Send in the (more) Clowns

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I just posted this in a new thread earlier about Obama's recess appointments.

And actually, it's sending out the clowns. Oh well, have the OT Law which was designed to make working people ineligible for OT pay but req them to worl it by giving them a fancy title. Now we have humans back in the offfice; too bad - so sad.

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Parliamentary procedure, Constitution, checks and balances, bulls***...F*** you people! I am THE PRESIDENT.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Parliamentary procedure, Constitution, checks and balances, bulls***...F*** you people! I am THE PRESIDENT.

Both Republican and Democratic presidents have made recess appointments, which circumvents the Senate's authority to confirm nominees, when they could not overcome delays. President George W. Bush made more than 170 such appointments in his two-term presidency. President Bill Clinton made nearly 140.

Both sides use procedural maneuvering to try to out-general the other. Both sides use: Senatorial courtesy; filibusters; cloture; vetoes; pocket-vetoes; overrides of vetoes; recess appointments; etc., etc. That's the playing field; it affect, and is used, by, both sides equally and with vigor. Always has been the case; always will be. Thus, I have little sufferance for people on either side who whine about it, like John McCain has now done TWICE this week, the little crybaby.

A knowledge of history is a wonderful thing.

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Parliamentary procedure, Constitution, checks and balances, bulls***...F*** you people! I am THE PRESIDENT.

Both Republican and Democratic presidents have made recess appointments, which circumvents the Senate's authority to confirm nominees, when they could not overcome delays. President George W. Bush made more than 170 such appointments in his two-term presidency. President Bill Clinton made nearly 140.

A knowledge of history is a wonderful thing.

Yep! I stand by my post above.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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If it bothers you so much that Presidents of both parties have historically used the recess appointment, then you have the right as a US citizen to file suit in Federal court to try to block it on Constitutional grounds. Go for it. Chances are, if it gets to the Supreme Court, at least Clarence Thomas will agree with you (once his law clerks explain it to him).

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If it bothers you so much that Presidents of both parties have historically used the recess appointment, then you have the right as a US citizen to file suit in Federal court to try to block it on Constitutional grounds. Go for it. Chances are, if it gets to the Supreme Court, at least Clarence Thomas will agree with you (once his law clerks explain it to him).

And Scalia, with his nose up Thomas' ass, will parrot him and go along. Roberts will go along just cause and you'll lose 6-3.

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all Presidents have made recess appointments and the next one will as well. But this one is a crock of shit. This appointment got a vote in the Senate and was rejected. He just flipped his middle finger at the separation of powers with this one>:(
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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If it bothers you so much that Presidents of both parties have historically used the recess appointment, then you have the right as a US citizen to file suit in Federal court to try to block it on Constitutional grounds. Go for it. Chances are, if it gets to the Supreme Court, at least Clarence Thomas will agree with you (once his law clerks explain it to him).

This guy got an up or down vote. He got voted down. Big part of the point dont you think?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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If it bothers you so much that Presidents of both parties have historically used the recess appointment, then you have the right as a US citizen to file suit in Federal court to try to block it on Constitutional grounds. Go for it. Chances are, if it gets to the Supreme Court, at least Clarence Thomas will agree with you (once his law clerks explain it to him).

And Scalia, with his nose up Thomas' ass, will parrot him and go along. Roberts will go along just cause and you'll lose 6-3.


Yet another example of a Lucky post where if he doesnt agree something is wrong

Your head is going to explode one of these days
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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If it bothers you so much that Presidents of both parties have historically used the recess appointment, then you have the right as a US citizen to file suit in Federal court to try to block it on Constitutional grounds. Go for it. Chances are, if it gets to the Supreme Court, at least Clarence Thomas will agree with you (once his law clerks explain it to him).

And Scalia, with his nose up Thomas' ass, will parrot him and go along. Roberts will go along just cause and you'll lose 6-3.


Yet another example of a Lucky post where if he doesnt agree something is wrong

Your head is going to explode one of these days

What are you talking about, I'm winning 63 in that scenario? I'm winning, why would I have a problem?

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If it bothers you so much that Presidents of both parties have historically used the recess appointment, then you have the right as a US citizen to file suit in Federal court to try to block it on Constitutional grounds. Go for it. Chances are, if it gets to the Supreme Court, at least Clarence Thomas will agree with you (once his law clerks explain it to him).

And Scalia, with his nose up Thomas' ass, will parrot him and go along. Roberts will go along just cause and you'll lose 6-3.


Yet another example of a Lucky post where if he doesnt agree something is wrong

Your head is going to explode one of these days

What are you talking about, I'm winning 63 in that scenario? I'm winning, why would I have a problem?

Yep, you are winning:D
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Hey you have to do something to balance out the stupidty of the rePUBIClowns... if they will not do the job..... do it for them.

Meh.. most of them were probably out playing with their manpanions anyway and just too enthralled and too busy to do the business of government.

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April 2007
"It’s disappointing that President Bush would defy the will of Congress by appointing Sam Fox Ambassador to Belgium."-Barak Obama

Who's double standards?
Becker didn't even get out of committee because two Dems also opposed him. Then add another union toady, Mark Peace and it's starting to sound like Chicago politics styled payback for the record $450 million that organized labor spent electing dems to the congress and white house in 2008.
You are only as strong as the prey you devour

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April 2007
"It’s disappointing that President Bush would defy the will of Congress by appointing Sam Fox Ambassador to Belgium."-Barak Obama

Who's double standards?
Becker didn't even get out of committee because two Dems also opposed him. Then add another union toady, Mark Peace and it's starting to sound like Chicago politics styled payback for the record $450 million that organized labor spent electing dems to the congress and white house in 2008.

After your clown, who pushed for his whole 1st term to rewrite the 1938 FLSA with the Overtime Bill/Law to make some people ineligible for OT pay, I think we have to do a lot of unfucking before we're even, so don't worry too much.

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You do realize that your response had nothing at all to do with my post, right? Back to page one, read slowly, get help with the big words, and try to keep up with the class.
And while you're online-shop around for some insurance and quit trying to be a burden to the useful members of society.
You are only as strong as the prey you devour

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April 2007
"It’s disappointing that President Bush would defy the will of Congress by appointing Sam Fox Ambassador to Belgium."-Barak [sic] Obama

Yes, I'm sure it was disappointing to Obama as a Senator. But now he must function in a different role.

I can't find the quote online; but I remember watching a TV interview of Gerald Ford after he'd left office. He explained that it's all a matter of perspective: when he was House Minority Leader, he'd get annoyed at the stubbornness of the President. When he was President, he'd get annoyed at the bone-headedness of the Congress. So it goes.

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Don't recall your outrage when Bush did it.

The ole GOP double standard strikes again.

Speaking of double standards - I don't see your outrage, now.

I am outraged. There.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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