
Awesome things "god" does.

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The ball would float away.

The ball does float away, every time they answer a prayer! When a prayer is answered, one of the Great Green Giraffes will spike the ball onto the ocean floor. The ball will then rush to the surface, carrying the answered prayer. Afterwards, the Great Green Giraffes will go to the Deep Abyss of Magical Green Apples of Knowledge and feast until they are full of gas. Have you ever seen bubbles that come to the top of the ocean surface? Those are from the Great Green Giraffes. Those are the Farts of Faith. When they erupt on the surface, they help to restore our faith in the Great Green Giraffes!
Don't go thinking that the Great Green Giraffes are all loving. They can be vengeful, too. Why just the other day I was having doubt in them. As I walked from one room to another I stubbed my toe. It was quite painful. The pain reminded me that without faith, my life would be even more painful. The Great Green Giraffes farted faith to remind me of this. They are all knowing and someday, I will bask in their glory for eternity. ALL HAIL THE GREAT GREEN GIRAFFES!
Without them, my life would be meaningless.
No proof needed. Just faith.:)
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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And again you address something with zero relevance to the conversation

You need to learn to relax and laugh at yourself for once.

You made an ignorant and baseless statement and then cited facebook as your reference as if it made your "argument" more credible...

I mean, that's freakin' hilarious isn't it?

What else is there to say other than ha, ha... I just made it a little more entertaining.

Christopher Walken's great...isn't he?


And you'll notice that the lists I made above never hurt anyone, they're actions that are calculated to not hurt innocent people.

Whatever makes you sleep at night. Perhaps one day you'll wake up and finally see the pain it's caused.


all of those things are done by the vast majority of Christians too, the only difference is that they believe they have to repent afterwards, but you know as well as I do that they go back and do the same thing again.

I addressed this in the original thread:


The difference between me and you is that I want to change...I see the damage it all causes, not only for me but for everyone else. It's hard, but I try to suffer through it...The Christian life is that of discipline, and I have a very long way to go.

It's a process...

However, the point here was to show that this was exactly in line with what Jaybird was talking about.

I'll take your weasling around the issue as a concession to that point.


Some of us though, we don't need reassurance or some helping hand to help us refrain from acting on thought. I have the self control and frame of mind to think something, have the desire to do it but refrain from it because I don't want to hurt anyone

...and you say that christians are lying to themselves?

you already said that you'd rather express your true feelings for someone rather than be kind to them. That makes it sound like you'd rather be a prick.

Being a prick is hurts people.

The issue here isn't wether or not you have self control...it's whether or not you understand the pain it causes.

You must realize there is a problem before anything can be done about it.

But hey...I'm not here to judge you. Perhaps you're as perfect as you say. I'd expect nothing less from a satanist...after all it makes a liar out of God.


And once again, it shows that Christianity is something that YOU needed, not something that everybody else needed.

...and that's why I'm talking about it from my prespective. If somebody can relate, great. If not, you certainly reserve the right to piss off if you want.;)


ust because without God you made bad decisions and acted on impulse, doesn't mean that everybody else who doesn't believe follows the same path of destruction.

I certainly fuckin' hope not!

I pray they have a less painful path of destruction, both for them and the others whom they affect...but that they come to the realization of that destruction before it's to late.


The reason why we have feelings of hate and lust is because they are natural. And no one will ever be able to stop them from occurring, the only difference is that I am able to decide and control which emotions to act on by myself where you seem to need God to guide you through yours.

If someone understands the true nature of threat and grasps it's danger, he can take the necessary precautions.

I suppose if I didn't believe in God my level of self control would be similar to yours and I'd probably just give up like you.


And again, that's an issue with you, not anyone else. There are plenty of non-believers out there who don't feel the need to follow the laws of God and suppress certain feelings, who live complete happy and fulfilled lives and are loved by many.

I know I was there before...ignorance is certainly bliss.

I'm having flashbacks from the Matrix...



Nothing but a wretched, dead corpse in a wasteland destined to oblivion by an all consuming fire.

Enough to scare anyone Christian right?

No, just like you, many christians weren't afraid of it before they were christians and they certainly shouldn't be afraid of it now...


You think that lust isn't a natural healthy emotion?

Yes, it's certainly different than physical sexual attraction and love.


Without lust, there would be no human species.

Meso horney, he love you long time...
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>I would think it very unlikely that a true believer in Christ would commit a crime such
>as bank robbery.

Well, since a (self proclaimed) true believer in Christ just killed 77 people in the name of defending his way of life against Muslims - it seems likely that such true believers would be willing to commit lesser crimes.

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Are you SERIOUSLY trying to claim that before the 15 10 Commandments that murder, stealing, adultery etc. were OK? Seriously?

