
Obama v Reagan

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Presidential terms are 4 years. Reagan had 2 terms, making 8 years. 1981 to 1988 is only 7 years. Your self confessed ignorance of statistics struck again. (OR maybe deliberate dishonesty, who knows).

81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88.........Looks like 8 years to me.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

So according to timmy math the distance from milepost 81 to milepost 82 on the highway is 2 miles.

81, 82
(1) (2)

In fact, milepost 81 is 1 mile from itself:


No wonder Reagan and Bush ran up huge deficits.


They don't start highways at milepost 1, they start at zero miles. So if you got to milepost 2 then you have driven 2 miles.

Right and if you were there when Jebus died, that would be zero, 1 year later it would be 1 A.D., another year would be 2 A.D. So the point is:

- October 1981 is the zero mark,
- October 1982 is the 1st anniversary,
- October 1983 is the 2nd anniversary,
- October 1984 is the 3rd anniversary,
- October 1985 is the 4th anniversary,
- October 1986 is the 5th anniversary,
- October 1987 is the 6th anniversary,
- October 1988 is the 7th anniversary.

If you are just covering for a fuck up; cool. If you can't understand simple chronological indexing then you really have a poor math IQ, perhaps < 6th grade. BTW, "<" means, less than.


Sorry you are having a problem with this. Simple things are hard for some people to understand. Nice try at redirect by talking about milepost because that is in no way the same.

It's exactly the same. Just as today is Friday at 6PM Pacific Time, you don't say you have to be to work on Monday after the weekend, so you have 3 days off: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. You have 2 days off and the usual evening of friday evening. Cruises and vacations use the same illogic to make it sound as if you have more vacation time than you do. They will advertise an 8-day cruise that leaves Friday and returns Friday and call it 8 days and 7 nights. They count the first day even tho you might leave in the afternoon.


I'll help by getting us back on track.

Or perhaps by understand 6th grade chronological counting.


1981 to 1988 is only 7 years.

81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88=8 years
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)


If you still don't understand, PM me and I'll try to explain it to you in simpler terms.

Again, if you're just trying to keep the hoax alive so you don't have to admit you fucked up, like Mike already did, that's cool. If you really think Oct 81 to )ct 88 is 7 years then I honestly feel for you. I could ask grade school kids that and they could tell me it's 7 years.

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09/30/1981 * 997,855,000,000.00
09/29/1989 2,857,430,960,187.32

Difference: 1.86T

Here's a chart of raw debt numbers that goes from the 1st of every year for more precision: http://www.marktaw.com/culture_and_media/TheNationalDebtImages/TheNationalDebt.htm

1/1/1981 $1,028,729,000,000.00

1/1/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32

Difference: $1.83T ...... So you see the data is about the same regardless of where you get it. Clinton's last 4 years showed a surplus, Right before LBJ left office there was a surplus, supposedly from VN financing comming in. Other than that you have to go to Eisenhower who had 3 years of supluses. Imagine that, tax increasers/maintainers leave supluses, tax cutters leave deficits.

As for debt adjusted for inflation, here's a graph that adjusts it for 1950 dollars and the next graph for 2000 dollars. http://www.marktaw.com/culture_and_media/TheNationalDebt.html A little more than 1/2 way down.

Here's the same graphical data morte easily found: http://chuckelaw.blogspot.com/2008_10_01_archive.html#6986263392072533032

I like the editorial:

I downloaded it this morning after listening to a radio show which traced the country's debt orgy back to Reagan. While I am happy to believe that Reagan started it all, I thought I ought to check it out. Sure enough, adjusted for inflation our national debt remained fairly constant, even through the Johnson administration and the Vietnam war. The spiral upwards begin shortly after 1980 and continues unabated until the Clinton administration when it abates and retreats. It then skyrockets over the last eight years.

You don't have to like the editorial to see the graph illustrates that at the end of WWII until Reagan the debt stayed flat, got a reprieve under Clinton and slammed even worse under GWB.

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Well, timmy, I see you continue to stalk me with your new sig line.

I have a son who was born in 1972. According to your math, he was 1 on the day he was born, and 2 in 1973.

I'm surprised you advertise your (lack of) math skills in your sig.

So if it's monday, it won't be monday again for 8 days.

Mon (1) - Tues (2) - Wed (3) - Thurs (4) - Fri (5) - Sat (6) - Sun (7) - Mon (8). Wow, an 8 day week; must be a corporate thing to get more productivity; those pesky Republicans and their fuzzy math. >:(

It must be a moron thing to believe you can count Monday twice and consider it an eight day week. Only you Lucky.

Since you and Kallend seem to be having a lot of problems with this seemly simple math problem, I'll spell it out for you once again.

