
Iowa Flooding VS. Katrina

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1,000,000 people displaced, never knowing if their city will ever drain

Where did you get that number? It's way high.

According to this article, there were over a million people evacuated from the *state* of Louisiana and perhaps several hundred thousand from Mississippi.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Funny, I got one of those anonymous right wing rant emails on just this subject just last week. Coincidence?

There is never coincidence when it comes to you professor. :P

Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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White folk ain't so bad

Ay, Yup. Tastes like chicken. :P

Let's move on to discuss how the Chinese reacted to the earthquake they suffered. They're less filling.

Has anyone checked up to see about the looting and violence in China.....? Just curious to see if China has handled this like Iowa.

Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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Have you seen the pictures from Iowa of the people looting the liquor stores, carrying away televisions from retail stores, sitting on the roof begging for someone to take care of them, or collected in a football stadium complaining about the food and shelter being provided?

Neither have I

There are numerous differences with this and NOLA. Obviously there ARE some differences of people in NOLA who did not take the risk seriously who should have. There was advanced warning they did not heed.

However, there are a lot more pronounced issues moving a couple million people from 50 square miles that 50k for 500 square miles. The suffering is far more concentrated.

Of course, it creates problems of its own when the people are more spread out. Hence the lack of coverage in Mississippi after katrina. It was there, but less visually alluring that New Orleans underwater.

Another factor in iowa is thr "been there done that" factor. 15 years ago was a biblical flood on the Mississippiam. Plenty was learned and most remembered. They had not that memory in NOLA.

There are some comparisons easy to make on the face. This is not one of them.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Has anyone checked up to see about the looting and violence in China.....? Just curious to see if China has handled this like Iowa.

Yeah, sure. China's "transparancy" policy makes it really easy for others to check up on them. But I'm willing to bet they have handled things EXACTLY like Iowa has. They have so much in common, after all.
Owned by Remi #?

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I agree... but this will tick off those who might tend to think this is racist... OMG did i say that out loud...

A great australian said... "Harden the F*&* up"

I'm trying to figure out why some people pull the race card..... We are just commenting on the difference of two locations in the country. Unless someone feels there might be different cultures. Kinda like how Maine and Georgia have two different cultures. What are the race ratios between the two?

I didn't play the race card. I just adjusted the spotlight a bit to better illustrate the one your were trying to be plausibly deniable about.
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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Funny, I got one of those anonymous right wing rant emails on just this subject just last week. Coincidence?

There is never coincidence when it comes to you professor. :P

Presenting others' ideas as your own is called "plagiarism".

By Ed Driscoll · June 17, 2008 01:25 PM · The Perfect Storm
TigerHawk notes:

The flooding in eastern Iowa has reached the point of catastrophe. Towns are overwhelmed, businesses destroyed, and crops are gone. A fifth of the corn and soybeans are gone. Fox News is calling it "Iowa's Katrina." Here is a gallery of aerial photographs at the web site of the newspaper I used to deliver every afternoon, the Iowa City Press-Citizen.

The thing is, though, the people of eastern Iowa seem to be stepping up in the Iowa stubborn way. I have seen any number of man-on-the-street interviews, and nobody is complaining. They all seem to be working to solve their problem, which is not surprising because Iowans do not complain about tragedy. They complain about hot weather and dry weather, but not tragedy. And I have looked for reports of looting and come up empty so far.

Katrina has become a metaphor for many things beyond natural disaster, including governmental and individual incompetence (depending on your point of view). In Iowa there is a 500 year flood, but the people are not paralyzed, whining, or looting. There will be no massive relief effort from around the world, and nobody will step up to help Iowans except for other Iowans. Yet years from now, there will be no Iowans still in FEMA camps.


The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I agree... but this will tick off those who might tend to think this is racist... OMG did i say that out loud...

A great australian said... "Harden the F*&* up"

I'm trying to figure out why some people pull the race card..... We are just commenting on the difference of two locations in the country. Unless someone feels there might be different cultures. Kinda like how Maine and Georgia have two different cultures. What are the race ratios between the two?

I didn't play the race card. I just adjusted the spotlight a bit to better illustrate the one your were trying to be plausibly deniable about.

you are assuming

Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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1,000,000 people displaced, never knowing if their city will ever drain

Where did you get that number? It's way high.

Very high........

485,000 in the city itself pre hurricane, as of this year only 265,000 have been able to return. The metropolitan NO area was just under 1,000,000 according to a few documents I have read.

Even if you look at just the city limits of NO, there are still 220,000 people that have not returned or been able to re-establish roots since Katrina. As a reminder, Cedar Rapids is around 100,000.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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I agree... but this will tick off those who might tend to think this is racist... OMG did i say that out loud...

A great australian said... "Harden the F*&* up"

I'm trying to figure out why some people pull the race card..... We are just commenting on the difference of two locations in the country. Unless someone feels there might be different cultures. Kinda like how Maine and Georgia have two different cultures. What are the race ratios between the two?

I didn't play the race card. I just adjusted the spotlight a bit to better illustrate the one your were trying to be plausibly deniable about.

you are assuming

Sure, slick. You really put the 'b' back in subtle. ;)
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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