
Torture did NOT lead to finding Osama bin Laden

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those who do the questioning know that actionable info will really never be gained during the process. The questions asked are those the interrogators know the answer too

What they are after is cooperation.

like, we know you're a witch - now cooperate and confess...

Is this what alternet told you?

even the most stupid can work out waterboarding is torture...

Boy, that alternet world is a scary place I guess
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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those who do the questioning know that actionable info will really never be gained during the process. The questions asked are those the interrogators know the answer too

What they are after is cooperation.

like, we know you're a witch - now cooperate and confess...

Is this what alternet told you?

even the most stupid can work out waterboarding is torture...

Boy, that alternet world is a scary place I guess

idiots who can't work out that waterboarding is torture are scary. tell us that you're not an idiot...
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You can stick your fingers in your ears and ignore reality all you want. It doesn't change reality.

Is it assault and battery when a boxer punches another boxer during a fight? If not, why not?

Two men, are agreeing to do this. Our culture alows this. If one attacks another on the street and punches are exchanged it is something different. Your anology is not comparable here

Again, the premise of your agrument is false

Waterboarding is not torture

I hear and see just fine

You just dont agree with it
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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those who do the questioning know that actionable info will really never be gained during the process. The questions asked are those the interrogators know the answer too

What they are after is cooperation.

like, we know you're a witch - now cooperate and confess...

Is this what alternet told you?

even the most stupid can work out waterboarding is torture...

Boy, that alternet world is a scary place I guess

idiots who can't work out that waterboarding is torture are scary. tell us that you're not an idiot...

As viewed by an atlernet boy I have no idea what you think or what you think I am.

Nor do I care really


I dont believe you have the ablility to form your own opinions.

your posts here prove that on nearly a daily basis
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Waterboarding is not torture

Yes it is. The difference is that when SEALS are TORTURED they entered into it voluntarily, and can call it off immediately.

Your defense of the indefensible is ridiculous, absurd, and exactly what we all expect of you.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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The Washington debate over the simulated-drowning technique may be new, but the practice is not. It predates the Inquisition and has been used, off and on, around the world ever since.

Its use was first documented in the 14th century, according to Ed Peters, a historian at the University of Pennsylvania. It was known variously as "water torture," the "water cure" or tormenta de toca — a phrase that refers to the thin piece of cloth placed over the victim's mouth.

At the time, using water to induce confessions was "a normal incident of law," Peters says, and people viewed it more or less as we view a cross-examination today. If anything, Peters says, the Inquisitors "were more careful about it" than others of their time.

"They were professionals," Peters says, noting that a doctor's presence was required during interrogations. Not that it made the experience any more pleasant for the victim, of course.

Leaves No Marks

"The patient strangled and gasped and suffocated and, at intervals, the toca was withdrawn and he was adjured to tell the truth. The severity of the infliction was measured by the number of jars [of water] consumed, sometimes reaching to six or eight," writes Henry Charles Lea in A History of the Inquisition of Spain.

"The thing you could not do in torture was injure the body or cause death," Peters says. That was — and still is — what makes waterboarding such an attractive interrogation technique, he says: It causes great physical and mental suffering, yet leaves no marks on the body.

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Waterboarding is not torture

Yes it is. The difference is that when SEALS are TORTURED they entered into it voluntarily, and can call it off immediately.

Your defense of the indefensible is ridiculous, absurd, and exactly what we all expect of you.

It is very hard for you to understand anyone who is consistant and honest in their stands and opinions isnt it John

And it is very easy to know why that is
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Two men, are agreeing to do this. Our culture alows this. If one attacks another on the street and punches are exchanged it is something different.

The exact, fucking EXACT same situation exists for a soldier at SERE school. To claim otherwise is to ignore reality.

- Dan G

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The “water cure”: Here’s a description by 1st Lt. Grover Flint, 35th U.S. Infantry, of a typical field interrogation in the occupied Philippines:

A man is thrown down on his back and three or four men sit or stand on his arms and legs and hold him down, and either a gun barrel or a rifle barrel or a carbine barrel or a stick … is simply thrust into his jaws … as a gag. In the case of very old men I have seen their teeth fall out — I mean when it was done a little roughly. He is simply held down, and then water is poured onto his face, down his throat and nose …, and that is kept up until the man gives some sign of giving in or becomes unconscious.… A man suffers tremendously; there is no doubt about that. His suffering must be like that of a man who is drowning, but who can not drown.2

Soldiers and officers called this technique “the water cure,” after a type of alternative health care, popular in the 1800s, in which applying cold water to the body was considered therapeutic. By using this term to name an excruciating torture, the soldiers were making what ethicist Jonathan Glover calls a “cold joke” — a humorless witticism that distances the torturer from his own action by making nonsense of the victim’s suffering.

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Two men, are agreeing to do this. Our culture alows this. If one attacks another on the street and punches are exchanged it is something different.

The exact, fucking EXACT same situation exists for a soldier at SERE school. To claim otherwise is to ignore reality.

