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>I really dislike people that use logical fallacies to belittle others . . .

Sorry you feel belittled.

Are you more accepting of fascists who are Christians than fascists who are Muslims? Because it sure sounded like that was what you were saying.

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Why is his opinion potentially representative of Muslim opinions about the mosque, but not representative of Muslim opinions about 9/11?

I'll bet they were against that, too, but Islam gets no credit for their opinion in that case.

Wendy P.

There was a substantial amount of celebrating from large crowds of Muslims following that day. There were the expected declarations of sympathy, denouncing terrorism from many of their leadership, but still a lot of applause was present. It seems that you don't want to acknowledge that.

Islamofacism could not be as prevalent as it is unless a lot of Muslims at the very least choose to let it exist.

I hate Islamofacists. I think the term is quite appropriate, and Pres Bush was absolutely right to call it that. I would have a much greater opinion of Obama if he would do the same.

I'd disagree, there was some celebrating by some Palastinians which was show almost 24/7 for days afterwards, there was a massive amount of sympaty from the majority of the Islamic world. I was in London at the time and many white British non Muslims were saying 'good, about time the Yanks got a taste of what terrorism is like' unpleasent but true. There was even a Newsnight programe in which many members of the audiance said the same which was denounced in the House of Commons and susequently buried. Many Brits had a problem with the US funding the IRA which caused us 41 years of grief. Yet I don't see or hear that being brought up all the time.

We could always say "look the VERY BLOODY English are getting what they deserved for 1000 years of ethnic cleansing of Ireland"

Yada yada yada... If it wasn't for the Brits there wouldn't be feck all architecture, no Dublin castle, Trinity, Queens, RCSI, or anyother bulding of note. Who built the first proper road in Ireland? The Brits. Who brought trade to Ireland, the Brits. Who gave Ireland its first language? The English. Who was it that threw shit and piss over the 1916 members of the uprising when they came out of the GPO? The IRISH. The Brits were no harsher with the Irish that they were with their own people. All I hear is whinging about how all the problems in Ireland are down to the Brits, yet Ireland has been fucked up and misrun by the Irish for nearly 100 years now, so get over it love.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Many Brits had a problem with the US funding the IRA which caused us 41 years of grief. Yet I don't see or hear that being brought up all the time.

That's part of the double-standard in the US: aid and support of terrorists by calling them "freedom fighters" is OK-ish as long as you're not burdened with an over-abundance of melanin.

Race-based tolerance of terrorists is hardly uniquely American; there was plenty of British precedent from which to learn. For example, during the negotiations for the Irish Free State treaty in the early 1920s, then-cabinet minister Winston Churchill became fast friends with his former Irish arch-enemy, Michael Collins. Never mind that Collins personally murdered British nationals in Ireland, and ordered the assassinations of many more British nationals - he was a terrorist with British blood on his hands. And Churchill continued to cause direct British aid, including weapons, to be given the Collins-led Irish Free State faction during the Irish Civil War that followed the Treaty.

But a few years later, when Mohandas Gandhi, who had served time in prison for peaceful, non-violent resistance to British rule in India, visited the UK and was granted warm welcome from prominent Brits in and out of government around the country, including a cordial audience with the King and Queen, Churchill refused to meet with him, deriding Gandhi as a despicable seditionist. Collins was as white as Paddy's pig, while Gandhi was quite the brown man. Coincidence? Not on your life.

You are correct in most of you post, Collins was however no friend of Churchill. Churchill gave him an option take the deal or suffer a terrible war. Collins did what he had to and then was shafted by Dev who knew that the Uk Gov would not shift to the full demands and suspected that such a deal would be offered, he also knew that it had to be taken yet in a cowardly act of betrayal sent the Cork man to take the deal and the burden.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Andy, you bring up the past. Yes America, especially in the 20's was extremely racist. Sure racism is still alive today. America is not the only country that is racist though.

Everyone wants to make this into a race issue. I don't hate the people from the middle east. I simply don't trust the religion that most of them practice. In fact I don't trust any religion. Religion is all about money and power no matter how it is wrapped up and what bow you put on it.

You cant deny that in present times, the most sickening acts we have seen have been committed in the name of Islam and not just against Westerners. I am not talking about 9/11 either. I'm talking about girls having their ears and noses cut off. I am talking about people being stoned to death for adultery. Wives being beheaded when they want a divorce. Hell that one even happened here in NY last year. The cutting off of heads of POW's and journalists. Blowing up night clubs full of innocent people. All this is done in the name of Islam.

Islam as practiced all over the world seems more about blood and guts and oppression then anything else.

