
ACORN, OHIO & 200,000 "mismatched" voter registrations

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Further checking reveals that NO-ONE named St. Pierre won the Medal of Honor during WWII.

The article quoted said "Medal of Honor" - not the Victoria Cross, Iron Cross, Croix de Guerre, or any other country's medal. It said "Medal of Honor" If you have served in the US military or are familiar with "the Medal" as it is sometimes referred, the name is unique to this award. If the writer meant to refer to other various awards for bravery/valor, why did the reporter use capital letters?

Secondly, do you want to address the Dunkirk reference?

If he was British, he would have been awarded the Victoria Cross (MOH equivalent) but that is not what was referenced in the article.

The article also called the individual in question "legendary". Did you find any reference to him or his deeds anywhere else besides this article???

I was quite clear in my post that something may have been "lost in translation"...a polite way of saying that the reporter doesn't know of what he is writing.

Are you familiar with the "Stolen Valor" federal law?
"A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition"...Rudyard Kipling

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Further checking reveals that NO-ONE named St. Pierre won the Medal of Honor during WWII.

The article quoted said "Medal of Honor" - not the Victoria Cross, Iron Cross, Croix de Guerre, or any other country's medal. It said "Medal of Honor" If you have served in the US military or are familiar with "the Medal" as it is sometimes referred, the name is unique to this award. If the writer meant to refer to other various awards for bravery/valor, why did the reporter use capital letters?

Secondly, do you want to address the Dunkirk reference?

If he was British, he would have been awarded the Victoria Cross (MOH equivalent) but that is not what was referenced in the article.

The article also called the individual in question "legendary". Did you find any reference to him or his deeds anywhere else besides this article???

I was quite clear in my post that something may have been "lost in translation"...a polite way of saying that the reporter doesn't know of what he is writing.

I believe the "reporter" is the Republican Lt. Governor of Montana, why don't you take it up with him.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Apparently they are discovering that many (most?) of the errors are due to government bureaucrats

You are correct....the government is not good at anything and you want them in charge of our health care???:D:D:D

I love it when you contradict yourself!:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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You are correct....the government is not good at anything and you want them in charge of our health care???

I love it when you contradict yourself!

Interesting how all of you patriotic support the troops kinda guys are running them down. I think they have done an exemplary job in keeping the American people free.

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You are correct....the government is not good at anything and you want them in charge of our health care???

I love it when you contradict yourself!

Interesting how all of you patriotic support the troops kinda guys are running them down. I think they have done an exemplary job in keeping the American people free.

I stand corrected..... The military is the only part of the govt. that does a good job. I have never said otherwise!!!!! I forgot to exclude them.
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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I think NASA is a waste of money! We would have gotten those things eventually.

No way, dude.

MRI? GPS? Ultrasound? Cell phones and computers (minaturization of circuitry and radios)

All that technology, driven from the space program (NASA)
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Francis S. Pierre served in the Canadian Navy in WWII, and is listed as a recipient in 1940 of the "Mentioned in Despatches" medal, which was given for actions deemed honorable enough to warrant official notice. http://www.rcnvr.com/S%20-%20RCN%20-%20WW2.php Not the Medal of Honor (or its Canadian equivalent, the Victoria Cross), certainly, but absolutely a "medal of honorable service". It's understandable that an American, not familiar with the various sorts of medals given out by foreign militaries 68 years ago, could become confused. It's not at all clear that Mr St Pierre himself claimed to have won the Medal of Honor (much less 10 times, which is absurd). And a really old guy who won medals fighting in WWII could be seen locally as an noteworthy individual, although "legendary" is certainly an exercise in hyperbole. What is certainly not honorable is the GOP's effort to purge voter rolls at the last minute, based on non-issues such as a person moving to an assisted living facility in the same precinct.


Are you familiar with the "Stolen Valor" federal law?

Is it a crime for legal immigrants to acknowledge honors for military service received before they came to the US? Or maybe he is a native-born American who went to Canada to serve in WWII when it seemed that US isolationist policies would keep them out of the war. Thousands did just that. Are they criminals for even mentioning their valorious service in the military forces of a US ally? Or is your comment just another smear to discredit people who dare to object to GOP demagogery?
Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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Good work!