No John, I didn't make a claim, you did...and now you can't back it up...I guess this is just your way of eating crow.
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Are you SERIOUSLY trying to claim that before the 15 10 Commandments that murder, stealing, adultery etc. were OK? Seriously?

No John, I didn't make a claim, you did.

Reading problem today? Try harder next time. I am claiming that the last 5 of the 10 Commandments are NOT original, (and the first 4 are just stupid), a claim that is well established since murder, stealing etc were all offenses in the Code of Hammurabi and other Mesopotamian laws, and in in the Pharaonic laws that all predate Moses.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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murder, stealing etc were all offenses in the Code of Hammurabi and other Mesopotamian laws, and in in the Pharaonic laws that all predate Moses.

So what? Many countries outlaw murder...doesn't mean their code of law was plagiarized from Hammurabi, Mesopotamia, or Israel.
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murder, stealing etc were all offenses in the Code of Hammurabi and other Mesopotamian laws, and in in the Pharaonic laws that all predate Moses.

So what? Many countries outlaw murder...doesn't mean their code of law was plagiarized from Hammurabi, Mesopotamia, or Israel.

I see, so Moses comes out of EGYPT having grown up in Pharaoh's house, and knows nothing of Pharaonic law. Want to buy a nice bridge in Brooklyn?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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murder, stealing etc were all offenses in the Code of Hammurabi and other Mesopotamian laws, and in in the Pharaonic laws that all predate Moses.

So what? Many countries outlaw murder...doesn't mean their code of law was plagiarized from Hammurabi, Mesopotamia, or Israel.

I see, so Moses comes out of EGYPT having grown up in Pharaoh's house, and knows nothing of Pharaonic law. Want to buy a nice bridge in Brooklyn?

I see, so Moses is in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of pissed off people, but let's make murder legal because if not, one day some hell bent nutty college professor with a bone of contention might be shouting PLAGIARISM!
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You are very good at missing the point. Or just ignoring it. Not sure which.

What point is that...that the Bible would be more credible if the ten commandments allowed for murder?:P

His point really doesn't matter to me. I'm familiar with the similarities in different religions. My faith is not based around a systematic set of rules and rituals. It's based around Christ and his prespective on those laws and how it relates to our human depravity. It's not about the law itself, it's about why there needs to be a law in the first place...

Perhaps he'd have better luck trolling for orthodox Jews...

It's really a moot point anyway. Of all the 600+ laws in the Torah, he's gonna nitpick these few? No killing, no stealing...ya, no shit. His point is lame and doesn't change anything.

The funny thing about all this is that athiests will bash the credibility of the Bible all day and mock anyone who uses scripture to validate their claims...then the athiests come along with even less credible books (acording to their standards of credibility) like the book of the dead and gnostic gospels and use them to validate their claims against the credibility of the Bible...it's trully impressive that level of hell bent pretense.
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The funny thing about all this is that athiests will bash the credibility of the Bible all day and mock anyone who uses scripture to validate their claims...then the athiests come along with even less credible books (acording to their standards of credibility) like the book of the dead and gnostic gospels and use them to validate their claims against the credibility of the Bible.

Not the case at all. The argument is Christians claim that the laws in the bible are laws dictated by God and God alone. Much that is in the bible can be found in writings that predate the bible.
Same goes for the Sermons on the Mound. Near everything in that portion of the text can be found in the Tao, which predates the bible by several thousand years. If Jesus did hold sermons on the mound and actually preached the words in the text, he might have very well been a follower of the Tao. He may had only been preaching from the Tao, and not from some type of God. Taoism was extremely popular throughout the region at the time of Jesus.
It would appear that those who wrote the books in the bible took the teachings from others and claimed that their God gave them the words which to write. Given this, the bible teeters on plagiarism.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Not the case at all. The argument is Christians claim that the laws in the bible are laws dictated by God and God alone. Much that is in the bible can be found in writings that predate the bible.
Same goes for the Sermons on the Mound. Near everything in that portion of the text can be found in the Tao, which predates the bible by several thousand years. If Jesus did hold sermons on the mound and actually preached the words in the text, he might have very well been a follower of the Tao. He may had only been preaching from the Tao, and not from some type of God. Taoism was extremely popular throughout the region at the time of Jesus.
It would appear that those who wrote the books in the bible took the teachings from others and claimed that their God gave them the words which to write. Given this, the bible teeters on plagiarism.

The Bible like many other religious texts give guidance in defining moral issues. But the real purpose of the Bible is not to compile a moral code that none of us can follow anyway. It is to expose our self destructive evil nature and give us a means of escape through the Grace of God.


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It is to expose our self destructive evil nature and give us a means of escape through the Grace of God.

