
Little girl at Obama town hall has not-so-random political connections

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A girl from Malden asked President Obama a question at Tuesday’s town hall meeting in New Hampshire about the signs outside “saying mean things” about his health care proposal.

Eleven-year-old Julia Hall asked: “How do kids know what is true, and why do people want a new system that can — that help more of us?”

The question opened the door for the president to respond to what he called an “underlying fear” among the public “that people somehow won’t get the care they need.”

The girl later told the Globe that picking the president’s brain was “incredible.”

“It was like a once in a lifetime experience,” she said.

Julia’s mother was an early Obama supporter in Massachusetts during the presidential election, so she had previously met First Lady Michelle Obama, the Obama daughters Sasha and Malia, and Vice President Joe Biden.

“This was my first time meeting Barack Obama, and he’s a very nice man,” Julia said. “I’m glad I voted for him.”

She said Obama won a mock presidential election at the Cheverus School in 2008. And on Tuesday, he approached her after the town meeting.

“He said ‘great question,’” Julia said. “I shook his hand and got his picture.”

Kathleen Manning Hall, Julia’s mother, was shocked when her daughter said she wanted to ask a question. They wrote it down beforehand, and Julia didn’t miss a beat when Obama called on her.

“It was surreal,” said Manning Hall, a coordinator of Massachusetts Women for Obama during the election.

Using little girls, dishonesty runs deep in Obama's crowd.

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Yep. They have not yet learned the lessons of mass production though. A recent flyer from a right-wing political organization encouraged political operatives to "bring a van load of friends, children and grandchildren to these Town Hall meetings" to ask questions about how the plan will "force religious employers . . . to hire gay, bisexual and transgendered persons."


Eagerly awaiting the explanation how this is just fine and good for the kids. I can just imagine the howling screams of rage from the right wing if anyone other than a "Family Values" group told kids to talk to strangers about homosexuality.

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Yep. They have not yet learned the lessons of mass production though. A recent flyer from a right-wing political organization encouraged political operatives to "bring a van load of friends, children and grandchildren to these Town Hall meetings" to ask questions about how the plan will "force religious employers . . . to hire gay, bisexual and transgendered persons."


Eagerly awaiting the explanation how this is just fine and good for the kids. I can just imagine the howling screams of rage from the right wing if anyone other than a "Family Values" group told kids to talk to strangers about homosexuality.

Psh, dont you get it? if you don't agree with whacko-right it's cause you're a muslim nazi homosexual atheist. Pay attention man.
~Bones Knit, blood clots, glory is forever, and chicks dig scars.~

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It's actually the other way around, you just don't want to become aware.

Can we just trashcan everything that rivet says?

It is all worthless anyways.

We don't even know who he is, it may be a formerly banned person.

I may be new but even I can see that 90% of your posts are paranoid conspiracy theory crap and ultra right wing propaganda. Trust me, I'm sure you have plenty of people here who just roll their eyes every single time they see you've started another thread.
~Bones Knit, blood clots, glory is forever, and chicks dig scars.~

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Trust me, I'm sure you have plenty of people here who just roll their eyes every single time they see you've started another thread.

Or when you post, yes ...

and you my slavery denying friend :)
stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
good solid response-provoking keyboarding

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Trust me, I'm sure you have plenty of people here who just roll their eyes every single time they see you've started another thread.

Or when you post, yes ...

and you my slavery denying friend :)

Put your money where you mouth is - PROVE IT. Show where I've said that slavery never existed.

Good luck - you'll need it.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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You are being dishonest in what you posted just like Mr ears.
Where did it say?

bring a van load of friends, children and grandchildren to these Town Hall meetings" to ask questions

I have no problem with the little Hilary want-to-be being there. But using her to staged questions is dishonest to say the least. It may work for the NPR crowd, but the average voter, not so much.

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You are being dishonest in what you posted just like Mr ears.
Where did it say?


bring a van load of friends, children and grandchildren to these Town Hall meetings" to ask questions


It says it RIGHT THERE on the link Bill provided. Jeez!