I know we can talk about Catholic Priests molesting children (they should all be shot) and Christian's blowing up federal buildings and all the other horrible things that happen in the world that people do in the name of... (insert deity here). That is why I don't trust any religion. They all preach peace...unless the other guy disagrees with you, then OFF WITH THEIR HEAD.

Unfortunately for Muslims, large portions of the people that practice it are still uneducated and that makes them very dangerous. Because they can be easily manipulated and will fall back on the only knowledge they have....The Quran....and the interpretation of those that taught it to them. It isn't only about not being educated though, as American born terrorists have shown. Western ideals and the Muslim religion just seem like oil and water. They don't mix and may never.

Maybe it is like domestic violence. They say it is learned. It is a cycle that can be broken. Can Muslims break the cycle of terrorism? Can they break the cycle of INTOLERANCE they have against any and all other religions? Can they gain the trust of the world? It really is up to the Muslim people to aggressively make a change through out their religion and gain the respect that they want. Instead it seems that Islam DEMANDS respect no matter what. Well it doesn't work that way.

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Western ideals and the Muslim religion just seem like oil and water. They don't mix and may never.

That is what Al Q and the RWC's want you to believe but its simply not true. Millions of Muslims happily work and live in secular western democracies contributing to all areas of life, and it works well.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Oh, so we can start building churches and synagogues in Saudi Arabia and the likes.....
after reading all this diatribe.....I would sugesst a little history lesson on Mohammed.....a murdering pedophile....the patron saint of this cult.....and then
wonder why anybody would go along with the writings.....sorry i don't agree with anything that usurps an individual right to choose and make their own decisions in life.....I would say the Muslims of the world need to clean up their act before asking for anybody's acceptance.....it's up to them.....

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Western ideals and the Muslim religion just seem like oil and water. They don't mix and may never.

Rhat is what Al Q and the RWC's want you to believe but its simply not true. Millions of Muslims happily work and live in secular western democracies contributing to all areas of life, and it works well.

I'm not a believer in any religion. I don't hate Muslims.

When Muslims start throwing terrorists and recruiters
out of mosques, non-Muslims will be fine with a mosque
anywhere they want to put one.

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Rhat is what Al Q and the RWC's want you to believe but its simply not true. Millions of Muslims happily work and live in secular western democracies contributing to all areas of life, and it works well.

Rhat? Who is he? ;)

I say that those Millions of Muslims are the exception and not the rule. I don't think I am alone in that. Sucks for the good ones

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Oh, so we can start building churches and synagogues in Saudi Arabia and the likes.....
after reading all this diatribe.....I would sugesst a little history lesson on Mohammed.....a murdering pedophile....the patron saint of this cult.....and then
wonder why anybody would go along with the writings.....sorry i don't agree with anything that usurps an individual right to choose and make their own decisions in life.....I would say the Muslims of the world need to clean up their act before asking for anybody's acceptance.....it's up to them.....

Your argument is far from compelling. (Drunk posting eh? :D)
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Rhat is what Al Q and the RWC's want you to believe but its simply not true. Millions of Muslims happily work and live in secular western democracies contributing to all areas of life, and it works well.

Rhat? Who is he? ;)

I say that those Millions of Muslims are the exception and not the rule. I don't think I am alone in that. Sucks for the good ones

LOL...You are joking right? If they were the exception to the rule then there would be millions more waging war on the streets of Europe, which is simply not happening. Your argument is not based in fact.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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LOL...You are joking right? If they were the exception to the rule then there would be millions more waging war on the streets of Europe, which is simply not happening. Your argument is not based in fact.

So your saying there are more Muslims in the UK and the U.S. then the rest of the world? Dont think so.

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Collins was however no friend of Churchill. Churchill gave him an option take the deal or suffer a terrible war. Collins did what he had to

I may have engaged in a bit of hyperbole when I referred to them as "fast friends"; I'm influenced by William Manchester's first volume of his biography of Churchill, The Last Lion. So, with excerpts from the book, here is the longer version:


Collins in particular attracted [Churchill]. He and Winston were, in fact, alike in many ways... "Winston and Michael Collins appear to fascinate each other and are bosom friends," wrote the amazed Stanley Salvidge. Their friendship grew; after a day of exhausting deliberations, Winston would take his recent enemy home and sit up late, talking, arguing, drinking, even singing.

But of Ghandi's trip to Britain in 1931, Manchester writes:


A harbinger [of eventual Indian independence] was the welcome extended to Gandhi when he arrived in the fall of 1931, clad only in his homespun shawl and swaddling dhoti...he ... was invited to tea with the King and Queen. Everyone of consequence clamored to meet Ghandi, with one exception. Churchill refused to see him.