No, it is not
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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To claim otherwise is to ignore reality.

and another name for those who ignore reality?

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Waterboarding is not torture

Yes it is. The difference is that when SEALS are TORTURED they entered into it voluntarily, and can call it off immediately.

Your defense of the indefensible is ridiculous, absurd, and exactly what we all expect of you.

It is very hard for you to understand anyone who is consistant and honest in their stands and opinions isnt it John

And it is very easy to know why that is

The only consistency you exhibit is in poor spelling and absence of logic.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Waterboarding is not torture

Yes it is. The difference is that when SEALS are TORTURED they entered into it voluntarily, and can call it off immediately.

Your defense of the indefensible is ridiculous, absurd, and exactly what we all expect of you.

It is very hard for you to understand anyone who is consistant and honest in their stands and opinions isnt it John

And it is very easy to know why that is

The only consistency you exhibit is in poor spelling and absence of logic.


Professional to the end
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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It sounds like you saw a show about whether there is a cultural component to torture, with a definite point of view imparted (i.e. there are times when it's not torture).

Do you automatically believe the show? If so, why?

If an action stands on its own, and the circumstances don't matter, then why is there a difference between sex and rape?

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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As usual, a stunningly well thought out reply.

Why is it not?

Explained that

you do not agree

by the way

Thanks for at least an honest exchange

We do not agree but you stayed respectful

more than kallend and dreamy boy can say
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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It sounds like you saw a show about whether there is a cultural component to torture, with a definite point of view imparted (i.e. there are times when it's not torture).

Do you automatically believe the show? If so, why?

If an action stands on its own, and the circumstances don't matter, then why is there a difference between sex and rape?

Wendy P.

no, you assume way too damed much Wendy

This guy came from our inteligence agency

He was just explaining the huge misconceptions about the process
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Your explanation was that context didn't matter, but then you finally agreed that context does matter, at least when it comes to boxing. My question is why context doesn't matter when we're talking about waterboarding, but it does matter when we're talking about boxing? Or sex/rape as Wendy pointed out?

- Dan G

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Do you think he had any interest in defending a point of view, or was everything he said guaranteed to be factual?

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Your explanation was that context didn't matter, but then you finally agreed that context does matter, at least when it comes to boxing. My question is why context doesn't matter when we're talking about waterboarding, but it does matter when we're talking about boxing? Or sex/rape as Wendy pointed out?

First off

Do you think those men going through SEAR want to be water boarded? Or is it part of the process they acept

In boxing, they enter into it as an action they wish to preform more than once

Many hope the same for sex

There is a difference

Subtle or otherwise
They are not the same IMO
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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It is still a viable option. ;)

Torture: induce extreme physical pain.

Enhanced Interrogation: induce extreme fear, harassment, sleep deprivation, etc.


As a Christian, you should know that waterboarding is torture. The church used it, along with the worst of the worst techniques, to force nonbelievers to submit to their delusion. Sadly, when the insane have control, bad things happen.


True, those who have been through this technique say the is not so painful as it is terrifying.
So, could it be considered more of an act terror? And if so, would that not make the interrogators terrorist?

If an American is fine with America using "Enhanced Interrogation" on prisoners then they should be fine with it when it is done to American prisoner by our enemies.

The nature of war is to kill people and break things.

I think we should do whatever it takes to win. I believe the enemy will do the same.

If the enemy tortures or kills one of ours then I believe we should capture one of theirs and torture them to confess who did it. Then we should go kill the perpetrator.

Why do you make this so complicated?

We should avoid war and resort to conflict only as a last resort. Once it starts, the enemy should be convinced never to start it with us again.

So we can put you down with the total war.. where no captives should be taken... kill everyone and the hell with all conventions.. for our side when they do it to our people as well.

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Do the men who become prisoners of war accept the process?

Does a man being questioned at a police station accept the process, even if it includes being roughed up? Does that make it OK?

Context isn't everything, Marc, but power, and the ability to say NO and have it matter, means a lot.

SEALs can say NO. Boxers can say NO. Women in consensual relationships can say NO.

Beating victims, rape victims, and prisoners of war cannot say NO. And saying that torture (which waterboarding was defined as before) is part of establishing dominance is bullshit. The subjects are prisoners of war. They're not in charge of anything.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Do you think he had any interest in defending a point of view, or was everything he said guaranteed to be factual?

Wendy P.

Most likely he does have an interest in defending a point of view
what difference does that make?
You and I are doing the same thing are we not?

He did not change my mind on waterboarding but his insite did add to my understanding of why and how it works

He even talked about starting out with tummy slapping! Ever had that done to you?

I have
Not fun

It that torture?

One of the big "arguments" is that how can you be sure the info is good?

You never can for sure, you just have to take the lead and see where it takes you

And the process he talked about makes more sense than just doing the waterboarding

it is a process

It incluse lack of sleep and other things

If we do it to our own during training it is not torture, but we do it to gain info it is?

Sorry, that boat dont float
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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