
Should military service be mandatory

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Right now, private business is complaining about a lack of people
with higher education. Pushing that educational process back an additional four years is not in the best interest of the country.

Good point. Maybe that could be offset by a refurbished GI Bill, like the kind that used to be in place for WW2-era vets, which gave the vets unemployment comp + full tuition scholarship for college. That measure alone was instrumental in converting the US into a society in which college education across the soci-economic strata became the norm.

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Yet Canada is probably the world's most ethnically diverse nation.

Living in SoCal, I'm going to have to say no to this. My guess is SoCal is far more ethnically diverse than the entirety of Canada.

I don't for a second doubt that SoCal is not ethnically diverse, but have you even been to one of Canada's big cities lately? Name a country any country and I guarantee you there will be people from that country living in one of those cities.

BTW ... interesting thread, one of the rare ones that is not all that partisan with it's politics. I was just curious to how people feel and enough people have told me their opinions. Common consensus seems to be ... NO

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I could pick on the overweight XBox generation (they are easy targets) but truth be told these trends started before the computer gamers ever hit the streets.

I was born in the 'X' generation (born november 1974) the 'Y' generation (born 1980's) are significantly different.

Dicipline was the main thing that I beleive changed the attitudes is the lack of discipline.

Now i have to say that i voted no on the poll, but military service would go a long way in resoling the issue.

I believe it is the parents that should have the responsability. Political correctness has a huge role in the lack of respect the y generation and younger have.

My generation still had the cane at school and the wooden spoon to the bottom was still common in the home. There is problems with abuse and overdoing it but that same goes for not doing enough!

a tricky situation to resolve.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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That's REALLY funny.... Every generation thinks that the next is less disciplined then theirs.

You kids from the 70's were a bunch of slack arsed, spoilt brats compared to us hard done by post-war, hard working, never complaining 60's kids... so stop y'bitching:P

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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I don't think U.S. citizens should have to serve mandatory service obligations.

However, I would like to see mandatory military service for anyone that wants to immigrate to the U.S.. That would put a serious dent in the illegal immagrant problem.
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I don't think U.S. citizens should have to serve mandatory service obligations.

However, I would like to see mandatory military service for anyone that wants to immigrate to the U.S.. That would put a serious dent in the illegal immagrant problem.

OK, but those 65 year old LEGAL immigrating Polish grandmothers might have trouble digging latrines and storming bunkers.

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I don't think U.S. citizens should have to serve mandatory service obligations.

However, I would like to see mandatory military service for anyone that wants to immigrate to the U.S.. That would put a serious dent in the illegal immagrant problem.

OK, but those 65 year old LEGAL immigrating Polish grandmothers might have trouble digging latrines and storming bunkers.

Somebody has to do the paperwork.
"No cookies for you"- GFD
"I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65
Don't be a "Racer Hater"

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I don't think U.S. citizens should have to serve mandatory service obligations.
However, I would like to see mandatory military service for anyone that wants to immigrate to the U.S.. That would put a serious dent in the illegal immigrant problem.

How so? Seems to me that that would be an incentive to make the manner of one's immigration illegal, since legal immigrants, by registering themselves properly, will thereby make themselves subject to military conscription.

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I don't think U.S. citizens should have to serve mandatory service obligations.

However, I would like to see mandatory military service for anyone that wants to immigrate to the U.S.. That would put a serious dent in the illegal immagrant problem.

OK, but those 65 year old LEGAL immigrating Polish grandmothers might have trouble digging latrines and storming bunkers.

Somebody has to do the paperwork.

So you get "Dwa piwa podobac sie" on your requisition forms. Very useful.

Good job we didn't make legal immigrants like Enrico Fermi, John von Neumann and Hans Bethe serve a couple of years in the army before they joined the Manhattan Project.

Clearly you have NOT considered the implications (mostly stupid) of your proposal.

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Canuck, to address your original question......

no no no no,,,,,,,holy fuck god jesus titty fucking no!!!

