
The Biggest/Best Reason NOT to Vote for Obama

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Obama Is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want.
He Leadeth Me Beside Still Factories,
He Restoreth My Faith In The Republican Party,
He Guideth Me In The Paths Of Unemployment.

Yea, Though I Walk Through The Valley Of The Bread Line,
I Shall Not Go Hungry.

Obama Has Anointed My Income With Taxes,
My Expenses Runneth Over My Income,
Surely, Poverty And Hard Living Will Follow Me
All The Days Of My Life.

The Democrats And I Will Live Forever In a Rented Room.

But I Am Glad I Am an American,
I Am Glad That I Am Free.

But I Wish I Was A Dog,
And Obama A Tree.


You know there is one coming about McCain very soon dont you?

And I am looking forward to it!!:)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Senator McCain had to do it the same way thousands and thousands of others did (including myself) - by applying to his Congressional Representatives and Senators for nomination.

Like I said.. the Good Ole Boy Network.. DUDE.. you just did not have the political connections..or the grades.

Some base their selections on merit.. others.. well.... having friends in high places helps get you a long way.

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The appointment process is not a "good ole boy network".
We're right back to you not understanding the appointment process.:S

Just to be clear, are you saying McCain earned his admission, competitively, based on his high school work?
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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You are not the first to point out my spelling. You will not be the last. I ingore the comments around it for the most part. If spelling is how you judge people? I really dont care what you think because I think it is petty.

Too many in these forums will dismiss an opinion due to bad grammar, spelling or punctuation. It a shame these people are so narrow minded.

Some genius' cannot talk or move properly let alone write.

and by the way,

You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a Pig!


ok screw the bad spelling what did you mean by 6 years rushmc? I assumed you thought that presidential elections were every 6 years. That's not a small mistake.

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Hard line Party only voters on this forum should take heed, don't vote purely on emotion and party lines. Know your candidates! Obama is not this un-amerocan outsider many people assume him to be. He comes from a very poor and humble background, his rise to the candidacy is purely based on his own efforts.

comes from a very poor and humble backround ? this guy has got you snowed. he went to a very elite private school in hawaii.

Yeah I have at least two close friends who went to Punahou. I am from Hawaii. Its a good school but most of my friend's aren't rolling in the dough, neither they or their families were well connected or rich. You may have been snowed by folks looking to reach for anything to accuse Obama of elitism, while the same folks ignore the same thing in the other candidate.

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Senator McCain had to do it the same way thousands and thousands of others did (including myself) - by applying to his Congressional Representatives and Senators for nomination.

Like I said.. the Good Ole Boy Network.. DUDE.. you just did not have the political connections..or the grades.

Wow - so not ONLY can you know what I'm thinking, but you know what my GPA was, too?

All those paranormal skill you have, and you still haven't claimed that million dollar prize from James Randi yet?


Some base their selections on merit.. others.. well.... having friends in high places helps get you a long way.

So, you should easily be able to provide the PROOF that it happened.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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So, you should easily be able to provide the PROOF that it happened.

I think the FACTS... speak for themselves Mike

Do you REALLLY believe McCain made it on MERIT... get a fuckin reality check already... Just like the Chimp in Chief...just like Dan Quayle...ond on and on....none of them entered service in those times based on MERIT...it was based on family connections.

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