
Israel's 10 worst errors of the decade

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I personally think there would be less violence on the Palestinian side if they had better lives ( I am not blaming the Israelis for that).

But you are blaming them for responding to the violence. I don't agree with the notion that the stronger party has a higher burden of responsibility. They have the same right to life. If anything, it's unrealistic to expect the stronger party to accept losses. Yet compare Israel's actions to Britain's in dealing with upstart colonies, for example. Certainly much more restraint.

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Iran has no problem shooting their citizens in the streets. They are therefore willing to sacrifice the populace to their political and ideological goals. If they can cover their own asses, they will let the population suffer

Russia had the Gulags and purges (among many other things). They didn't nuke anyone. China had Tiananmen Square (among many other things). They didn't nuke anyone. America had Kent State. They didn't nuke anyone (else).

Nation's can tell the difference between oppressing their own populace and nuking someone elses.

Neither the Soviet Union (save a brief period under Kruschev) nor China have advocated the elimination of any other sovereign state from their head of government.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Worst error number one. Paying too much attention to the international community's opinions and media and not totally annihilating the enemy.

Israel has demonstrated time and again that they are capable of using their military to project force upon their enemies. What they have failed to demonstrate is an ability to end war. It takes more strength and courage to end a war than to start one, IMO.
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Also ignore that whole Holocaust event.

They already have forgotten it! The Israelis that is.

Or is it any crime committed by someone of a Jewish faith is excused by you. Is your loyalty to your chosen people more then to humane rights? humanity? Ethics?

Hypocrisy is one of the worst of humane traits. When you are a hypocrite about humane rights, and people are being killed:|. As in mentioning the horrors of the holocaust and yet doing nothing but finding excuses for your peoples actions just because you consider them your people is Fucking retarded.

I am sure when the Jews were being forced from their homes, starved, and being murdered they were people like you who did nothing but look for excuses to justify the actions of their people.

Its sucks to be on the receiving end of such hate, It seems many of my Jewish brother and sisters have forgotten that the actions are evil no matter who is doing the action and who is the victims.

I wish my ethical, and moral standing in life was as flexible as yours, life would be so much easier.

For the truly stupid grasping at straws: I am not comparing the number of deaths or the horrors of the holocaust to what the Israelis are doing. However the philosophy of their actions is the same.

Well said.
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Israel has demonstrated time and again that they are capable of using their military to project force upon their enemies. What they have failed to demonstrate is an ability to end war. It takes more strength and courage to end a war than to start one, IMO.

So, got any similar examples where a nation decided to end a war?

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Are you really this nieve???

If by "nieve," you mean "able to form an objective opinion," then, yes. I'm that "nieve."


Hamas and Hezbollah and the masters in Teheran.. are not interested in any kind of negotiation.

It's Israel that hasn't upheld their end of the 2008 truce agreement. It sounds like Israel are the ones who aren't willing to negotiate in good faith.

You've repeatedly said that a big issue is that Israel did not hold up their part of the 2008 truce. Here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_ceasefire is a pretty good description of the issues involved in that truce. If this sounds like Israel is the one who would not negotiate, then, no, you're not able to form an objective opinion.

Your own source indicates that Israel did not keep their end of the bargain:

According to The New York Times, neither side fully respected the terms of the cease-fire. Some rockets still continued to fire from Gaza and the Israeli blockade of Gaza was loosened but not completely opened. …
Hamas believed that the 19 June agreement required it to end rocket attacks upon Israel in exchange for an end of the blockade. According to The New York Times:

It took some days, but they were largely successful. Hamas imposed its will and even imprisoned some of those who were firing rockets. Israeli and United Nations figures show that while more than 300 rockets were fired into Israel in May, 10 to 20 were fired in July, depending on who was counting and whether mortar rounds were included. In August, 10 to 30 were fired, and in September, 5 to 10.
Rocket and mortar attacks continued at a rate of several rockets per month. Shortly after the start of the truce, the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center commented that "rogue terrorist organizations" opposed to Hamas continued to carry out attacks. Nevertheless, rocket fire decreased 98% in the four and a half months between 18 June and 4 November when compared to the four and a half months preceding the ceasefire, since over 1,894 rockets were fired into Israel from 1 February to 18 June and just 37 were fired between 18 June and the beginning of November.


Also, note that we are talking about Hamas firing thousands of rockets, not just an occasional pain in the ass.

Not according to the source you claim offers "a pretty good description of the issues involved in that truce."
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Israel has demonstrated time and again that they are capable of using their military to project force upon their enemies. What they have failed to demonstrate is an ability to end war. It takes more strength and courage to end a war than to start one, IMO.

So, got any similar examples where a nation decided to end a war?

Are you serious? But one of many possible examples would be this one.
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Israel has demonstrated time and again that they are capable of using their military to project force upon their enemies. What they have failed to demonstrate is an ability to end war. It takes more strength and courage to end a war than to start one, IMO.

So, got any similar examples where a nation decided to end a war?

Are you serious? But one of many possible examples would be this one.

How is that remotely similar? The North won, the South surrendered. And then the North punished the Southern states for quite some time afterwards.

Did Hamas surrender? Have they stopped trying to fight Israel? Uh, no. Not exactly a civil war, either, is it?

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How is that remotely similar?

It's not, in the sense that the North and South utilized hostilities to resolve their political differences. Israel seems incapable or unwilling to reach any resolution that will end hostilities.
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How is that remotely similar?

It's not, in the sense that the North and South utilized hostilities to resolve their political differences. Israel seems incapable or unwilling to reach any resolution that will end hostilities.

While the opposition is perfectly willing to do so?

