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I like In & Out myself:D Sorry you missed the innundo that Obama might be leaning a little to the Carl MARX side of things.;)

Karl Max was against religion. Obama was castigated for being too close to religious figures.

Are you saying you can't be a Muslim and a Marxist too?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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I like In & Out myself:D Sorry you missed the innundo that Obama might be leaning a little to the Carl MARX side of things.;)

Karl Max was against religion. Obama was castigated for being too close to religious figures.

Are you saying you can't be a Muslim and a Marxist too?

I'm saying, not only did you misspell Karl, but you may be confusing Obama's beliefs with his. And probably what marxism, socialism, and obamism really are.

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cuba has a very good national health service and a surplus of doctors :)
(if only the uninsured in the usa were so lucky)

Have you been in Cuba, or you're just quoting Alternet again?

just stating facts :)
stay away from moving propellers - they bite
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How could you tell whether you're stating facts or bullshit if you never been there?

Since when does one need to have been at some place personally to talk about it?

Everybody here's swaggering about things, events, places ..... which he's never seen. Including me.

So what? Media, Internet etc. partially are quite reliable sources. :|

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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Since when does one need to have been at some place personally to talk about it?

When someone express their own opinion, I'd like to understand what they based their opinion upon. Especially when I have relevant personal experience myself. In this case I ate those cookies, so it doesn't really make any sense to discuss the taste with the person who just read about them.
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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Since when does one need to have been at some place personally to talk about it?

When someone express their own opinion, I'd like to understand what they based their opinion upon. Especially when I have relevant personal experience myself. In this case I ate those cookies, so it doesn't really make any sense to discuss the taste with the person who just read about them.

i know quite a lot about the moon and the planets as well :)
(meanwhile you can't deny that cuba has a decent healthcare system and lots of doctors)
stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
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Have you been in Cuba, or you're just quoting Alternet again?

just stating facts :)

I assume this means you have not been to Cuba, so you do not have personal knowledge.
So where do you get your facts, and how reliable are your sources?
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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Since when does one need to have been at some place personally to talk about it?

When someone express their own opinion, I'd like to understand what they based their opinion upon. Especially when I have relevant personal experience myself. In this case I ate those cookies, so it doesn't really make any sense to discuss the taste with the person who just read about them.

i know quite a lot about the moon and the planets as well :)
(meanwhile you can't deny that cuba has a decent healthcare system and lots of doctors)


NOR can you defend that it does. You can believe what you read or what the press has shown you. But you don't truly know.

I HAVE been to Peru. (I know... not Cuba) And in Peru, they have "Free Health Care." I wasn't impressed. Why? Because of the politics, the access, the details. The devil is truly in the details. They might have "Free Health Care," but when a family member has to leave the ER with a rx to go to the pharmacy to get the cardiac meds for your heart attack... oh wait... you don't have any money for the meds.... never mind then. But he got "Free Health Care."

You DO have to go there to see the details. The REAL details. Not through the eyes of someone else. Others have different "glasses" - either rose colored or otherwise influenced.

And as far as the original post:

Listened to her speech - "typical rhetoric." Lots of the "we're right and can you believe how wrong they are?!" But, you hear that on BOTH sides.

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(meanwhile you can't deny that cuba has a decent healthcare system and lots of doctors)

But if you speak out or complain about the health care or any other aspect of the regime, you get beaten, harassed, and sometimes die of lead poisoning. Hmmmm. Do those incidents play into the "health care" system you read about? Might skew the data a bit, if you offered any.
The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

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Heading into the health care debate, there was only ever one genuinely dangerous idea out there, and that was a single-payer system. Used by every single developed country outside the United States (with the partial exceptions of Holland and Switzerland, which offer limited and highly regulated private-insurance options), single-payer allows doctors and hospitals to bill and be reimbursed by a single government entity. In America, the system would eliminate private insurance, while allowing doctors to continue operating privately.

In the real world, nothing except a single-payer system makes any sense. There are currently more than 1,300 private insurers in this country, forcing doctors to fill out different forms and follow different reimbursement procedures for each and every one. This drowns medical facilities in idiotic paperwork and jacks up prices: Nearly a third of all health care costs in America are associated with wasteful administration. Fully $350 billion a year could be saved on paperwork alone if the U.S. went to a single-payer system - more than enough to pay for the whole goddamned thing, if anyone had the balls to stand up and say so.

Everyone knows this, including the president. Last spring, when he met with Rep. Lynn Woolsey, the co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Obama openly said so. "He said if he were starting from scratch, he would have a single-payer system," says Woolsey. "But he thought it wasn't possible, because it would disrupt the health care industry."

Huh? This isn't a small point: The president and the Democrats decided not to press for the only plan that makes sense for everyone, in order to preserve an industry that is not only cruel and stupid and dysfunctional, but through its rank inefficiency has necessitated the very reforms now being debated. Even though the Democrats enjoy a political monopoly and could have started from a very strong bargaining position, they chose instead to concede at least half the battle before it even began.

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