1981(1st year) 1982 (second year) 1983 (3rd year) 1984 (4th year) 1985 (5th year) 1986 (6th year) 1987 (7th year) 1988 (8th year)

If you need further instruction, ask Kallend. He has PM'd asking the details of how this math thing works. After several PM's back and forth I think he has it figure out now. If he can't give you the answer that helps you understand, I'm working on an animation type thing that may help. It may even be shown on Sesame Street later.

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If you really think Oct 81 to )ct 88 is 7 years then I honestly feel for you. I could ask grade school kids that and they could tell me it's 7 years.

I'm confused... did you typo? in the first sentence you imply 81-88 is not 7 years, then in the second, you imply that it's obvious that it's 7 years.

because it is indeed 7 years.

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Since you and Kallend seem to be having a lot of problems with this seemly simple math problem, I'll spell it out for you once again.

1981(1st year) 1982 (second year) 1983 (3rd year) 1984 (4th year) 1985 (5th year) 1986 (6th year) 1987 (7th year) 1988 (8th year)

If you need further instruction, ask Kallend. He has PM'd asking the details of how this math thing works. After several PM's back and forth I think he has it figure out now. If he can't give you the answer that helps you understand, I'm working on an animation type thing that may help. It may even be shown on Sesame Street later.

there are 8 years listed there, but the time span between a date in the first year, and a date in the last year, is only 7 years.

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09/30/1981 * 997,855,000,000.00
09/29/1989 2,857,430,960,187.32

Difference: 1.86T

Inflation-adjusted numbers:
(1981 $)
9/30/81: 997,855,000,000
9/30/89: 2,085,924,600,937 (edit: wrong inflation ratio)
Difference: 1,088,069,600,937 (109.04% increase)


Here's a chart of raw debt numbers that goes from the 1st of every year for more precision: http://www.marktaw.com/culture_and_media/TheNationalDebtImages/TheNationalDebt.htm

1/1/1981 $1,028,729,000,000.00
1/1/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32
Difference: $1.83T ......

Inflation-adjusted numbers:
(1981 $)
1/1/1981: 1,028,729,000,000.00
1/1/1989: 2,085,924,600,936.74
Difference: 1,057,195,600,936.74 (102.77%)


So you see the data is about the same regardless of where you get it.

Yep - Reagan didn't triple the debt like you and kallend claim.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Or perhaps by understand 6th grade chronological counting.

Worth noting that we say one is in the 6th grade on the first day of class, not after the year is completed. We are not consistent on these measures without context, making this entire discussion one of the lamer of the week (and this was a pretty lousy week for engaging threads).

We have no problem getting data by the day for both the debt and inflation. We could have saved ourselves all this crap by just adding those dates.

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Well, timmy, I see you continue to stalk me with your new sig line.

I have a son who was born in 1972. According to your math, he was 1 on the day he was born, and 2 in 1973.

I'm surprised you advertise your (lack of) math skills in your sig.

So if it's monday, it won't be monday again for 8 days.

Mon (1) - Tues (2) - Wed (3) - Thurs (4) - Fri (5) - Sat (6) - Sun (7) - Mon (8). Wow, an 8 day week; must be a corporate thing to get more productivity; those pesky Republicans and their fuzzy math. >:(


It must be a moron thing to believe you can count Monday twice and consider it an eight day week. Only you Lucky.

I'mnot saying it is, I'm saying it's stupid to count the first day as an entire day. And yet you make that same moron mistake I'm illustrating by saying this:

81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88=8 years
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

You can't count the first year, esp when we are talking fiscal years, birthdays, etc. that have the same starting date. Now if you are talking Jan 1, 1981 to Dec 31, 1988 that is essentially 8 years, but this context is of fiscal years that start on the same date and you knew that.


Since you and Kallend seem to be having a lot of problems with this seemly simple math problem, I'll spell it out for you once again.

1981(1st year) 1982 (second year) 1983 (3rd year) 1984 (4th year) 1985 (5th year) 1986 (6th year) 1987 (7th year) 1988 (8th year)

OK, so now include a day and month with each year. Of course you won't do this as you're being abstract. Remember the context? To bring this home, you're at mile marker 81, you drive until mile marker 88; HOW MANY MILES HAVE YOU DRIVEN? Of course you will ignore this question. What you're doing is saying you're 1 foot beyond mile marker 80 and you drive until 1 foot before mile marker 89 and you call that 8 miles. But I will be intersted to watch you answer:

To bring this home, you're at mile marker 81, you drive until mile marker 88; HOW MANY MILES HAVE YOU DRIVEN?


If you need further instruction, ask Kallend. He has PM'd asking the details of how this math thing works. After several PM's back and forth I think he has it figure out now. If he can't give you the answer that helps you understand, I'm working on an animation type thing that may help. It may even be shown on Sesame Street later.

