
Nanothermite paper, if you think it is bull shit then show us your evidence

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I ask it of you.

Why do you want the world to focus on your fake reasons for the war instead of addressing the real problems? Why do you want to let it happen again?

I want people to realise that the reasons we are told by the MSM for the wars are bullshit, and the real reason is recources and influence.

the public won;t agree with that reason so false flag attack are neccesary to gain public approval.

Do you believe they acyually thought there was weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?

You opposed that war, why?
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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I want people to realise that the reasons we are told by the MSM for the wars are bullshit, and the real reason is recources and influence.

You want to cover up the real reasons. You want the same people and the same networks to keep getting away it over and over again. Why don't you want our leaders to be held accountable?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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You need to prove You're theory, We do not need to prove you're asertions as false. The burden of proof lies with the person making the asertions.

Just out of idol curiosity, How many people to you think would have had to have been in on this?

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Exactly, and you've shown, many times, that you consider anything that contradicts your position to be a lie, and so you ignore it. Not based on its scientific accuracy, but on its compatibility with your predetermined worldview.

no i have shown that they are false, because the evidence speaks for itself.

You just won't listen to it because you prefer ignorance.


And yet there are so, so many contradictory elements of various 9/11 conspiracy theories (many of which you've posted for us here despite their complete incompatibility with one another) that most truthers must be lying about something.

I agree there are plenty of confict in 9/11 truth positions, i have posted thing of interest for public scrutiny. The flyover theory at the pentagon for instance was a theory that i posted but do not beleive.

there are no witnesses of a plane flying over the other side and there is a highway there....

Some peole truly beleive some things that are wrong, they have not evidence of them, and others are purposly inflitrating the movement taking advantage of the more gullable band wagoners.

the true patriots you will find are stcking to the more concrete evidence.

Buiding 7, its absence from the media, and it rate of collapse. the thermitic residues and the lack of reporting of the said evidence,

What is it about a new investigation that everyone opposes?

If 'truthers' are so wrong, where are the video tapes of a plane hittng the pentgon, you know the building that controls your militray.' the bigest military on the planet. The famous five frames do not prove anything, if anything they pose more questions. Wher eis the other footage?

The NIST say there was no evidence of explosions, yet they were just forced by a FOIA request to release 5-10 terabites of data, which has firefigiters, the New york head if the fbi and other first responders all reporting and discussing secondary explosions, in the lobby of the towers.

None of this makes sense. we have been lied to, people are dying and no end is in sight of either of the wars.

Wouldn't some clarification be in order.

Why was the collapse 'after' the initiaton not explained in the 50 million dollar NIST report?

NIST have claimed the red grey chips are paint. and so have official debunkers, then why is it made of nano particles? why do they ignore the explosive composition of them?

Why does primer paint ignite violently with a laser or blowtorch? why with the use of an electron micoscope can people that have expertise in the subject identify the explosive composition of the material?

Is this the fireproofing that was applied the years leading up to the attacks.

Gee, nano paint no expense spared there huh.

Once again straw man arguments, bullshit lies,namecalling and chldish behaviour, then throw the emotional, what about the families card in there; to make the likes of you happy, and no acknowledgement of the content of the well drafted and thourough article explaining the composition of the nano thermite discovered in abundence in the dust, the iron microsperes which are the result of a aluminothermic reaction.

Shyam sunder tries to say that the spheres were created in the esulting fire, yet they are found on rooftops blocks away...

just keep on ignoring.

She's all clear cut in your mind, but you are subject to propoganda, and mis-information.

your call.

It is ignored by NIST not because they are ignorant, they have vast knowledge of this type of material, they ignore it becasue they have commited high treason, and will be sujected to the death penalty, when found guilty.

You ignore it because you decide to be ignorant.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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You need to prove You're theory, We do not need to prove you're asertions as false. The burden of proof lies with the person making the asertions.

what more do you need than a peer reviewed jounal n the subject. it is up to you to show mw evidence that it is incorrect.

I do not expect you to know or prove it yourself, but if you can show me where the content has been refuted professionaly, not straw manit is just paint assumptions, but thourough analysis.