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I see the civic lesson part, I do not see where is says to have them ask staged questions,


Bring a van load of friends, children and grandchildren to these Town Hall meetings. Most students have not returned to school, yet. Let them learn a valuable civics lesson about how our system of government works!


You don;t see any problem with what obama did?

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A girl from Malden asked President Obama a question at Tuesday’s town hall meeting in New Hampshire about the signs outside “saying mean things” about his health care proposal.

Eleven-year-old Julia Hall asked: “How do kids know what is true, and why do people want a new system that can — that help more of us?”

The question opened the door for the president to respond to what he called an “underlying fear” among the public “that people somehow won’t get the care they need.”

The girl later told the Globe that picking the president’s brain was “incredible.”

“It was like a once in a lifetime experience,” she said.

Julia’s mother was an early Obama supporter in Massachusetts during the presidential election, so she had previously met First Lady Michelle Obama, the Obama daughters Sasha and Malia, and Vice President Joe Biden.

“This was my first time meeting Barack Obama, and he’s a very nice man,” Julia said. “I’m glad I voted for him.”

She said Obama won a mock presidential election at the Cheverus School in 2008. And on Tuesday, he approached her after the town meeting.

“He said ‘great question,’” Julia said. “I shook his hand and got his picture.”

Kathleen Manning Hall, Julia’s mother, was shocked when her daughter said she wanted to ask a question. They wrote it down beforehand, and Julia didn’t miss a beat when Obama called on her.

“It was surreal,” said Manning Hall, a coordinator of Massachusetts Women for Obama during the election.

Using little girls, dishonesty runs deep in Obama's crowd.

The horror! I mean, letting a little girl ask a question, what a perv.
You know, I'll bet she didn't even sign a loyalty oath. And what kind of BS question is that! "How do we know what is true?"! She's obviously an industry supported plant. Let's see, she's what, eleven years old? So they must have been planning this back just after Clinton was elected for his first term, you know, to get the newspapers on board when they reported her birth. I'm still not buying it. I need to hold her birth certificate in my hand before I believe that she's an actual citizen who REALLY wants to know why people think we need a new system. Man, Obama's good. He almost got me on that one. Good for you for catching this obvious subversion.

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[reply So they must have been planning this back just after Clinton was elected for his first term, you know, to get the newspapers on board when they reported her birth. I'm still not buying it. I need to hold her birth certificate in my hand before I believe that she's an actual citizen who REALLY wants to know why people think we need a new system.

Hey, we can make her up a Kenyan birth certificate real quick.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Hey, we can make her up a Kenyan birth certificate real quick.

No way man, I'm not dealing with Kenya. Too much shady stuff going on to trust them. But I've got to go. I have Nigerian guy on the line who is promising me 40% of a multi-million dollar pseudo-money laundering scheme. This guy really seems to be on the level. One more bank account number and it's all mine!

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[reply So they must have been planning this back just after Clinton was elected for his first term, you know, to get the newspapers on board when they reported her birth. I'm still not buying it. I need to hold her birth certificate in my hand before I believe that she's an actual citizen who REALLY wants to know why people think we need a new system.

Hey, we can make her up a Kenyan birth certificate real quick.


the problem John is that instead wasting the time on staged, pull your heart strings question from a cute little girl that has nothing to do with the bill itself, why not take questions from the actual people that are serious about this bill?

The girls question had nothing to do about the bill but how to make the people carriing the signs saying "mean things" vote for health care reform. The election is over, he won, isn't time to stop the campaign and start being the president? Lets get to the facts, show us the meat of the bill, tell us excactly what each piece of the bill does and how it does it. Give us the answers not the general thoughts of his ideas.

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Lets get to the facts, show us the meat of the bill, tell us excactly what each piece of the bill does and how it does it. Give us the answers not the general thoughts of his ideas.

You want a politician to give you the answers?

The bill is available to all for reading, aren't your answers in there? Why are you relying on a politician to give you your answers?