As to Churchill's contrasting racial attitudes, Manchester observes:


He could greet Louis Botha [a white Afrikaaner, and enemy leader during the Boer War] and Michael Collins as equals, but his relationship with any Indian, even an accomplished barrister like Gandhi or a fellow Harrovian like Nehru, could never be as between compeers.

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Millions of Muslims happily work and live in secular western democracies contributing to all areas of life, and it works well.

Your making up a different argument. But OK, lets look at your argument, if it was a clash of civilizations then surely the Millions of Muslims would not tolarate western holiday makers in Muslim countries, yet Muslim countries are amoung some of the worlds top holiday destinations.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Yada yada yada... If it wasn't for the Brits there wouldn't be feck all architecture, no Dublin castle, Trinity, Queens, RCSI, or anyother bulding of note. Who built the first proper road in Ireland? The Brits. Who brought trade to Ireland, the Brits. Who gave Ireland its first language? The English. Who was it that threw shit and piss over the 1916 members of the uprising when they came out of the GPO? The IRISH. The Brits were no harsher with the Irish that they were with their own people. All I hear is whinging about how all the problems in Ireland are down to the Brits, yet Ireland has been fucked up and misrun by the Irish for nearly 100 years now, so get over it love.

You MUST be from N. Ireland... and a Protestant too.

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>Oh, so we can start building churches and synagogues in Saudi Arabia
> and the likes.....

Nope; they're effectively a religious dictatorship. I think our system works a bit better than theirs.

>I would sugesst a little history lesson on Mohammed.....a murdering

Compared to popes who started anti-Muslim wars that killed hundreds of thousands, inquisitions that arrested, tortured and killed tens of thousands of men, women and children who weren't "christian enough", and priests who regularly molest little boys?

Lots of religions have a lot of violence associated with them; Islam is no better or worse.

>sorry i don't agree with anything that usurps an individual right to
>choose and make their own decisions in life....

I agree!

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Yada yada yada... If it wasn't for the Brits there wouldn't be feck all architecture, no Dublin castle, Trinity, Queens, RCSI, or anyother bulding of note. Who built the first proper road in Ireland? The Brits. Who brought trade to Ireland, the Brits. Who gave Ireland its first language? The English. Who was it that threw shit and piss over the 1916 members of the uprising when they came out of the GPO? The IRISH. The Brits were no harsher with the Irish that they were with their own people. All I hear is whinging about how all the problems in Ireland are down to the Brits, yet Ireland has been fucked up and misrun by the Irish for nearly 100 years now, so get over it love.

You MUST be from N. Ireland... and a Protestant too.

When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Yada yada yada... If it wasn't for the Brits there wouldn't be feck all architecture, no Dublin castle, Trinity, Queens, RCSI, or anyother bulding of note. Who built the first proper road in Ireland? The Brits. Who brought trade to Ireland, the Brits. Who gave Ireland its first language? The English. Who was it that threw shit and piss over the 1916 members of the uprising when they came out of the GPO? The IRISH. The Brits were no harsher with the Irish that they were with their own people. All I hear is whinging about how all the problems in Ireland are down to the Brits, yet Ireland has been fucked up and misrun by the Irish for nearly 100 years now, so get over it love.

You MUST be from N. Ireland... and a Protestant too.



That should keep him guessin:)

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I have no use for any religion and would love for them all to go away as they all are the largest source of corruption, war, and just general idiotic behavior in the world.

Some religions in recent years have proven to be much more dangerous than others to modern society so of course they're going to get more attention.
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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I'm afraid if you wish to remain in here you must raise your vitriol old chap. You are far to subtle and balanced.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Your making up a different argument. But OK, lets look at your argument, if it was a clash of civilizations then surely the Millions of Muslims would not tolarate western holiday makers in Muslim countries, yet Muslim countries are amoung some of the worlds top holiday destinations.

It is a clash of civilizations if you want to call it that.

A lot of people travel to Muslim countries for holidays...your very right. Then they get blown up in night clubs. Or thrown in jail for making out on a beach.

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Your making up a different argument. But OK, lets look at your argument, if it was a clash of civilizations then surely the Millions of Muslims would not tolarate western holiday makers in Muslim countries, yet Muslim countries are amoung some of the worlds top holiday destinations.

It is a clash of civilizations if you want to call it that.

A lot of people travel to Muslim countries for holidays...your very right. Then they get blown up in night clubs. Or thrown in jail for making out on a beach.

The extreme exceptions to the rule.Thats like pointing out the many people who get mugged and murdered ion holiday in the USA and saying it happens to the majority. Hundreds of thousands if not millions go to Islamic countries every year without incident.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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