
Bawny Fwank, "Hiers Didn't Do Anything To Deserve Inheritance"

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Actually I think you need to check on ole dreamdancers location

My bad.

Maybe he should be going after the wealth of the British monarchy first before he demands that American's hand over theirs. In that regard, I would not disagree. I say a tabloid headline waiting in line at the food store today saying that Queen E is not happy with Kate's "partying" family and that the Queen might call the wedding off. Of course it was all in a tabloid rag and we all know how accurate those are. Yes ... time to strip the British Monarchy of their wealth. What did they ever do to have so much money? :ph34r:

They killed off various members of my family line:ph34r:

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a doubling of inheritance tax isn't going to affect you - so why are you whining on behalf of the super rich?

Because this tax will effect more than just your so called "Super Rich".

it's not going to affect you so why are you whining on behalf of the non productive children of the super wealthy. stick to your own backyard.
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a doubling of inheritance tax isn't going to affect you - so why are you whining on behalf of the super rich?

Because this tax will effect more than just your so called "Super Rich".

it's not going to affect you so why are you whining on behalf of the non productive children of the super wealthy. stick to your own backyard.

Their inheritance doesn't affect YOU, either - so why are you poking your nose over the fence?

Stick to your own backyard.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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(or are you another one who think the children of the super rich are somehow special and shouldn't pay their own way)

It's none of my business what there kids do.

and it's none of their business if we decide to double inheritance tax.

Then it's none of YOUR business if they decide to halve your pay, innit?

i'm self-employed so they can do what they want.

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(or are you another one who think the children of the super rich are somehow special and shouldn't pay their own way)

It's none of my business what there kids do.

and it's none of their business if we decide to double inheritance tax.

Then it's none of YOUR business if they decide to halve your pay, innit?

i'm self-employed so they can do what they want.

From the amount of whinging you do about the rich, evidently not very effectively.



I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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a doubling of inheritance tax isn't going to affect you - so why are you whining on behalf of the super rich?

Because this tax will effect more than just your so called "Super Rich".

it's not going to affect you so why are you whining on behalf of the non productive children of the super wealthy. stick to your own backyard.

Their inheritance doesn't affect YOU, either - so why are you poking your nose over the fence?

and it doesn't affect you - so why the whining from you about how the super rich pay too much inheritance tax already?
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a doubling of inheritance tax isn't going to affect you - so why are you whining on behalf of the super rich?

Because this tax will effect more than just your so called "Super Rich".

it's not going to affect you so why are you whining on behalf of the non productive children of the super wealthy. stick to your own backyard.

Their inheritance doesn't affect YOU, either - so why are you poking your nose over the fence?

and it doesn't affect you - so why the whining from you about how the super rich pay too much inheritance tax already?

Whining? From me? By all means, show where I've posted that in this thread. You'll find it non-existent, unlike your constant, jealous whinging.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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yep. And one that they didn't even have to work for.

So what? The parents already paid taxes on that money. Greed envy and jealousy is what all of this sounds like.

My customers already paid taxes on the money they paid me to do construction on their house. I guess that shouldn't be taxed either?

Your argument that the money has already been taxed doesn't fly. Income is taxed. Inheritance is an income. (taxed at a higher rate, which I don't necessarily agree with).

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i don't know why you're whining on their behalf.

I'm not whining for them. I just keep seeing my tax bill getting bigger every year and it really pisses me off. Why must you tax me to give to others who are to damn lazy to work for it themselves?

you keep seeing your inheritance tax bill going up - i don't think so

(and remember it is the children of the super rich who are too damn lazy to work for themselves. why should they be a special case)

If someone is not getting government assistance. I could give a fuck less what they do or don't do. Same goes for companies.

Spoiled rich kids that inherit a fortune and go on spending sprees are good for the economy. Plus if they spend it all and become poor, then that's okay because now they have nothing. ;)

As said earlier in this thread, they need to give real reasons why they want to raise taxes and what they're going to do with the extra. This "they don't deserve it" shit is well, shit.
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i don't know why you're whining on their behalf.

I'm not whining for them. I just keep seeing my tax bill getting bigger every year and it really pisses me off. Why must you tax me to give to others who are to damn lazy to work for it themselves?

you keep seeing your inheritance tax bill going up - i don't think so

(and remember it is the children of the super rich who are too damn lazy to work for themselves. why should they be a special case)

If someone is not getting government assistance. I could give a fuck less what they do or don't do. Same goes for companies.

if they're living off unearned income from their parents then that is not good for society - which includes me.
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i don't know why you're whining on their behalf.

