
Local v. Global

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I was thinking today about when to do my next medical missions when I started considering the needs right here at home. I'm kinda conflicted on which is the "better" option.

Cost wise it's kind of a wash -
Medical missions - I pay the airfare, food and lodging for the timeframe, the organization and the physicians provide all the supplies, meds, ect
Local support - I would consider grants/sponsorship for the services offered.

"Coolness" (it's WAY cool to do the remote medical missions things!! but it's also personally rewarding to help those standing next to me at the grocery store)

Need.... that's where I'm wondering.

Here in the US, we have the "richest poor." People on medicaid with cellphones, manicures, ect... They may not have "real" health insurance, but there are enough "low cost services" with health departments and planned parenthood. However there ARE some that truly can't afford brand name peanut butter. How can they budget $50 or 100 for a preventative screening test?

Remote medical care.... helps short term, but is kinda like putting a bandaid on a hemorrhaging arm. But.. if no one steps up.

Give me other thoughts

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Wow, that really IS a tough call ! But the one of many valid points, that stands out.

Here in the US, we have the "richest poor." People on medicaid with cellphones, manicures, ect...

I never thought of it that way. but then so is this

However there ARE some that truly can't afford brand name peanut butter. How can they budget $50 or 100 for a preventative screening test?

Early detection is so important. I hate to think not being able to afford : $50 - 100 could cost a life a year or 2, down the road. I was voting 'remote', but now I'm leaning towards 'local' . This really is a difficult choice. ahhh! Which did you do the last time?
It's pretty pathetic when you have to TELL people you're fucking cool Skymama «narrative»This thread will lock in 3..2.. What a load of narrow-minded Xenophobic Bullshit!-squeak

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Early detection is so important. I hate to think not being able to afford : $50 - 100 could cost a life a year or 2, down the road. I was voting 'remote', but now I'm leaning towards 'local' . This really is a difficult choice. ahhh! Which did you do the last time?

My last medical mission was in '05 to Peru. I have since "donated time" while in residency at local health departments.... but this would be a larger NO INSURANCE type drive thing that I was thinking. Total "cattle call" type of clinic where I would just focus on the pap (so no sexually transmitted infection screening, no discussion about healthy lifestyles, no review of health or family history... which I don't like, but it helps get the most in to be seen)

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Maybe you should rotate? Last was in Peru, so this one is local. There's something to be said for taking care of our own (though I am far from a bleeding heart). But figure out a way to help those that really need it, not the "rich poor" you mention. Good job, thanks for doing this sort of thing. B|

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My last medical mission was in '05 to Peru. I have since "donated time" while in residency at local health departments.... but this would be a larger NO INSURANCE type drive thing that I was thinking. Total "cattle call" type of clinic where I would just focus on the pap (so no sexually transmitted infection screening, no discussion about healthy lifestyles, no review of health or family history... which I don't like, but it helps get the most in to be seen)

Wow this REALLY is NOT an easy choice for you, hard call l. But I now with this added information, I guess I'm leaning back to my original choice in my 1st reply, while I agree it really does suck that you, don't get to run the full spectrum of ob/gyn tests. the "cattle call" & the thought of the possible # of paps you could run, and get early detection results, for so many. That would not otherwise, be able to get tested at all & find out way to late. Does itself hold a lot of weight. God that's such a horrorible, rapidly advancing & deadly form of cancer. I'd definitely go with that Final answer K. promise ;) 'Local Cattle Call' for the paps. All the way! :)
It's pretty pathetic when you have to TELL people you're fucking cool Skymama «narrative»This thread will lock in 3..2.. What a load of narrow-minded Xenophobic Bullshit!-squeak

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IMO, forget "coolness", and select the option that does the most good for the most needy people with the money available.

If you could spend $5,000 helping 10 people on a really "cool" mission, or the same $5,000 helping 100 people on a really boring mission, then if your motive is truly altruistic, you would choose the latter.

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IMO, forget "coolness", and select the option that does the most good for the most needy people with the money available.