Just out of idol curiosity, How many people to you think would have had to have been in on this?

Unlike you I do not wish to assume anything, and any answer I could provide would simply be that.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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You want to cover up the real reasons. You want the same people and the same networks to keep getting away it over and over again. Why don't you want our leaders to be held accountable?

You need to read up on your history, if it were not for the CIA there would be no al quaeda, no taliban and these terrorsits would probably not be a problem.

The IMC have been itching to get into the middle east for decades, this has been on the cards for decades.

do you really beleve iraq was attacked for WMD's and the freedom of the iraqi people? do you really think the war on terror is primarily to reduce terror on the planet? or do you think it has contribited more?

Use your brain.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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I agree there are plenty of confict in 9/11 truth positions, i have posted thing of interest for public scrutiny. The flyover theory at the pentagon for instance was a theory that i posted but do not beleive.

there are no witnesses of a plane flying over the other side and there is a highway there....

Bloody hell, finally! It's only taken you, what, a year? two years? To finally state that you do actually disagree with that claim. And if it's so difficult for you to do so with one as prima facie absurd as this, how difficult will it be for you to back away from the others?


If 'truthers' are so wrong, where are the video tapes of a plane hittng the pentgon, you know the building that controls your militray.' the bigest military on the planet. The famous five frames do not prove anything, if anything they pose more questions. Wher eis the other footage?

But what about all of those eyewitnesses of a low flying airliner approaching the Pentagon? Are you saying they're lying?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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You need to read up on your history, if it were not for the CIA there would be no al quaeda, no taliban and these terrorsits would probably not be a problem.

The IMC have been itching to get into the middle east for decades, this has been on the cards for decades.

do you really beleve iraq was attacked for WMD's and the freedom of the iraqi people? do you really think the war on terror is primarily to reduce terror on the planet? or do you think it has contribited more?

Why are you talking about things that have no connection to what I've just said?

Why are you pretending that the only two options are the public, stated reasons or your zany conspiracy bull? Why are you so intent on stopping people from researching the third option, the things that actually led us there?

Why are you covering up for Bush?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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If 'truthers' are so wrong, where are the video tapes of a plane hittng the pentgon, you know the building that controls your militray.' the bigest military on the planet. The famous five frames do not prove anything, if anything they pose more questions. Wher eis the other footage?

What about all the eye witnesses? Like these. How do you explain them away?


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You do realise that themite is simply a mixture of Iron Oxide (rust) and Aluminium? Looking beyond the conspiracy theories it is quite easy to see how you could get thermite residue from a large aluminium structure (aircraft) impacting a building with lots of steel. If only a small percentage reacted in a thermite like fashion you could have 100's of kilograms of residue.

yes, i do realise that.

But when the aluminium plates and iron oxide particles are uniform and only 100 nanometres across, as specified byu the paper you are trying to refute without actually having read it.

You are jumping to conclusions I read the paper. I am not trying to knock your integrity.

There are much "simpler" explanations for you rust and aluminium can be found in the WTC dust. For goodness sake the buildings were how old 30 or 40 years?I am sure a decent amount of surface rust will form over that period of time - especially near the sea. Add to that the fact that many paints or primers have aluminium in them and I can easily see a substantial amount forming from that process alone. Throw in an entire aircraft impacting at speed and constructed from aluminium and I can happily accept that even more metallic alloy is formed.

I go back to my original point - many people do not appear to be able to accept that it was simply a handful of dedicated fanatics. The 9/11 conspiracy theorists are NO different in my eyes to the millions of people who jump onto the "Saddam Hussein was behind the attacks" bandwagon.

The paper you linked to notes the constituent metals in the particles and implies a larger conclusion. Why no mention of paints and other naturally occurring explanations if they don't have their own agenda? It is so easy to make the evidence fit their own predefined conclusions.

