
Big gaffe by TSA

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After seein how these ass clowns work on a daily basis I am not at all surprised one bit by this. This department is a total waste of money and is nothing but smoke and mirrors of what they claim to be airport security. I wish I could show you how bad it really is.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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Washington (CNN) -- The Transportation Security Administration Tuesday said it is launching a "full review" of an incident in which the agency posted on the Internet a sensitive manual outlining screening procedures for law enforcement officers, diplomats, prisoners, federal air marshals and others.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2009/TRAVEL/12/08/u.s.tsa.training.manual/index.html
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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The Transportation Security Administration Tuesday said it is launching a "full review"

So the Dumb ass agency who caused this fuck up is launching a full review to review themselves?????????? :S The blind leading the blind!
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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These TSA guy are the pathetic!!!!!! They are the same people who were there before 9/11 but now they are Govt employee's. They provide JACK SHIT! It's not security people. It's a dog a pony show to make you FEEL safe. There are more hole in these guys than a hunk of swiss cheese.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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And of course ABC didn't need to pass it on. I see no added value to the story to attach the document.

In fairness to ABC, lots of American news outlets have the document linked in their respective stories, not just ABC (for example, CBS). Google it, and you'll see.
What I find equally interesting is that neither BBCnews.com nor The Guardian online even report the story at all. I wonder if that's an example of how security-related "prior restraint" press censorship takes place in the UK that would not be permitted in the US.

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These TSA guy are the pathetic!!!!!! They are the same people who were there before 9/11 but now they are Govt employee's. They provide JACK SHIT! It's not security people. It's a dog a pony show to make you FEEL safe. There are more hole in these guys than a hunk of swiss cheese.

Just use the correct term: Security Theater:

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Hmm, the parachute stuff must be in a different document. Expected it here.

And of course ABC didn't need to pass it on. I see no added value to the story to attach the document.

Because if the bad guys have it it is the press's job to make sure that the authorities don't cover the breach up, to the detriment of the nation, in order to protect their asses.

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Having the document in hand is useful because that way when you read things like this:


"While the document does demonstrate the complexities of checkpoint security, it does not contain information related to the specifics of everyday checkpoint screening procedures," the TSA said Tuesday. "The traveling public should be assured that appropriate measures have been put in place to ensure the continued implementation of a strong security screening program," it said.

You can know that they're lying.

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Hmm, the parachute stuff must be in a different document. Expected it here.

And of course ABC didn't need to pass it on. I see no added value to the story to attach the document.

Because if the bad guys have it it is the press's job to make sure that the authorities don't cover the breach up, to the detriment of the nation, in order to protect their asses.

That argument might hold water, if attaching the documnent significantly aided the story. It didn't. The story itself stands well by any measure. Attaching the document spreads the problem. But doing so gets lots more web hits and increases the all important Google ranking.

Every organization and individual who contributed to the spread of the document, not the story, the actual document, is guilty of the same offense as the idiots who put it on the contractor website.
Tom B

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If you've read the document, you'd realize that very little in it is actually security but rather "cover your ass." Things like, "don't open a diplomatic pouch" and "if you suspect a pilot is drunk, don't actually stop him yourself, but notify his airline", "here's what an ID of a Federal Air Marshal looks like. If you see one, don't fuck with the guy."

Ok, those aren't actual quotes . . . but they might as well be.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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If you've read the document, you'd realize that very little in it is actually security but rather "cover your ass."

I did look at the document, and much of what it says is just that. I do have some concerns with it, but choose not to list them, lest I continue to expand the problem. But my comment stands on "guilty of the same offense".

It is either a big deal or it is not, but all involved, top to bottom did the same thing.
Tom B

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First off, I believe the media acting as a whole (each organization is willing to cross the line on certain issues and, since there are so many these days, together they pretty well blanket the full spectrum) is completely absent any sense of discretion when it comes to information obtained in violation of policies, laws, and/or treaties. I would bet there are news outlets that would publish daily troop movement maps if they somehow had access to them and felt they could push their story with them. Note that this is not entirely their fault, it's what the masses seem to want... rise of the information age and all.

In this case, to expand a little on my last post, when people say there's nothing in the document that's of any concern they are either a) lying intentionally as a feeble means of damage control or b) so lacking in imagination that their position as an official with any kind of pull in the TSA is downright terrifying. As with Tom, I'll avoid specifics so not to be part of the problem.

Hopefully we're looking at an "a" situation and this might actually force them to rework some of their practices. I think anyone who has gone through airport security a few times lately can tell that's needed.

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