If you could spend $5,000 helping 10 people on a really "cool" mission, or the same $5,000 helping 100 people on a really boring mission, then if your motive is truly altruistic, you would choose the latter.

It's not 10.... it's truly thousands. The group that I have gone with is called DoCare and they have a really well set up program DoCare On the mission, you are generally in country for two weeks, during which each provider sees anywhere between 50-100 patients/day. It's WAY hard work .. but I also think its way cool. (that's what I meant by the coolness factor)

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If you could spend $5,000 helping 10 people on a really "cool" mission, or the same $5,000 helping 100 people on a really boring mission, then if your motive is truly altruistic, you would choose the latter.

I think the reference to "COOLNESS" is mistakenly taken out of context. I believe the aspect that makes a 'remote mission' "COOL" to her IS of an altruistic nature. I believe her COOL = the fact that she brings her 1st World/Class medical skills & services to a 3rd world region, that has VERY little & poor, to NO Medical care at all otherwise. which is, after all is said & done is the 'COOL' element of it to which she refers. After all, she did mention the 'remote' missions are 'out of pocket' for her personally. She completely funds her own travel, lodging & necessities, how self motivated could that be? The 'Local' mission would be done With grants & sponsorship donations.
It's pretty pathetic when you have to TELL people you're fucking cool Skymama «narrative»This thread will lock in 3..2.. What a load of narrow-minded Xenophobic Bullshit!-squeak

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Damn you can type fast Kb. :D Hey I have a question, Karen. If you did opt for the 'local' cattle call pap screening . Is it somehow possible to coordinate its set up with other local charities & sponsors, to cover the other (or at least some of) concerns, you'd like to see addressed?

It's pretty pathetic when you have to TELL people you're fucking cool Skymama «narrative»This thread will lock in 3..2.. What a load of narrow-minded Xenophobic Bullshit!-squeak

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meg and i have had this discussion before. we both believe that while the government should make sure the people in this country are taken care of before sending aid to other countries, individuals take on too much liability when trying to help those here as opposed to a third world country. you can donate your time and services to help people and someone is still going to try to sue you. it may be a very small percentage of the people you help that will try to sue, but it only takes one to fuck up your life. unfortunately your services will be much more appreciated in another country. if there is some sort of good samaritan law that protects you from lawsuits while doing charity work, then i would say to help those in the u.s. first.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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Unfortunately... a good point and one that I hadn't really put too much thought into.

And Trace - as far as combining the other services, that would be logistically and financially difficult. The pap itself is about $50-70. That's just the lab fees, if you add to that the sexually transmitted infection screening (gonorrhea/chlmaydia, HIV, Hep B/C, Syphillis, HSV) or looking at genital warts (time and required the cryo treatment equiptment) AND discussing contraception (birth control options) AND medical issues (blood pressure, other preventative medicine screening - cholesterol, diabetes, depression, last mammogram, discussion on lifestlye - weight and smoking) Then it really gets too big for me to objectively want to manage for a short weekend clinic

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Not to be negative, but say you do paps locally...maybe on some women who have gone for years without...and it comes back abnormal. Are you willing to do the colpo for free? LEEP for free? Follow up for free? Will the local oncologist take on the hyst or radiation? I have never practiced as a civilian, but I can see these things potentially becoming an issue...depending on the patient population, even getting them the results may be difficult...maybe I am a pessimist, but I do feel that people in 3rd world nations probably appreciate your efforts more than those at home. Go to Africa and fix some fistulas...THAT would be amazing.

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I happen to run a Free Clinic in NC (I'm an NP), but also have done the mission stuff in Peru too. Depending on where you live, some Free Clinics have gotten coverage through the Federal Tort Claim Act so that if you were sued, they really have to sue the Federal Government (kind of how they do at Military facilities etc.) We haven't gone through all the paperwork for that yet but we haven't had any problems yet either. Our clinic uses 150% of the Federal Poverty level as our guideline and we make the patients "prove" their income as best we can. We also get their meds through the Patient Assistance Programs that the pharmaceutical companies operate.