I'm not whining for them. I just keep seeing my tax bill getting bigger every year and it really pisses me off. Why must you tax me to give to others who are to damn lazy to work for it themselves?

you keep seeing your inheritance tax bill going up - i don't think so

(and remember it is the children of the super rich who are too damn lazy to work for themselves. why should they be a special case)

If someone is not getting government assistance. I could give a fuck less what they do or don't do. Same goes for companies.

if they're living off unearned income from their parents then that is not good for society - which includes me.

Why is that not good for society? If they're living off it they're being taxed on it as income (most likely at a higher rate) and additionally, when they spend it they are likely paying taxes there too.

As far as the economy and society is concerned it's similar to them having a job that pays what they take out a year. What they do or don't do for the money has no bearing.
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
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you should be telling that to the children of the super rich - you know those who don't actually do any work

Some are privileged but most of us have to work our entire lives for it.

in that case you agree with me that the children of the super rich should work and contribute to society just as you and i do


I am a motorcycle ,and antique toy collector and my plan from day one when my son was born is to give him EVERYTHING....So you think he doesn't deserve "EVERYTHING" that I wish to give him, just because your life sucked, or you had no relatives that loved you?..

.Please tell me how what you say makes any sense at all!

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I am a motorcycle ,and antique toy collector and my plan from day one when my son was born is to give him EVERYTHING....

Then, depending on the total value of what you have, you should consider either giving it to him during your lifetime, or other estate/inheritance tax minimizing strategies. I suggest you consult a lawyer who specializes in estate planning, if for no other reason than to learn what tax-related position you're in, and how best to deal with it.

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i don't know why you're whining on their behalf.

I'm not whining for them. I just keep seeing my tax bill getting bigger every year and it really pisses me off. Why must you tax me to give to others who are to damn lazy to work for it themselves?

you keep seeing your inheritance tax bill going up - i don't think so

(and remember it is the children of the super rich who are too damn lazy to work for themselves. why should they be a special case)

If someone is not getting government assistance. I could give a fuck less what they do or don't do. Same goes for companies.

if they're living off unearned income from their parents then that is not good for society - which includes me.

Why is that not good for society?

you think a class of super rich children scrounging off the backs of workers is good for society? i'll think you'll find you're in a minority.
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you should be telling that to the children of the super rich - you know those who don't actually do any work

Some are privileged but most of us have to work our entire lives for it.

in that case you agree with me that the children of the super rich should work and contribute to society just as you and i do


I am a motorcycle ,and antique toy collector and my plan from day one when my son was born is to give him EVERYTHING....So you think he doesn't deserve "EVERYTHING" that I wish to give him, just because your life sucked, or you had no relatives that loved you?..

.Please tell me how what you say makes any sense at all!

you're not going to be super rich - neither are your children. so why are you whining about a tax that isn't going to affect you at all. strange.
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its right that the super rich should pay their fair share of taxes - agreed

It's funny these people always say FAIR share but never have the ball to say how much total tax they would like to take from you. They would take the entire pile if you let them.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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its right that the super rich should pay their fair share of taxes - agreed

It's funny these people always say FAIR share but never have the ball to say how much total tax they would like to take from you. They would take the entire pile if you let them.

a doubling of inheritance tax wouldn't affect you in the slightest - why are you so worried on behalf of the super rich?
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You keep saying super rich. It will effect more that the billionare Gates and Buffets but you seem to keep overlooking that fact.

it's not going to affect you - so why worry on behalf of the super rich?
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There is a "lasting sense" that the most prosperous in society have yet to shoulder their load in the economic downturn, the Archbishop of Canterbury said today.

Rowan Williams used his Christmas Day sermon to stress the importance of people working together to rebuild mutual confidence and trust.

He said: "That confidence isn't in huge supply at the moment, given the massive crises of trust that have shaken us all in the last couple of years and the lasting sense that the most prosperous have yet to shoulder their load."

Dr Williams warned of hardship ahead.

He said: "Faced with the hardship that quite clearly lies ahead for so many in the wake of the financial crisis and public spending cuts, how far are we able to sustain a living sense of loyalty to each other, a real willingness to bear the load together? How eager are we to find some spot where we feel safe from the pressures that are crippling and terrifying others?

"As has more than once been said, we can and will as a society bear hardship if we are confident that it is being fairly shared; and we shall have that confidence only if there are signs that everyone is committed to their neighbour, that no one is just forgotten, that no interest group or pressure group is able to opt out."

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