Who defines "self destructive evil nature?" The people who wrote your bible? I don't harm anyone. I don't steal. I don't do anything criminal. I don't do anything that would even go against your book. Yet, you claim everyone has a "self destructive evil nature." That is an awful large claim to make.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Who defines "self destructive evil nature?" The people who wrote your bible? I don't harm anyone. I don't steal. I don't do anything criminal. I don't do anything that would even go against your book. Yet, you claim everyone has a "self destructive evil nature." That is an awful large claim to make.

Well Fly, if you are indeed as perfect as you say, then I bow before you. My own experiences and observations of human nature tell me otherwise.

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Well, since a (self proclaimed) true believer in Christ just killed 77 people in the name of defending his way of life against Muslims - it seems likely that such true believers would be willing to commit lesser crimes.

Well, I guess he didn't do this: "Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you-- unless indeed you fail the test?" (2 Corinthians 13:5) If he had, he might have realized that his "profession of faith" meant absolutely nothing. I can say I'm a duck. But if I don't naturally walk like a duck, quack like a duck, or swim like a duck...I'm probably not a duck. The guy you mentioned obviously did not possess the attributes of love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Almost every parable in the NT is concerned with illustrating the seperation of the sheep from the goats, the wheat from the tares, etc. Matthew 7 makes it clear that not everyone who claims to be Christian really is.

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I'm an atheist and I've never desired to rob a bank. I do not need some magical ghost to tell me that it is wrong to do so. My nature has been as it has always been.


For when Gentiles who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having the Law, are a law to themselves, in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them, (Romans 2:14-15)

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I'm an atheist and I've never desired to rob a bank. I do not need some magical ghost to tell me that it is wrong to do so. My nature has been as it has always been.


For when Gentiles who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having the Law, are a law to themselves, in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them, (Romans 2:14-15)

A "Heads I win tails you lose" argument, just like most of yours.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Who defines "self destructive evil nature?" The people who wrote your bible? I don't harm anyone. I don't steal. I don't do anything criminal. I don't do anything that would even go against your book. Yet, you claim everyone has a "self destructive evil nature." That is an awful large claim to make.

- Have you always kept God first in your life (I assume not because you're an atheist)?
- Have you ever esteemed something more than God (created an "idol")?
- Have you ever taken the Lord's name in vain?
- Have you always kept the Sabbath holy?
- Have you always honored your Mother & Father?
- Have you ever murdered (Jesus said that unjustified anger is equal to murder; He sees the intent of the heart & not just your actions)?
- Have you ever taken something that didn't belong to you?
- Have you ever looked with lust outside of marriage (considered adultery; again, He sees the intent of the heart)?
- Have you ever lied?
- Have you ever desired something that belonged to someone else (e.g. covet)?

What does that say about your nature?

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Have you always kept God first in your life (I assume not because you're an atheist)?

Cannot say I have.


Have you ever esteemed something more than God (created an "idol")?

Cannot say I have.


Have you ever taken the Lord's name in vain?

Nope, nor do I smoke or drink. Ahhh, goddamn it, I left my cigarettes at the bar!


Have you always kept the Sabbath holy?

I typically worked on Saturday. I am going back to the company that I use to work for, on Sunday. If at all possible, I hope to work a railroad that will test on Saturday. Overtime rocks!
Now, I know that you will claim that Sunday is the new sabbath. Did God give someone permission to change it from Saturday to Sunday? I doubt it. Man just did it. Shows that man can change anything they wish in the bible.


Have you always honored your Mother & Father?

I love my parents and have always respected them.


Have you ever murdered (Jesus said that unjustified anger is equal to murder; He sees the intent of the heart & not just your actions)?

Nope, I have never murdered any person. Whatever your buddy may think means nothing to me. I do not believe he is the son of any god. Your parenthesized statement, therefore, is moot.


Have you ever taken something that didn't belong to you?

Sure have. I once stole a Bic lighter at a Target store in 1974. I got caught and my dad whupped my ass. I have never stolen anything since.


Have you ever looked with lust outside of marriage (considered adultery; again, He sees the intent of the heart)?

I've never been married, but I have had a few wives.


Have you ever lied?

I cannot tell a lie, so yes, I have lied.


Have you ever desired something that belonged to someone else (e.g. covet)?

I saw a 68 Camaro, a few days ago. Being that my first car in 1976 was a 68 RS, I really wish that car was mine.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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The guy you mentioned obviously did not possess the attributes of love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Do you think Ron here is a true christian?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I would say so.
He believes.
Isn't that pretty much the only requirement?
"I fucked up my life, I will fuck up my life again, I believe some make believe person died for me, I open my self to him."
Yep, I'd say Ron fits that.
Nor would I judge him on his beliefs.
I may not agree, but it is clearly not my place to claim he is not authentic and true to his beliefs nor that he believes.

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..with an appropriately smaller head (and brain size)..

..which are still found today in humans, mostly frequent in creationists..


dude, people like you scare the living daylights out of me! :|

do you REALLY believe this crap!?
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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