I have found that my patients run the gamut...some really are very poor while others just haven't quite gotten their act together to get a job etc. Some are very thankful and others feel like they are "entitled" to our services even though we don't take a dime of state or federal money....everything is funded through donations, grants and volunteers.

One interesting note about foreign mission work...I have gone on a specific trip to the same place in Peru twice. Once in 2005 and once this past year. The first year I went most of the moms and kids were fine---mom just wanted you to "lay hands on them" because they lacked medical care and wanted to make sure they were ok. This past time, however, they have gotten a bit "spoiled" with our coming every year. The moms would complain that their kids didn't eat, or were sick....even though you could tell that they were most (not all) quite healthy--- just because they were so accustomed to us giving out children's chewable vitamins, toothbrushes etc. etc. and maybe they were afraid we wouldn't give them anything if we told them there was nothing wrong. It would make me laugh because they would say "oh, my son is so short" when mom was 4-10 and dad 5-0 tall. ;)

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Maybe you should rotate? Last was in Peru, so this one is local.-----------------------------
I second this. Each has its own excellent merit, each in its own way. Try a local venue this year. If you find you like doing both, why not alternate?

Yeah I thought the same at 1st, that's why I asked Karen where her last mission was spent. but Throphy Husband, made a very sad, but true point before. That unless Kb, is eligible, for some type of 'Good Samaritan' protection under her local or state law, it may very well be too risky for her. While max. average medical service fee(s), paidout by insurance comps. has repeatedly & steadily decreased annually since the early 2000's (2001-2002 alone showing a 23% drop) during these same years & over the last decade the average cost of med. malpractice insurance, has INCREASED an average of 50 % with ob/gyn getting hit the hardest, seeing their's increase an average of ^ 65 % in a single 2yr. period alone. Sad but unfortunately very true.
It's pretty pathetic when you have to TELL people you're fucking cool Skymama «narrative»This thread will lock in 3..2.. What a load of narrow-minded Xenophobic Bullshit!-squeak

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Sixty Minutes just did a story on Remote Area Medical. One of the remote areas they serve is Tennessee, which apparently has good laws as far as liability goes for this kind of thing. They also do other countries, too, obviously.

Might want to think about them.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Sixty Minutes just did a story on Remote Area Medical. One of the remote areas they serve is Tennessee, which apparently has good laws as far as liability goes for this kind of thing. They also do other countries, too, obviously.

Might want to think about them.

Wendy W.

I have!! And it would be SO COOL to jump into a remote location.... but I need to work on my landings first. (last landing was a bit ... less than optimal with the trimal fracture)

I actually saw that 60min story and thought.... I really need to get back on a plan for something.

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Somehow I don't think they skydive into Tennessee :P

Wendy W.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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It'd be great publicity, though. Just think -- you could have a speculum appliqued onto your canopy :)

Wendy W.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Somehow I don't think they skydive into Tennessee :P

Wendy W.

:Plocation links

Silly, she meant "skydive into the medical mission site in Tennessee" :P:P

But I used the :P icon, the internationally-recognized symbol for, well...:P. Should I have used the ;) instead?

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Somehow I don't think they skydive into Tennessee :P

Wendy W.

:Plocation links

Silly, she meant "skydive into the medical mission site in Tennessee" :P:P

But I used the :P icon, the internationally-recognized symbol for, well...:P. Should I have used the ;) instead?

I know.... I was just teasin you back

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Somehow I don't think they skydive into Tennessee :P
Wendy W.

:Plocation links
Silly, she meant "skydive into the medical mission site in Tennessee" :P:P
But I used the :P icon, the internationally-recognized symbol for, well...:P. Should I have used the ;) instead?
I know.... I was just teasin you back:D:D:D:D:D:D I think you just 'Hi-Jacked' your own thread, Karen! :D:P;) a-hem «bump» ;) So which way are you, leaning. I vote to skydive in to which ever you decide! VC idea B|
It's pretty pathetic when you have to TELL people you're fucking cool Skymama «narrative»This thread will lock in 3..2.. What a load of narrow-minded Xenophobic Bullshit!-squeak

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