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The girls question had nothing to do about the bill

She asked how we are supposed to discern the good info from the bad and why we do we need to change the system in the first place? Her question had a lot more to do with the bill than either asking about euthanasia panels or just shouting and asking no question at all.

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Lets get to the facts, show us the meat of the bill, tell us excactly what each piece of the bill does and how it does it. Give us the answers not the general thoughts of his ideas.

You want a politician to give you the answers?

The bill is available to all for reading, aren't your answers in there? Why are you relying on a politician to give you your answers?


if this bill is so important to us and is a good bill why wouldn't they use real facts and figures and exact qoutes form the bill so there is no missunderstandings? why, because they don't have any clear figures and facts and/or they want to be able to say later on "Ididn't say that". this bill doesn't even addreess the real problems with health care why would it be any better? this is about control not reform.

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this bill doesn't even addreess the real problems with health care why would it be any better? this is about control not reform.

You are asking for a politician to explain everything to you, refuse to read the bill yourself, and have already made up your mind.

Don't think it would really matter what anybody would tell you.

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Wow, the girl's mom was an Obama supporter! AND her class had a mock election and Obama won! She is obviously an INSIDER in the Obama camp. The shame! I'll be the democrats paid her off with an easy-bake oven or something - I'm sure she's on the payroll.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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this bill doesn't even addreess the real problems with health care why would it be any better? this is about control not reform.

You are asking for a politician to explain everything to you, refuse to read the bill yourself, and have already made up your mind.

Don't think it would really matter what anybody would tell you.


yes I am. It is their job to read, write, and understand the bills they are passing. That is what they are elected and paid and trusted to do, and to do it in the country's best intrest. If that is to tough then maybe they need to go into a different line of work.

This is possibly the largest single financial and health descission in the history of the world, don't we deserve to have our elected officials know and understand what is in the bill and to help educate us with honest and precise answers? Not guesses and sumerizations that may or may not be true. when asked a question it should be answered by "it says here that this is what will happen". The talk should be backed by documentation and so there is no missunderstanding.

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[reply So they must have been planning this back just after Clinton was elected for his first term, you know, to get the newspapers on board when they reported her birth. I'm still not buying it. I need to hold her birth certificate in my hand before I believe that she's an actual citizen who REALLY wants to know why people think we need a new system.

Hey, we can make her up a Kenyan birth certificate real quick.Throw in a blow up lookie like doll of the emperor's illegal alien auntie that defied a federal judge's order to return to Kenya and I'll help spread the word.:)
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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[reply So they must have been planning this back just after Clinton was elected for his first term, you know, to get the newspapers on board when they reported her birth. I'm still not buying it. I need to hold her birth certificate in my hand before I believe that she's an actual citizen who REALLY wants to know why people think we need a new system.

Hey, we can make her up a Kenyan birth certificate real quick.
Throw in a blow up lookie like doll of the emperor's illegal alien auntie that defied a federal judge's order to return to Kenya and I'll help spread the word.:)

Ah, ain't character association grand? Sorry, dude, that particular episode of "Guilt by Association" has already been played out.
Swing and a miss:



Obama says he didn't know aunt's illegal status
Immigration judge denied Kenyan woman’s request for asylum in 2004

updated 7:27 p.m. ET, Sat., Nov . 1, 2008

WASHINGTON - Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama said Saturday he didn't know his aunt was living in the United States illegally and believes that laws covering the situation should be followed.

The Associated Press found that Obama's aunt had been instructed to leave the country four years ago by an immigration judge who rejected her request for asylum from her native Kenya. The woman, Zeituni Onyango, is living in public housing in Boston and is the half-sister of Obama's late father.

A statement given to the AP by Obama's campaign said, "Senator Obama has no knowledge of her status but obviously believes that any and all appropriate laws be followed." Traveling with Obama in Nevada, campaign strategist David Axelrod declined to elaborate on the statement, but said: "I think people are suspicious about stories that surface in the last 72 hours of a national campaign."

An adviser to Republican John McCain's campaign, Mark Salter, said he had no comment on the reports about Obama's relative. "It's a family matter," Salter said.

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