I have brake fluid and ammonium nitrate in my garage, you can scientifically prove that if I combined the two I would have an IED. The fact that the brake fluid is for my car, and the nitrates for the lawn are valid explanations. Don't mix up scientific evidence with intent and origin - aluminium and iron particles existed in the WTC don't automatically assume that they were some highly engineered super weapon.
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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Since you undoubtedly understand this paper much better than anyone else on this forum, why don't you explain it to us so we all can understand?

It explains that those that have taken the time look at the components of the dust in great detail have discovered red grey chips, these red grey chips ate composed of iron oxide and aluminum plates that are very uniform and about 100 nanometres in width.

They ignite with a blow torch and the ignite with a laser. The byproduct of thermite is iron spheres (also found in abundence in the dust samples)

9/11 - Debunking the Debunkers - Exploding Primer Paint?

NIST suggests the heat in the resulting rubble piles produced the speres, yet they are found in samples taken from the top of buildings blocks away from the complex.

There are plenty of people like yourself, and every one that has bothered to reply to the thread so far that wish to supress this evidence, teh spheres are acknowledged but unexplained.

but the nano thermite is ignored as there is no reasonable explanation for it being in the dust saples other than the thermite being deposited in the buildings prior to the impact from tha airplanes, which renders the official story useless.

You, have to ask me to explain because you have not even taken the time to study the evidence of this material yourself.

That makes you ignorant.

I do not now why I bother replying to you as you continue to ignore, and I know your stance on the subject, you ignore what you were taught is School, and you listen to lies from criminals.

Unplausale lies.

Ah yes, we soon resort to insults when challenged beyond our capabilities. How quaint. :)Fe, Al, and their oxides are found everywhere....literally everywhere! They are also the constituants and products of thermite. When an aluminum airliner crashes into a steel framed building, the resulting fire produces a lot of residue that is identical to what was found and reported on. There is no surprise, let alone any smoking gun, in these types of reports. If you were educated in the sciences you would know this and understand why this paper is meaningless.
This paper you cite is also meaningless for another reason; traceability. The samples analyzed were said to have been collected by an unnamed person at approximate times in approximate locations with no way for the reader to verify the actual times and places. There is no way to know whether the samples were collected as claimed or even if the samples tested were the ones collected. But, being as it may, that is a moot point since the results of the testing show nothing that would not be expected.

BTW, ALL papers submitted for publication in scientific journals are peer reviewed. Good ones, bad ones, long ones, short ones.....all of them. Being peer reviewed means just that...they were reviewed by peers of the writer(s). Do not confuse peer review with peer acceptance. BIG difference there.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
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I do not now why I bother replying

Me neither.

"1981 to 1988 is 7 years"-Kallend (oops, it's actually 8 years Kallend)

The decade of the 80's was from 1980 to 1989. 10 years. If you remove 1980 and 1989 you have 1981 to 1988. 8 years.

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the ancient egyptians with the help of NASA developed papyrus . they had a few false starts along the way. too much aluminium content in the reeds , too much iron oxide content in the ink. one scribe got started on a particularly nasty batch and BOOM , created a pillar of fire. talk about being in the right place at the right time , he blocked pharoh yul brynner from halting the jews escape to the promised land !

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Ah yes, we soon resort to insults when challenged beyond our capabilities. How quaint. Smile
Fe, Al, and their oxides are found everywhere....literally everywhere! They are also the constituants and products of thermite. When an aluminum airliner crashes into a steel framed building, the resulting fire produces a lot of residue that is identical to what was found and reported on. There is no surprise, let alone any smoking gun, in these types of reports. If you were educated in the sciences you would know this and understand why this paper is meaningless.

so you are saying that these elements are in abundence everywhere in uniform shapes and only 100 nanometres in length?

NIST says this is paint, you say it is residue. neith of you acknowledge the 'nano' aspect of the evidence, it is there for you to study. and it is there for you to refute.

yet you choose to continue to ignore this fact as your theory is renered useless once you do.

UNIFORM paticles 100 Nano metres across. UNIFORM and very very small, meaning they were costructed with advance technology.

Try again.

