
Decline and fall of the American empire?

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could be...


The US is a country with serious problems. Getting on for one in six depend on government food stamps to ensure they have enough to eat. The budget, which was in surplus little more than a decade ago, now has a deficit of Greek-style proportions. There is policy paralysis in Washington.

The assumption is that the problems can be easily solved because the US is the biggest economy on the planet, the only country with global military reach, the lucky possessor of the world's reserve currency, and a nation with a proud record of re-inventing itself once in every generation or so.

All this is true and more. US universities are superb, attracting the best brains from around the world. It is a country that pushes the frontiers of technology. So, it may be that the US is about to emerge stronger than ever from the long nightmare of the sub-prime mortgage crisis. The strong financial position of American companies could unleash a wave of new investment over the next couple of years.

Let me put an alternative hypothesis. America in 2011 is Rome in 200AD or Britain on the eve of the first world war: an empire at the zenith of its power but with cracks beginning to show.

stay away from moving propellers - they bite
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good solid response-provoking keyboarding

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could be...


The US is a country with serious problems. Getting on for one in six depend on government food stamps to ensure they have enough to eat. The budget, which was in surplus little more than a decade ago, now has a deficit of Greek-style proportions. There is policy paralysis in Washington.

The assumption is that the problems can be easily solved because the US is the biggest economy on the planet, the only country with global military reach, the lucky possessor of the world's reserve currency, and a nation with a proud record of re-inventing itself once in every generation or so.

All this is true and more. US universities are superb, attracting the best brains from around the world. It is a country that pushes the frontiers of technology. So, it may be that the US is about to emerge stronger than ever from the long nightmare of the sub-prime mortgage crisis. The strong financial position of American companies could unleash a wave of new investment over the next couple of years.

Let me put an alternative hypothesis. America in 2011 is Rome in 200AD or Britain on the eve of the first world war: an empire at the zenith of its power but with cracks beginning to show.


PSSSSSSSST ... do you never tire of putting all of your jealousy and angst on display, because it is showing again

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Every dominate nation in the history of humanity has fallen. Why should the USA be any different. But I suspect this time around it will be a little different and the entire globe will be effected.

China may appear to be poised take over, but China is where they are these days because they made a lot of money off of selling cheap products (cheap in more ways than one) to the USA. If their #1 customer ceases to buy anything from China, and all other nations also cease to buy since the global economy is interconnected. Then where will China find the customers it has relied on for their growth?

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Not to many years ago Japan was going to own the world, now China. I agree that every country that was at the top goes down. For selfish reasons (my children) I hope that the USA will go for a bit more though..........
Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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I hope that the USA will go for a bit more though

The fall of America won't happen over night. But the world is changing fast and it's not taking any prisoners. Those who are unwilling to adapt these changes will be left behind. Gone are the days when you go to school, and then get a job for life staying at the same company for decade after decade and getting a big fat pension. Anyone who thinks they can still do this is just not paying attention to the changes going on. But as I said, it won't be just the USA which is effected. The entire globe is under going this transformation (oh and there are too many mouths to feed in this world, but that is a different can of worms).

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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