
Which Obama do you (choose to) believe

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This morning it was reported that congressional members may no longer have town halls to hear what we the people have to say. The report also sais thaty they can use phone calls, email or snail mail anymore either.

Seems to me they just do not want to listen to us anymore[:/]

It is also being reported that liberal groups are sending in people to try and turn the meetings violent to discredit those that are there. They are coming in carying anti health bill sigs and going postal (so to speak)

What happened to Obamas most open admin and being the uniter.

This is what happens when the government takes control away from the people. Both sides included
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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The event bodypilot posted was broken up by opponents of the bill - as if it really makes a difference. Do you ever try to do anything other than demonize people, as opposed to actually knowing what the hell you're talking about? Or is this just the daily cyber-wanking?

It's getting old, dude.

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The event bodypilot posted was broken up by opponents of the bill - as if it really makes a difference. Do you ever try to do anything other than demonize people, as opposed to actually knowing what the hell you're talking about? Or is this just the daily cyber-wanking?

It's getting old, dude.

I know its working my know it all friend:)
I wish I was as smart and informend as you think yourself to be.

Thanks for the chuckel this morning:D

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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The event bodypilot posted was broken up by opponents of the bill - as if it really makes a difference. Do you ever try to do anything other than demonize people, as opposed to actually knowing what the hell you're talking about? Or is this just the daily cyber-wanking?

It's getting old, dude.

I am sorry that I did not think of this when I first replied but I feel obligated to remind you of something.

You really need to remember calling others you don’t agree with racists as well as evil big corp. supporters. Along with the "you are destroying the planet by polluting comments. Oh, and lets us not forget the, I want to starve the poor and homeless while kicking the elderly out of their homes.

You also missed the part about talk show hosts telling me what to think and say on a given topic.

You must remember to more than one of these critiques if not all of them then next time you complain about me or some one like me.

Oh, and you are most welcome for the help.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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The one that says that Public Gov Run Health Care will not take away your private insurance?

Or this one?


It's amazing how quiet this thread is. And not a word from billvon. Hmmmm.;)

Oooh, good point. He has an obligation to rebut this thread - or else, what's he hiding? He must be afraid.

Well, he's not hiding very well. He's made several posts on other threads. I linked this thread in a response to one of his posts, so I know he's aware of it. He wouldn't reply to that one either, even though he replied to someone else's after that.

Oh Biiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllll, where are you??????:ph34r:
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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Is this the mob, you and the libs are afraid of?


I am a vet, I am a voter and I am part of the mob. Care to call me a nazi, because I refuse to bow to your king obama? Because I believe congress needs to be held accountable? I guess in your eyes free speech is only for flag burning.

Sorry if you think it's getting old, we are the watchmen on the wall and we are not going away.

We stand for liberty and not tyranny.

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The one that says that Public Gov Run Health Care will not take away your private insurance?

Or this one?


Nicely snipped bit of footage there!:S

I really cannot see what this strom in a teacup is all about.

Coming from a country that has govornment healthcare, i know that private health insurace can compete and it can make healthy profits.

What is it about privitisation that you lots seem so passionate about?

private healthcare is about making profit out of healthy people and limiting the amount of sick people that have access.

Govornment healthcare is about having a healthy population and in turn a healthy productive country.

Of course there will be a proportion of business lost in the healthcare sector as those that wish to use govornment healthcare will not have to pay private companies anymore.

But you will still be able to have private healthcare if you want to.

What is the big deal?
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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But you will still be able to have private healthcare if you want to.

What is the big deal?

Page 16 of the current bill (which kallend linked and I read) says this statement is a lie
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Page 16 of the current bill (which kallend linked and I read) says this statement is a lie

searched the entire thread and could not see a link that kallend had posed, please direct me to it with a link.

Seems like an impossibility to completely remove the option of private healthcare, i will be interested to see how that would be possible.

Look at every country that has socialised healthcare, you will also find private healthcare.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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yea they sure look like a "angry mob"

Actually, the point you helped illustrate was about was about rabid blog-bashing.

Oh, you been visiting the Huffington post?

No wonder
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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But you will still be able to have private healthcare if you want to.

What is the big deal?

Page 16 of the current bill (which kallend linked and I read) says this statement is a lie

You may have read it but you obviously did NOT comprehend what you read.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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But you will still be able to have private healthcare if you want to.

What is the big deal?