Show me you peer reiviewed journal that refutes it, not simple words ignoring the FACTS.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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franciscan monks had a particularly disastrous encounter with nanothermite paper when searching for a suitable paper for transcribing the bible . one monks tabletop erupted into fflames , all the monks in the monastery caught fire in rapid succession . they resorted to rolling on the ground in an attempt to extinguish themselves . the order was renamed the holy rollers . they subsequently founded a monastery in San Francisco referred to as the bay city rollers !

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ignoring the FACTS.

First-you go through the umpteen threads you've started and re-read all the 'facts' you've presented that have been proven wrong. Reach out and grab reality kiddo. Quit worrying about the global conspiracies and men in black-those people watching you are just WalMart security.
You are only as strong as the prey you devour

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so you are saying that these elements are in abundence everywhere in uniform shapes and only 100 nanometres in length?

NIST says this is paint, you say it is residue. neith of you acknowledge the 'nano' aspect of the evidence, it is there for you to study. and it is there for you to refute.

yet you choose to continue to ignore this fact as your theory is renered useless once you do.

UNIFORM paticles 100 Nano metres across. UNIFORM and very very small, meaning they were costructed with advance technology.

Try again.

Show me you peer reiviewed journal that refutes it, not simple words ignoring the FACTS.

100nm is not small on a chemical scale so yes 100nm particles are in abundance. The features in modern digital electronics are down at 90nm and even that is not classified as nanotechnology (unless a geek is trying to get laid:D)

I have never seen particles wearing uniforms though. Were they US Marine or Iraqi national guard uniforms - that might help with who was behind it?:P Seriously though the paper that you referred to had chips as big as 2.5mm in length.

Here is a link to a random patent application covering undercoats on metal from 10nm to 1um.http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/6736890/description.html

It seems that treated steel routinely has approximately 100nm thick anti corrosion coatings - I don't know what the tolerances are but then I doubt the guys proposing the nano-thermite paper have stated tolerances either.
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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First-you go through the umpteen threads you've started and re-read all the 'facts' you've presented that have been proven wrong.

What like half of building 7 being scooped out by the debris as reported by popular mechanics and then somhow emitted from the final NIST report?

Or Popular Mechanics reporting that the terrorist hijackers were identified by DNA evidence :D

So they found the remains of the hijackers (unreported) and had a dna sample before hand to identify aganst? think about that for a minute...


Tell me one fact I ignored that is relevant to this thread, we are talking about the Nano thermite paper.

I have questioned plenty of things about 9/11 and there are threads about them, pull them up but this thread is about the paper and how you object to it, and what evidence or information you have to do so.

I beleive none of you have the ability to debunk the paper.

It is easy to say "you said this and you said that" but you are still ignoring the nano thermite. You know, thermite that is made of 'uniform' particles only 100 Nm across, that can only be produced by very technical processes.

If you don't know how big that is, 100 Nm is .0001 of a mm or 0.000003937 inches.

These particles discovered are very uniform and are binded in a carbon matrix, and in abundence. The Begium guy suggest particles of this description are in abundence everywhere. Begium guy is kidding kimself.

Please avoid moving the subect matter away from the subject
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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100nm is not small on a chemical scale so yes 100nm particles are in abundance. The features in modern digital electronics are down at 90nm and even that is not classified as nanotechnology (unless a geek is trying to get laidLaugh)


the science and technology of creating nanoparticles and of manufacturing machines which have sizes within the range of .1 to 100 nanometres



I have never seen particles wearing uniforms though. Were they US Marine or Iraqi national guard uniforms - that might help with who was behind it?Tongue Seriously though the paper that you referred to had chips as big as 2.5mm in length.

The chips are constructed of these particles, and uniform is a scientific term.

Your argument is weak and ignorant. If you are forced to tweak the information in order to push your point then you must ask youself why.


Here is a link to a random patent application covering undercoats on metal from 10nm to 1um.http://www.patentstorm.us/...890/description.html

It seems that treated steel routinely has approximately 100nm thick anti corrosion coatings - I don't know what the tolerances are but then I doubt the guys proposing the nano-thermite paper have stated tolerances either.