Sheesh. That's a big shovel you got there.

I asked for an actual relevant example, you claim there are many, now you already admit the example you gave is crap.

Let's see one example where a superior force faced with continual attacks from a neighbor opted to end fighting. This isn't the same as stopping an occupation, like if the US pulled out of Iraq.

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Let's see one example where a superior force faced with continual attacks from a neighbor opted to end fighting.

You make it sound as though Israel is being attacked in a vacuum, irrespective of their policies. That is clearly not the case.
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Let's see one example where a superior force faced with continual attacks from a neighbor opted to end fighting.

You make it sound as though Israel is being attacked in a vacuum, irrespective of their policies. That is clearly not the case.

Irrelevant. Example, please.

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so you can't find an example in history, then.

It sounds like you're asking for another example of a country with similar inability to make peace with her neighbors.

History is filled with countries utilizing war to achieve political ends. War should not be fought for war's sake, but with a political endgame in mind. Israel has made clear to the world their ability to make war. They have also shown that they are unwilling or possibly incapable of making peace.
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so you can't find an example in history, then.

It sounds like you're asking for another example of a country with similar inability to make peace with her neighbors.

History is filled with countries utilizing war to achieve political ends. War should not be fought for war's sake, but with a political endgame in mind. Israel has made clear to the world their ability to make war. They have also shown that they are unwilling or possibly incapable of making peace.

Yes, you're criticizing Israel for not finding an end to this (thousands year old) conflict, but failing to have any example where someone else managed to do so, it seems like a high standard to expect of them.

Unless you don't accept the 1948 UN move to make Israel a nation, you have to acknowledge that its neighbors have spent the past 6 decades trying to destroy it, and still the major powers in the region will not agree to its right to exist. When someone like Sadat does make that change, he gets killed by his own. I see no way that Israel can end this conflict until that reality changes.

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Yes, you're criticizing Israel for not finding an end to this (thousands year old) conflict, but failing to have any example where someone else managed to do so, it seems like a high standard to expect of them.

Great. You're back to misrepresenting my posts.

I offered one example of many of a nation utilizing war only temporarily to achieve its political means.

Israel is skilled at making war. They have not demonstrated an ability to move past war towards peaceful relationships with her neighbors.
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Israel is skilled at making war. They have not demonstrated an ability to move past war towards peaceful relationships with her neighbors.

How about Egypt?

Seems to have worked so far (30+ years).
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Israel is skilled at making war. They have not demonstrated an ability to move past war towards peaceful relationships with her neighbors.

How about Egypt?

Seems to have worked so far (30+ years).

Fair enough, that's one.

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and jordan. that's two.

with all due respect, your posts show how little you understand about Israel, the Palestinians and the events taking place in the middle east.

you make points, back them with examples. admit your examples are irrelevant and make more points which are not backed up by anything.
go open an history book.
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your posts show how little you understand about Israel, the Palestinians and the events taking place in the middle east.

That's quite an ironic statement, coming from someone who can't even acknowledge Israel's own responsibility for her problems with her neighbors.
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and jordan. that's two.

with all due respect, your posts show how little you understand about Israel, the Palestinians and the events taking place in the middle east.

you make points, back them with examples. admit your examples are irrelevant and make more points which are not backed up by anything.
go open an history book.

Nah.... never happen....you can blame the sources he gets his"news" from, to the exclusion of any other reality based historical perspective.:S:S:S

You would think he was another of the butt hurt brits who love to bash your country on principle.. even though they were incapable of stoping the attrocities against jews by their wonderful peace loving palistinian neighbors that surrounded every jewish settlement.

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and jordan. that's two.

with all due respect, your posts show how little you understand about Israel, the Palestinians and the events taking place in the middle east.

you make points, back them with examples. admit your examples are irrelevant and make more points which are not backed up by anything.
go open an history book.

Nah.... never happen....you can blame the sources he gets his"news" from, to the exclusion of any other reality based historical perspective.:S:S:S

You would think he was another of the butt hurt brits who love to bash your country on principle.. even though they were incapable of stoping the attrocities against jews by their wonderful peace loving palistinian neighbors that surrounded every jewish settlement.

It's nice to see that there's no shortage of cheerleaders for Israel who are afraid to actually address the article to which the OP linked in order to have a relevant discussion.
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and jordan. that's two.

with all due respect, your posts show how little you understand about Israel, the Palestinians and the events taking place in the middle east.

you make points, back them with examples. admit your examples are irrelevant and make more points which are not backed up by anything.
go open an history book.

Nah.... never happen....you can blame the sources he gets his"news" from, to the exclusion of any other reality based historical perspective.:S:S:S

You would think he was another of the butt hurt brits who love to bash your country on principle.. even though they were incapable of stoping the attrocities against jews by their wonderful peace loving palistinian neighbors that surrounded every jewish settlement.

It's nice to see that there's no shortage of cheerleaders for Israel who are afraid to actually address the article to which the OP linked in order to have a relevant discussion.

The OP found an article by a long time idiot who could only exist in a country that allows freedom of expression no matter how idiotic it is. He continues to write junk opinion pieces that are a a piece of crap.. no matter how you guys try to shine up that turd( because you NEED to believe so badly in how evil the jews are).... its still just a turd in a LONG string of turds that .

Edited to ADD... oh it was you.... who has posted the article... I think you have posted his bullshit before.. nice to know there are so many cheerleaders here for Hamas... who I am sure Bradley just loves.. no matter how much they attack Israel.. from... wiat for it..........

Wait for it........

THE GAZA STRIP.... that the Israelis withdrew from.. a long time ago.. yet continue to get attacked from.:S:S:S

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