
Nuclear weapons and Israel

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wow! israel has nuclear armed submarines. why? :S


Israel is widely believed to be the sixth country in the world to develop nuclear weapons and to be one of four nuclear-armed countries not recognized as a Nuclear Weapons State by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), the others being India, Pakistan and North Korea. International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Mohamed ElBaradei regards Israel as a state possessing nuclear weapons. Israel is currently believed to possess between 75 and 200 nuclear warheads with the ability to deliver them by ground, aircraft, and submarine.

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wow! israel has nuclear armed submarines. why? :S

For the same reason we do; Mutual Assured Destruction.

It's amazingly difficult to know for certain where a nuclear armed submarine is. Since it's hard to know where it is, it's difficult to attack it first to ensure that it can't fire back at your country.

Nuclear armed submarines play an important role in the nuclear stability of a country and especially when talking about a country like Israel that is surrounded by neighbors that want to destroy it.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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presumably these warheads are targeted at tehran, beirut, riyadh - where their 'enemies' live?

I'm nearly certain they can be targeted to where ever they need to go within range of the submarine.

It's not like "Missile A" only has a map of Bagdad and "Missile B" only has a map of Cairo.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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neither of these places has nuclear weapons - nor any other of israel's 'enemies'. this means that mad doesn't apply - if israel uses nuclear weapons it is 'first strike' by definition.
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Nuclear armed submarines play an important role in the nuclear stability of a country and especially when talking about a country like Israel that is surrounded by neighbors that want to destroy it.

It's especially critical for a nation as small as Israel where you can't ensure a land based counterstrike would survive an attack.

Personally I suspect the warhead count is well in excess of 200. (relative) Peace through Strength - Reagan's motto is proven true there. The first time they armed their warheads was the last time an Arab nation engaged in a full scale attack.

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How certain are you that none of Israel's enemies do not have nuclear weapons? Do you have some first hand knowledge of the nuclear capabilities of all the countries in the middle east?

Pakistan absolutely has nuclear capabilities.

The two cities listed above were not intended to imply that missiles were targeted specifically at them nor they they posed a specific threat. In fact, the exact opposite is true.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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presumably these warheads are targeted at tehran, beirut, riyadh - where their 'enemies' live?

In the 80s it was found that Israel was stealing maps from the CIA for use in targetting the USSR. I suspect that at this time, they do not have any preselected for such use.

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but if they armed them who were they targeted at? who were they threatening with a first strike?

If you load a gun and hide it somewhere for future use does that mean it's pointed at somebody now? Does it mean you intend to use it first?

No. It only means you're prepared to use it, presumably on who ever attack you.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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so israel was, and presumably still is, ready to do a nuclear 'first strike'.

any nuclear power can engage in a first strike, though Israel has said for decades it will not be the first to introduce nukes into conflict, however ambiguous that statement is. What you can be quite sure of is that it will not hold back on usage if it means many of its citizens will be killed.

If Hussein had loaded chemical weapons onto the Scuds he launched in 1991 (as he threatened), Israel may very well have used its nukes. Calling that a first strike is a bit nebulous.

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but still won't have them for another decade and israel has been nuclear armed since 1973.

So, they've have them for over 35 years and haven't used them for a "first strike" yet. How does this support your point that they're on the brink of using them? You're not making much sense here.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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wrong about that - it was 1968 when they got their first warhead and 1973 when they got these:


Seymour Hersh reports that Israel developed the ability to miniaturize warheads small enough to fit in a suitcase by the year 1973.

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but still won't have them for another decade

Doesn't sound that way to me...http://www.csmonitor.com/2009/0302/p99s01-wome.html


israel has been nuclear armed since 1973.

And your point is??? After the six day war when everyone tried to gang up on Israel, I don't blame them one bit. If I was going down I would try and take everyone else with me!
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>but still won't have them for another decade . . .

Or they may have them in six months.

but israel definitely has them :)
(so no mad scenario yet - chemical weapons are not nuclear)
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but still won't have them for another decade

Doesn't sound that way to me...http://www.csmonitor.com/2009/0302/p99s01-wome.html


israel has been nuclear armed since 1973.

And your point is??? After the six day war when everyone tried to gang up on Israel, I don't blame them one bit. If I was going down I would try and take everyone else with me!

so you would endorse a nuclear first strike by israel? which cities would you have targeted - occupied jerusalem?
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