Once again you ignore the composition of the subsatnce; thermite. It ingnites (violently) and produces the same iron spheres also found in abundence in the dust and clearly pointed out in the paper with photographs of them actually fused to the chips.

This substance may well have been painted on the steel, but generally iron oxide is not good for anti corrosion on steel and alumino thermitic coctails are not good for fire protection.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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Ah yes, we soon resort to insults when challenged beyond our capabilities. How quaint. Smile
Fe, Al, and their oxides are found everywhere....literally everywhere! They are also the constituants and products of thermite. When an aluminum airliner crashes into a steel framed building, the resulting fire produces a lot of residue that is identical to what was found and reported on. There is no surprise, let alone any smoking gun, in these types of reports. If you were educated in the sciences you would know this and understand why this paper is meaningless.

so you are saying that these elements are in abundence everywhere in uniform shapes and only 100 nanometres in length?

NIST says this is paint, you say it is residue. neith of you acknowledge the 'nano' aspect of the evidence, it is there for you to study. and it is there for you to refute.

yet you choose to continue to ignore this fact as your theory is renered useless once you do.

UNIFORM paticles 100 Nano metres across. UNIFORM and very very small, meaning they were costructed with advance technology.

Try again.

Show me you peer reiviewed journal that refutes it, not simple words ignoring the FACTS.

Yes, particles such as described are in abundance virtually everywhere. Just because you don't know why or how (or wearing a foil hat) does not make the fact go away.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
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Yes, particles such as described are in abundance virtually everywhere. Just because you don't know why or how (or wearing a foil hat) does not make the fact go away.

Ok then sherlok, show us one example of these types of particles existing 'together' that are uniform in size, shape and composition and bound in a carbon matrix.

On one side here i getting, this is paint, and on the other side i am getting these are naturally occuring substances.

neither arguments are acknowledging that Nanothermite is only produced by dynamic gas-phase condensation or the pulsed plasma process.

Once again showing thier complete ignorance. I have given you the recources to know this stuff, but you don't wish to acknowledge it.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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Yes, particles such as described are in abundance virtually everywhere. Just because you don't know why or how (or wearing a foil hat) does not make the fact go away.

Ok then sherlok, show us one example of these types of particles existing 'together' that are uniform in size, shape and composition and bound in a carbon matrix.

On one side here i getting, this is paint, and on the other side i am getting these are naturally occuring substances.

neither arguments are acknowledging that Nanothermite is only produced by dynamic gas-phase condensation or the pulsed plasma process.

Once again showing thier complete ignorance. I have given you the recources to know this stuff, but you don't wish to acknowledge it.


Anyplace metals and organics are incinerated together will have these particles in many sizes including ~100nm.
You have NOT given any resources to "know this stuff". You have given sources of extremely subjective material that is based on questionable samples.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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Anyplace metals and organics are incinerated together will have these particles in many sizes including ~100nm.
You have NOT given any resources to "know this stuff". You have given sources of extremely subjective material that is based on questionable samples.

So 'many sizes' equates to uniform size in your mind?

Or are you saying you beleive random occurences can produce completely uniform results, and can be formed by incineration and produce a composition that is highly reactive to fire yet unreacted?

Do you realise how extremely unlikely your suggestion is?

How are the samples questionable? and what is subjective about tangible, photgraphed and documented evidence that has been scrutinised by professonals with expertise in the field of such analysis and tested with repeatable results?

Do you even acknowledge the credentials of these guys or do you assume nobody can know more than you do?

I think I found a picture of you (attached)
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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The burden of proof is on you to show that the findings are not in line with a jetliner crashing into the building. The burden is not on other people to disprove your wildly fantastic, incredible, unbelievable screwball CT's.

What has been found so far is entirely reasonable and is actually what would be expected to be found from the events as they were witnessed by 1000's, or is it 10's of 1000's, of people.

You have yet to provide a shred of evidence that can not be accounted for by the officially accepted description of the events.

I am curious about your answer to a question posted to you earlier. How many people do you think (rough guess is good enough) were in on the plot behind the conspiracy you favor?
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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