Yea, you're not smarter than a 5th grader let alone a PhD. And I know how you get there, you count ALL of 1981 and ALL of 1988, but in this context we are starting and stopping at the same day and month, so your fantasy is irrelevant. The fact that your abstraction tells otherwise is irrelevant, the topic and context is here, you're the only one supporting this inanity; even Mike agreed he fucked up yet you feel you need to revive the month-dead cat.

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If you really think Oct 81 to )ct 88 is 7 years then I honestly feel for you. I could ask grade school kids that and they could tell me it's 7 years.

I'm confused... did you typo? in the first sentence you imply 81-88 is not 7 years, then in the second, you imply that it's obvious that it's 7 years.

because it is indeed 7 years.

No, I fucked up, I meant:

If you really think Oct 81 to )ct 88 is 8 years then I honestly feel for you. I could ask grade school kids that and they could tell me it's 7 years.

After beating this 5th grade dead horse it's getting tiresome. Please PM Timmyfitz and tell him that this retarded misdirection is taking from the issue.

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Since you and Kallend seem to be having a lot of problems with this seemly simple math problem, I'll spell it out for you once again.

1981(1st year) 1982 (second year) 1983 (3rd year) 1984 (4th year) 1985 (5th year) 1986 (6th year) 1987 (7th year) 1988 (8th year)

If you need further instruction, ask Kallend. He has PM'd asking the details of how this math thing works. After several PM's back and forth I think he has it figure out now. If he can't give you the answer that helps you understand, I'm working on an animation type thing that may help. It may even be shown on Sesame Street later.

there are 8 years listed there, but the time span between a date in the first year, and a date in the last year, is only 7 years.

OK, I could have scrolled down. Thank you. Hard to argue issues when we get stuck on litterally 5th grade elements. He's being abstract, he came in late and tried to argue an element that doesn't work with fiscal years.

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Or perhaps by understand 6th grade chronological counting.

Worth noting that we say one is in the 6th grade on the first day of class, not after the year is completed. We are not consistent on these measures without context, making this entire discussion one of the lamer of the week (and this was a pretty lousy week for engaging threads).

We have no problem getting data by the day for both the debt and inflation. We could have saved ourselves all this crap by just adding those dates.

But you don't say that child has completed the 6th grade on his first day.

I did include the date several times. Also, when you come in in the middle of a conversation, it is your duty to understand the context and once it has been explaoned to you, your duty to not defend ridiculousness. Hell, even Mike admitted he fucked up and we all moved on, then Timmyfitz carried the extinguished torch.

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To bring this home, you're at mile marker 81, you drive until mile marker 88; HOW MANY MILES HAVE YOU DRIVEN?

Since you want to take this in a direction using mile markers, I'll show you your flaw.

If you are starting at mile marker 81 that means you have already driven through the 81st mile(Dec 31st, 1981) and you are sitting at the beginning of mile 82 (Jan 1st, 1982). You can't count the 81st mile since you have already driven through it. The problem with your example is you say you are starting at mile marker 81 when in fact you are starting at the beginning of the 82nd mile.

Why are you trying to include mile 81 when you have already driven through it? Is that like when you counted Monday twice to make an eight day week. LMAO. :D

How many years were there in the decade of the 80's? It is 1980 to 1989. 10 years. If you take out 1980 and 1989 what you have left is 1981 to 1988. Eight years.

If you are still having problems counting you can contact this guy. He may be able to help you. :D


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If you really think Oct 81 to )ct 88 is 7 years then I honestly feel for you. I could ask grade school kids that and they could tell me it's 7 years.

I'm confused... did you typo? in the first sentence you imply 81-88 is not 7 years, then in the second, you imply that it's obvious that it's 7 years.

because it is indeed 7 years.

Indeed it is. You might try telling that to timmyfitz, he's having a hard time grasping the concept of counting.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I'm surprised that you continue to advertise your inability to grasp the concept of counting on ALL DZ.COM forums by putting it in your sig line.

But that's your decision.:P


The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I'm surprised that you continue to advertise your inability to grasp the concept of counting on ALL DZ.COM forums by putting it in your sig line.

But that's your decision.:P

How many years were there in the decade of the 80's? It is 1980 to 1989. 10 years. If you take out 1980 and 1989 what you have left is 1981 to 1988. Eight years.

My math is fine.

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I'm surprised that you continue to advertise your inability to grasp the concept of counting on ALL DZ.COM forums by putting it in your sig line.

But that's your decision.:P

How many years were there in the decade of the 80's? It is 1980 to 1989. 10 years. If you take out 1980 and 1989 what you have left is 1981 to 1988. Eight years.

My math is fine.

Irrelevant to the problem at hand. See rhaig's explanation if you don't like mine.

Try again, and do it properly. We're talking length of presidential terms in this thread, something you seem to have a really hard time grasping.

Reagan was inaugurated Jan 1981 and left office Jan 1989.