Now, go back and read my previous posts. I made it clear that I was not accusing St. Pierre of anything. I said that I thought something was being "lost in translation"....and from your post, it is clear that I was right. Ten "Medals of Honor" and a member of the US military participating in the Dunkirk evacuation made the original story suspect. So, Mr. St. Pierre was a Canadian and serving in the Canadian Navy, not US forces, and received a Canadian (British?) award for valor. It seems it was a case of the typical media not getting their facts right; NOTHING new there!

I mentioned "Stolen Valor" because it is an all too common problem these days.

Now, if we assume that Francis is a naturalized citizen and entitled to vote in this country, then the actions of the GOP personnel in Montana was wrong and needs to be corrected IMMEDIATELY and these people should be investigated for possible civil rights violations..in my opinion.

As a veteran of the US Army - 1967-1970, I was able to vote via absentee ballot and I am certainly sensitive to ANYONE'S attempt to discount US military personnel's votes. I also remember the attempts by the Democrat party to prevent the counting of absentee ballots of US military personnel in the election of 2000. Sound familiar?

Again, good job on your research.
"A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition"...Rudyard Kipling

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In the year 2008 it's difficult for me to believe we can't get this voter registration thing straight.

I can be in the EU and get money from a bank in Ohio without worrying about the security of the transaction, but we can't get this right?

Discussions about this always turn to party politics. It's certainly NOT rocket science. I don't care what party you support the validity of elections must not be in question. It's shameful and it pisses me off.

People will inevitably start spouting off about invasions of privacy and such. If you want to vote you should be willing to endure some scrutiny. If your name is misspelled on your registration get it corrected. Don't wait until 3 weeks before the election. If you do, and you are unable to cast your vote then I say shame on you.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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Do you see anything wrong with a process that as a by-product disenfranchises thousands of eligible voters?

Many processes "disenfranchise" eligible voters. Can't read the registration form? DISENFRANCHISED! Convicted of a felony? DISENFRANCHISED! Too lazy to register? DISENFRANCHISED! Just don't register to vote just because? DISENFRANCHISED!

Here's the one that seems to be causing the problems here: Can't properly fill out your form with your DL# or SSN or legal name? DISENFRANCHISED!

What more can we do to ensure that people that don't care enough to do things right or don't care at all get to vote?

Apparently they are discovering that many (most?) of the errors are due to government bureaucrats making typos when entering the data, NOT due to people too lazy or too stupid to fill out the form properly. Not that that would worry the GOP.

Social Security data indicate that Ohio election officials found more than 200,000 names that did not match this year; state election officials say their analysis of the data indicates that most of these are individual voters, not duplicate registrations. But Ms. Brunner said that problems with the databases could very well be why the names did not match.
“Federal government red tape, misstated technical information or glitches in databases should not be the basis for voters having to cast provisional ballots,” said Ms. Brunner, adding that she plans to require that notifications are sent to all voters whose records have discrepancies.


could very well be? or they are. which is it. John you always want details and accuracy. you honestly are going to accept a story that says "But Ms. Brunner said that problems with the databases could very well be why the names did not match. "

You always critisize us for this type of statement but I guess it is ok to accept as long as its from a dem.

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You always critisize us for this type of statement but I guess it is ok to accept as long as its from a dem.

See right there you give it all away.. you go on and on and on about all the abuses of the demONS

You believe in your heart of heart that anything that you think is dem is really DEMONS....You are really the Enid Strict aren't you....

could it be........................................ SATAN


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You always critisize us for this type of statement but I guess it is ok to accept as long as its from a dem.

See right there you give it all away.. you go on and on and on about all the abuses of the demONS

You believe in your heart of heart that anything that you think is dem is really DEMONS....You are really the Enid Strict aren't you....

could it be........................................ SATAN


no i was just stating to john that if one of us said that statement he would beat us up on it, and you know he would. but i guess that is ok as long as it benifits him.