SARLDO already said it very well, we don't need a bunch of dirt bags in the military that don't want to be there, I have a hard enough time dealing with all the turds that barely do their jobs to begin with. It would be hell dealing with people who genuinely don't want to be here. And as for creating non combat roles for these people. If it says US Army on your uniform there is one place you belong, combat. We already have a unit full of people that don't support the military's combat role in any capacity, they're known as the Golden Showers...er....Knights, something like that.
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
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Dude, I just joined for the college money...

LOL, I have no problem with people joining for the benefits so long as they do their job while they're in and don't just bide their time.

I have seen someone throw that line out as an excuse for not giving a crap about their job though. Man I wish wall to wall counseling was allowed!!

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Dude, I just joined for the college money...


LOL, I have no problem with people joining for the benefits so long as they do their job while they're in and don't just bide their time.

I have seen someone throw that line out as an excuse for not giving a crap about their job though. Man I wish wall to wall counseling was allowed!!

I've seen it too, that's why I commented on it. [:/]

As for the 'wall-to-wall counseling'....

http://www.squad-leader.com/vbnhq/22_102.htm ;)

Before anyone gets their knickers in a twist, please look at the pub date on the link.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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We used to have a copy of that hanging in my team room!

Just show 'em the "Chaps of Doom"...that oughta be punishment enough for anyone!! :D

Those things had a matching rubber fist, god I loved em!!

It didn't make the trip home from Iraq though, the customs agents specifially said "no sexual gadgetry". It's like they wrote the rule just to fuck with me!
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Those things had a matching rubber fist, god I loved em!!


Silly bear, you'd think after as much as I post around here you'd know better than to give me an opening like that!!
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Those things had a matching rubber fist, god I loved em!!


Silly bear, you'd think after as much as I post around here you'd know better than to give me an opening like that!!

Yeah, I know...had to fuck with ya about the chaps of doom, though...what else are friends for???
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Yet Canada is probably the world's most ethnically diverse nation.

Living in SoCal, I'm going to have to say no to this. My guess is SoCal is far more ethnically diverse than the entirety of Canada.

I don't for a second doubt that SoCal is not ethnically diverse, but have you even been to one of Canada's big cities lately? Name a country any country and I guarantee you there will be people from that country living in one of those cities.

Per Wiki and 2006 Census data, the 'visible minority' population of Canada is 16%, or just over 5M. In other words, fewer than LA. I don't doubt that the variety has increased dramatically in the past 20 years in Canadian cities, but that's again catching up to what SoCal has been for a long time.

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I don't think U.S. citizens should have to serve mandatory service obligations.

However, I would like to see mandatory military service for anyone that wants to immigrate to the U.S.. That would put a serious dent in the illegal immagrant problem.

OK, but those 65 year old LEGAL immigrating Polish grandmothers might have trouble digging latrines and storming bunkers.

Somebody has to do the paperwork.

So you get "Dwa piwa podobac sie" on your requisition forms. Very useful.

Good job we didn't make legal immigrants like Enrico Fermi, John von Neumann and Hans Bethe serve a couple of years in the army before they joined the Manhattan Project.

Clearly you have NOT considered the implications (mostly stupid) of your proposal.

Actually I didn't have to. France and Spain did it for me. Both countries have foriegn legions. Geuss what they're purpose is ?

Of course there will always be exceptions. Fermi, Neumann, and Bethe were all very well known in their fields be they chose to immigrate.

They are exceptions rather than the rule.

If Garrett Lisi decided to immigrate to another country tomorrow, I doubt they would turn him away.
"No cookies for you"- GFD
"I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65
Don't be a "Racer Hater"

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Should military service be mandatory?

Would this apply to people of all ages (what you are proposing) or only to the young? There seems to be an assumption often made that compulsory service (military or otherwise) is something to be required only of the young--although the only specific mention of age in your post was to reject the notion of the 'Hitler youth'.

I think that compulsory service could do a lot for helping some young people get their lives on track. But what about young people who already do have their lives in order and have a clear sense of what they want out of life? In such cases compulsory military service could be an unwanted and quite unnecessary and unproductive distraction.

Would you have forced Bill Gates to do a stint in the military when he dropped out of college rather than founding Microsoft?
"It's hard to have fun at 4-way unless your whole team gets down to the ground safely to do it again!"--Northern California Skydiving League re USPA Safety Day, March 8, 2014

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