat little red or blue categories. Maybe Republican and Democrat parties alike are corrupt and self-serving, and you just can’t step back far enough to see that. Have some Kool-Aid.

Just saying when Bush did Tarp and the medicare reform, not very much of a reaction from anyone. Now you would think that Vladimir Lenin was our President.

Still waiting for an example of your capitalistic paradise.

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Bullshit. It's a good idea to save 10% but why does one team get the blame for not teaching our kids that?
And as for deficit spending, why do only the Liberals get blamed for it? Is it OK when the Conservatives do deficit spending, just because they loudly pretend to be against it?

Politics is bullshit.

Exactly. For those that blame democrats or republicans, especially when they get so worked up about it, shows how well we are being manipulated.
Do you want to be enslaved by government, or by corporations? Guess what, the same people run both of them. The harder we fight, the happier they are.
I don't want to be a slave, period!
How do we get that choice?

+1. I really like how every one on this site fights for the conservatives or liberals as if their elected officials are on their "team".

Democrats, republican, doesn't matter 99% of them who get elected don't represent the average citizen, they have fucked us for decades, and will continue to do so.

But what do I know?

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"Capitalistic paradise" are your words and your issue, not mine. If you have no point to make, it's unrealistic to expect me to make one for you. I'll substantiate my own assertions, not yours.

My point is that there is pure communism and pure capitalism. Communism has been tried and has failed miserably, the closest to pure capitalism is anarchy, and that's not gonna get anybody anywhere.

Somewhere in the middle of these two have been the choice of the majority of Governments that have ever existed. If you want to argue that the Government needs a smaller role in how it Governs, that's a valid argument. When you argue for pure capitalism, that's an illusion because it will never happen.

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"Capitalistic paradise" are your words and your issue, not mine. If you have no point to make, it's unrealistic to expect me to make one for you. I'll substantiate my own assertions, not yours.

My point is that there is pure communism and pure capitalism. Communism has been tried and has failed miserably, the closest to pure capitalism is anarchy, and that's not gonna get anybody anywhere.

Somewhere in the middle of these two have been the choice of the majority of Governments that have ever existed. If you want to argue that the Government needs a smaller role in how it Governs, that's a valid argument. When you argue for pure capitalism, that's an illusion because it will never happen.

I have been exposed to people who own small businesses my whole life and i can tell you that capitalism is about creating your own small business .
Even a hot dog cart whatever... You do not need to be rich..Doing a trade ( job ) should and can be everyone's dream. The rewards in a small business is the American Dream... :)
Socialism robs the achievers and distributes it ( without accountability to who truly needs it and the loafers )
Its takes from the working people and (takes a cut for themselves )
then blindly throws hard earned tax money at everything they can think of. ( don't forget their cut ).
Socialism= Big Brother Big Government.

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"Capitalistic paradise" are your words and your issue, not mine. If you have no point to make, it's unrealistic to expect me to make one for you. I'll substantiate my own assertions, not yours.

My point is that there is pure communism and pure capitalism. Communism has been tried and has failed miserably, the closest to pure capitalism is anarchy, and that's not gonna get anybody anywhere.

Somewhere in the middle of these two have been the choice of the majority of Governments that have ever existed. If you want to argue that the Government needs a smaller role in how it Governs, that's a valid argument. When you argue for pure capitalism, that's an illusion because it will never happen.


I have been exposed to people who own small businesses my whole life and i can tell you that capitalism is about creating your own small business .
Even a hot dog cart whatever... You do not need to be rich..Doing a trade ( job ) should and can be everyone's dream. The rewards in a small business is the American Dream... :)
Socialism robs the achievers and distributes it ( without accountability to who truly needs it and the loafers )
Its takes from the working people and (takes a cut for themselves )
then blindly throws hard earned tax money at everything they can think of. ( don't forget their cut ).
Socialism= Big Brother Big Government.

Like I have said, there is a valid argument to be made for lower taxes, less Government regulation and so forth. how do you explain some (not all) socialist counties that have a very high standard of living?

There will always be Government involved in private enterprise and public welfare, no escaping it. Do you really wish to live in a society where car crash victims are left on the side of the road? Where Children live in abject poverty? Not having health care is a death sentence? Can you name one country, that is half way civilized, that does not provide some type of retirement?

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"Capitalistic paradise" are your words and your issue, not mine. If you have no point to make, it's unrealistic to expect me to make one for you. I'll substantiate my own assertions, not yours.

My point is that there is pure communism and pure capitalism. Communism has been tried and has failed miserably, the closest to pure capitalism is anarchy, and that's not gonna get anybody anywhere.

Somewhere in the middle of these two have been the choice of the majority of Governments that have ever existed. If you want to argue that the Government needs a smaller role in how it Governs, that's a valid argument. When you argue for pure capitalism, that's an illusion because it will never happen.


I have been exposed to people who own small businesses my whole life and i can tell you that capitalism is about creating your own small business .
Even a hot dog cart whatever... You do not need to be rich..Doing a trade ( job ) should and can be everyone's dream. The rewards in a small business is the American Dream... :)
Socialism robs the achievers and distributes it ( without accountability to who truly needs it and the loafers )
Its takes from the working people and (takes a cut for themselves )
then blindly throws hard earned tax money at everything they can think of. ( don't forget their cut ).
Socialism= Big Brother Big Government.

Like I have said, there is a valid argument to be made for lower taxes, less Government regulation and so forth. how do you explain some (not all) socialist counties that have a very high standard of living?

I would explain it by saying that those countries aren't completely socialist.
Speed Racer

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I would explain it by saying that those countries aren't completely socialist.

I would say those countries are way more socialist than we would ever dream of becoming. Like I said, most countries are some where in the middle, Europe being more, us being less.

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>that I'm coming around to the belief that they are getting what they deserve. The
>biggest fucking joke in the world is that our elitist politicians keep us hammering at
>each other. What we should be doing is giving the entire lot of them the boot.

And elect . . . new elitist politicians? Give anarchy a try? Get a king? A theocracy perhaps?

There are no easy answers, unfortunately. Democracy is surely the worst form of government out there, with the exception of all the other forms of government.

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