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What amazes me is why so many supposedly patriotic Americans wish to deny other Americans their RIGHT to VOTE.

Why is that??

Oh thats right you are pretty sure they will vote differently than you do because you think they will.


Or at least that is what we are trying to peddle anywhere else but here:S:S:S:S

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You always critisize us for this type of statement but I guess it is ok to accept as long as its from a dem.

See right there you give it all away.. you go on and on and on about all the abuses of the demONS

You believe in your heart of heart that anything that you think is dem is really DEMONS....You are really the Enid Strict aren't you....

could it be........................................ SATAN


no i was just stating to john that if one of us said that statement he would beat us up on it, and you know he would. but i guess that is ok as long as it benifits him.

One would imagine that the Sec. of State would have some idea of the source and scope of the problems, certainly more than the whiners.


The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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What amazes me is why so many supposedly patriotic Americans wish to deny other Americans their RIGHT to VOTE.

Why is that??

Oh thats right you are pretty sure they will vote differently than you do because you think they will.


no everyone has a right to his/her opinions and should be allowed to vote as long as they register properly and vote properly. if they are to stupid to do it right do you really think they are smart enough to make the decission to who the next president should be?

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You always critisize us for this type of statement but I guess it is ok to accept as long as its from a dem.

See right there you give it all away.. you go on and on and on about all the abuses of the demONS

You believe in your heart of heart that anything that you think is dem is really DEMONS....You are really the Enid Strict aren't you....

could it be........................................ SATAN


no i was just stating to john that if one of us said that statement he would beat us up on it, and you know he would. but i guess that is ok as long as it benifits him.

One would imagine that the Sec. of State would have some idea of the source and scope of the problems, certainly more than the whiners.

one would think that the secretary of state would do her job and make sure the recources needed to make sure the voting is legal are made available. you know they would be if this was the dem's filing the lawsuite.
I know for me i registered properly and will vote properly, not to much to ask that all voters do the same.

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no everyone has a right to his/her opinions and should be allowed to vote as long as they register properly and vote properly. if they are to stupid to do it right do you really think they are smart enough to make the decission to who the next president should be?


Like skydiving YOU can do everything right and still something can and does happen.

All it takes is a typo from some lazy government employee to toss your vote into the trash bin of an electoral netherworld. Do it a few times and it really starts to affect elections.

As long as you are ok with stupid people affecting your lofty life, then hey, shit happens.

I have an idea. Let’s get back to intelligence tests at the polls and if you cannot demonstrate your ability to capitalize, punctuate or spell proper American English, let’s toss out your ballot and your ability to vote.

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no everyone has a right to his/her opinions and should be allowed to vote as long as they register properly and vote properly. if they are to stupid to do it right do you really think they are smart enough to make the decission to who the next president should be?


Like skydiving YOU can do everything right and still something can and does happen.

All it takes is a typo from some lazy government employee to toss your vote into the trash bin of an electoral netherworld. Do it a few times and it really starts to affect elections.

As long as you are ok with stupid people affecting your lofty life, then hey, shit happens.

I have an idea. Let’s get back to intelligence tests at the polls and if you cannot demonstrate your ability to capitalize, punctuate or spell proper American English, let’s toss out your ballot and your ability to vote.

the only ones i want kicked out are the multiples and the ones that are not eligible to vote. the ones that someone else made a mistake on are ok. i don't want the election to be decided by fraud. is fraud ok with you?

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the only ones i want kicked out are the multiples and the ones that are not eligible to vote. the ones that someone else made a mistake on are ok. i don't want the election to be decided by fraud. is fraud ok with you?

Are the Diebold machines and software ok with you?? They have been shown to be less than accurate and prone to hacking.

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the only ones i want kicked out are the multiples and the ones that are not eligible to vote. the ones that someone else made a mistake on are ok. i don't want the election to be decided by fraud. is fraud ok with you?

Are the Diebold machines and software ok with you?? They have been shown to be less than accurate and prone to hacking.

every effort to make the voting acurate and legal should be taken. if that means paper ballots until they get the bugs worked out then so be it.

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