Page 16 of the current bill (which kallend linked and I read) says this statement is a lie

You may have read it but you obviously did NOT comprehend what you read.

Oh I did sir. Its not that hard. Try reading it again yourself with your blinders off! Does not happen right away but as Obama says himself, it will take a little time to acomplish:o (please refer to the video attached in the op of this thread):o

Maybe you and your inflatable double could read it together after all, two heads are better than one:D
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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But you will still be able to have private healthcare if you want to.

What is the big deal?

Page 16 of the current bill (which kallend linked and I read) says this statement is a lie

You may have read it but you obviously did NOT comprehend what you read.

Oh I did sir. Its not that hard. Try reading it again yourself with your blinders off! Does not happen right away but as Obama says himself, it will take a little time to acomplish:o (please refer to the video attached in the op of this thread):o

OK, so you've just proved that not only did you not understand what you read, but you also can't tell the difference bewteen a Bill in Congress and a cut&paste job posted on a right wing internet site.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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But you will still be able to have private healthcare if you want to.

What is the big deal?

Page 16 of the current bill (which kallend linked and I read) says this statement is a lie

You may have read it but you obviously did NOT comprehend what you read.

Oh I did sir. Its not that hard. Try reading it again yourself with your blinders off! Does not happen right away but as Obama says himself, it will take a little time to acomplish:o (please refer to the video attached in the op of this thread):o

OK, so you've just proved that not only did you not understand what you read, but you also can't tell the difference bewteen a Bill in Congress and a cut&paste job posted on a right wing internet site.

Cut and paste argument. You really are desperate to say the presdent.

Already been proven that video was not edited.
You have proven you dont care what the bill says

Confide with your inflatable partener. He may have a clear view of what is happening. Seeing how you dont care or worse, support it
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Page 16 of the current bill (which kallend linked and I read) says this statement is a lie

searched the entire thread and could not see a link that kallend had posed, please direct me to it with a link.

Seems like an impossibility to completely remove the option of private healthcare, i will be interested to see how that would be possible.

Look at every country that has socialised healthcare, you will also find private healthcare.


Canada doesn't, matter of fact it is Illegal to pay for health care If I understood it properly.

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The one that says that Public Gov Run Health Care will not take away your private insurance?

Or this one?


Nicely snipped bit of footage there!:S

I really cannot see what this strom in a teacup is all about.

Coming from a country that has govornment healthcare, i know that private health insurace can compete and it can make healthy profits.

What is it about privitisation that you lots seem so passionate about?

private healthcare is about making profit out of healthy people and limiting the amount of sick people that have access.

Govornment healthcare is about having a healthy population and in turn a healthy productive country.

Of course there will be a proportion of business lost in the healthcare sector as those that wish to use govornment healthcare will not have to pay private companies anymore.

But you will still be able to have private healthcare if you want to.

What is the big deal?


the big deal is that we won't be able to keep our currant coverage for very long after the bill is signed. Page 17 says that the private ins co can only raise rates under the aproval of the comissioner. If 20-30% of the people go to gov care the costs to the ins co would most likely go up, and since the pricing would be locked in until the comissioner gives his blessing that would make private ins co's go broke and thus leaving us with only the gov option.

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searched the entire thread and could not see a link that kallend had posed, please direct me to it with a link.

It wasn't in this thread (and Rhys didn't say it was) Link to kallend's post

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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> matter of fact it is Illegal to pay for health care If I understood it properly.

Given that 30% of the healthcare in Canada is privately funded, I think you may have a misunderstanding as to how it works. There is nothing to stop a doctor from refusing to take government money, and there is nothing to stop any person in Canada going to a private doctor and paying whatever they ask.

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> matter of fact it is Illegal to pay for health care If I understood it properly.

Given that 30% of the healthcare in Canada is privately funded, I think you may have a misunderstanding as to how it works. There is nothing to stop a doctor from refusing to take government money, and there is nothing to stop any person in Canada going to a private doctor and paying whatever they ask.

thats Canada. we already have discussed the drug store employee that was forced to sell birth contron pills in the store he owned. (much like the anti smoking goons)

Do you think this gov would not force other stuff?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Another lie. No one will take away your insurance.

You don’t know that! How much do you want to bet that there will be people that lose their currant coverage? We have already been informed by both our actuary and carrier that our plan will change if the present proposed bill is passed. NO ONE can honesty tell you that in the end that they can guarantee that your insurance will be available.

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