1989 - 1981 = 8.

8 years is the length of 2 presidential terms.


You are simply WRONG.

(The process is called SUBTRACTION. Most people learn it in grade school)

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I'm surprised that you continue to advertise your inability to grasp the concept of counting on ALL DZ.COM forums by putting it in your sig line.

But that's your decision.:P

How many years were there in the decade of the 80's? It is 1980 to 1989. 10 years. If you take out 1980 and 1989 what you have left is 1981 to 1988. Eight years.

My math is fine.

Irrelevant to the problem at hand. See rhaig's explanation if you don't like mine.

Try again, and do it properly. We're talking length of presidential terms in this thread, something you seem to have a really hard time grasping.

Reagan was inaugurated Jan 1981 and left office Jan 1989.

1989 - 1981 = 8.

8 years is the length of 2 presidential terms.


You are simply WRONG.

(The process is called SUBTRACTION. Most people learn it in grade school)

Yes if you say 1989-1981=8 years you are correct but you weren't doing addition or subtraction originally. You were just stating a series of years.

A series of years that consist of 1981 to 1988 is 8 years.

If you would like to use specific dates that will change the outcome but you didn't. You used a series of years-1981 to 1988.

If you had a job that started on Jan 20th 1981 and ended Dec 31st 1988, would you be more apt to tell a prospective employer you had 8 years experience or 7 years?

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The CONTEXT of this thread is the length of presidential terms. Perhaps you missed it in your anxiety to stalk me.

As you just pointed out, I am doing it correctly and you are not.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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The CONTEXT of this thread is the length of presidential terms. Perhaps you missed it in your anxiety to stalk me.

As you just pointed out, I am doing it correctly and you are not.

I see you didn't respond to the content of my previous post which shows the flaw from your early post in this thread. That's OK.

I'm going outside to enjoy the sunshine now. I'll help you with this problem later.

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Yes if you say 1989-1981=8 years you are correct

Yes, that is what I say for the length of Reagan's 2 terms as president, since that is what was being discussed in this thread.

And yes, I am correct.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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And yes, I am correct.

How DARE that peasant allude to you being mistaken!

Of course, the ONLY reason you can say you're right is due to inauguration being 3 weeks after New Year's.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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And yes, I am correct.

How DARE that peasant allude to you being mistaken!

Of course, the ONLY reason you can say you're right is due to inauguration being 3 weeks after New Year's.

Doesn't matter when it is as long as it's the same date every year.

November 17 1981 to November 17 1989 is still 8 years.

June 9 1981 to June 9 1989 is still 8 years.

The umpteenth of Octember 1981 to the umpteenth of Octember 1989 is still 8 years.

Did you and timmy have the same math teacher?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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And yes, I am correct.

How DARE that peasant allude to you being mistaken!

Of course, the ONLY reason you can say you're right is due to inauguration being 3 weeks after New Year's.

Doesn't matter when it is as long as it's the same date every year.

November 17 1981 to November 17 1989 is still 8 years.

June 9 1981 to June 9 1989 is still 8 years.

The umpteenth of Octember 1981 to the umpteenth of Octember 1989 is still 8 years.

Did you and timmy have the same math teacher?

Mine realized that the only way you can talk about 1989 in regard to Reagan is due to those 3 weeks - funny how you don't mention that anymore.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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To bring this home, you're at mile marker 81, you drive until mile marker 88; HOW MANY MILES HAVE YOU DRIVEN?


Since you want to take this in a direction using mile markers, I'll show you your flaw.

If you are starting at mile marker 81 that means you have already driven through the 81st mile(Dec 31st, 1981) and you are sitting at the beginning of mile 82 (Jan 1st, 1982). You can't count the 81st mile since you have already driven through it. The problem with your example is you say you are starting at mile marker 81 when in fact you are starting at the beginning of the 82nd mile.

It doesn't matter since I'm not counting from the state border, I'm just starting at MM 81 and ending at MM 88. It could be MM 127 to MM 134; I was using teh MM to match the year for clarity. Either way, it's 7 miles from MM 81 to MM 88, 7 miles from MM 127 to MM 134, the border reference is irrelevant.


Why are you trying to include mile 81 when you have already driven through it? Is that like when you counted Monday twice to make an eight day week. LMAO. :D

I'm calling the MM post sign, just as the year. You're the one with the 8-day week logic, we all see it but you.


How many years were there in the decade of the 80's? It is 1980 to 1989. 10 years. If you take out 1980 and 1989 what you have left is 1981 to 1988. Eight years.

It depends upon how you spin it. From Jan 1, 1980 to Jan 1, 1990 there are 10 years, if you leave the day and month open it's up to your abstraction and spin.


If you are still having problems counting you can contact this guy. He may be able to help you. :D


Dude, everyone sees your silliness as either deperation or actual inability to understand, let it go.

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