
Re: [kelpdiver] Incidents In The Homeland (U.S.) Was:Iraq war & Vietnam war comparisons

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Maybe you should explain why the war in iraq makes the US homeland safer.

Maybe you can explain how it doesn't, seeing as we have not had any incidents in the homeland since the war started.

Outside of one day in the past couple decades, it's pretty rather safe in the US. So no event can be attributed for making it better or worse.

Here is a short list of incidents in the homeland. It should in no way be considered complete. Specifically, attacks against US embassies, US military assets and US based aircraft have been omitted, as well as other incidents, I'm sure. I've attempted to only list incidents that have occurred in the past two decades. Some of these were terrorist attacks, others were pseudo-terrorist attacks. I don't suppose there is much difference for the victims.

Safety is relative. Certainly the US is not the most dangerous country in the world, but it is doubtful we are near the top of the list, either. We certainly experience plenty of politically motivated and random violence.

I emboldened an incident of political terrorism that occurred since the Iraq invasion.

January, 1993, Langley, Virginia, Mir Aimal Kasi opened fire at cars stopped at stoplight in front of CIA headquarters in retaliation for US military bombings of Iraqi troops withdrawing from Kuwait, killing two and wounding three others.

February 1993, A bomb in a van exploded in the underground parking garage in New York's World Trade Center, killing six people and wounding 1,042.

June 22, 1993, Tiburon, California, Unabomber, one injured.

June 24, 1993, Yale University, Unabomber, one injured.

December 10, 1994 North Caldwell, New Jersey, Unabomber, one killed.

April 19, 1995, A car bomb destroyed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people and wounding over 600.

April 24, 1995, Sacramento, California, Unabomber, one killed.

July 27, 1996, A pipe bomb exploded during the Olympic games in Atlanta, killing one person and wounding 111.

February 24, 1997, New York, New York, Armed gunmen opened fire on tourists at Empire State Building in retaliation for America's support of Israel.

March 24, 1998, Craighead County, Arkansas, Mitchel Johnson and Andrew Golden killed five people and injured ten others at Westside Middle School.

April 20, 1999, Littleton, Colorado, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 13 people and injured 23 more at Columbine High School.

December 31, 1999, University of Michigan, arson was attributed to Earth's Liberation Front, a group to which several dozen eco-terrorist attacks have been attributed over the last eleven years.

September 18, November 16, 2001, Anthrax is sent to media and Congressmen, killed five people and infectied 17 others. (unsolved)

May 2002, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, and Texas, Mailbox pipe bombings injured six people.

October 2002, Beltway Sniper Attacks, John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo killed a total of sixteen people, including a previous shooting spree perpetrated by the two.

April 16, 2007, Virginia Tech, Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 people and injured 17 others. Additionally, six people were injured in attempts to escape.

March 6, 2008, New York, New York, Military recruiting station in Times Square was bombed. (unsolved)

February 14, 2008, DeKalb, Illinois, Northern Illinois University, Steven Kazmierczak killed five people and injured 18 others.

There have been eleven violent abortion related attacks since 1993, plus one unsuccessful suicide bombing. Additionally, there have been hundreds of bombings, bomb threats and incidents of vandalism perpetrated against abortion clinics since 1977.

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There have been eleven violent abortion related attacks since 1993, plus one unsuccessful suicide bombing. Additionally, there have been hundreds of bombings, bomb threats and incidents of vandalism perpetrated against abortion clinics since 1977.

I separated domestic (ie, American) acts from foreign. The Unabomber was a nut, not someone who had anything to do with our involvements in the middle east. Same for kids shooting at their high school. Or McVeigh and any accomplices at Oklahoma City. The anthrax scare also appeared to be a domestic affair.

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I separated domestic (ie, American) acts from foreign.

Are you sure you made such a distinction? I don't see it. Your exact words:

Maybe you can explain how it doesn't, seeing as we have not had any incidents in the homeland since the war started.

Outside of one day in the past couple decades, it's pretty rather safe in the US.[sic] So no event can be attributed for making it better or worse.

Could you please highlight the distinction between domestic terrorism and foreign terrorism in your three sentence post, copied above in its entirety? Please remember, you specifically urged me to respond to the second paragraph.


The Unabomber was a nut, not someone who had anything to do with our involvements in the middle east. Same for kids shooting at their high school. Or McVeigh and any accomplices at Oklahoma City. The anthrax scare also appeared to be a domestic affair.

How would you suggest we deal with domestic terrorism and pseudo-terrorism, considering the occurrences are more common than are the occurrences of foreign terrorism?
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How would you suggest we deal with domestic terrorism and pseudo-terrorism, considering the occurrences are more common than are the occurrences of foreign terrorism?

Separately from any determination of how to deal with enemies on the other side of the planet.

I feel like Captain Obvious today.

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Separately from any determination of how to deal with enemies on the other side of the planet.

I feel like Captain Obvious today.

Forgive me. I thought perhaps you might offer some actual insight or ideas. :S
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You seem to have a hard time understanding what people are trying to imply in their posts and try to make things mean something other than what they were supposed to, or you just intentionally overlook it so you can further your own argument. Either way starting an entire thread just so you can publicize your argument with one poster is a bit childish wouldn't you say?
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How would you suggest we deal with domestic terrorism and pseudo-terrorism, considering the occurrences are more common than are the occurrences of foreign terrorism?

Separately from any determination of how to deal with enemies on the other side of the planet.

I feel like Captain Obvious today.

Things seem "obvious" to you because you oversimplify. You are either incapable or unwilling to do otherwise. You have my sympathies.
Coreece: "You sound like some skinheads I know, but your prejudice is with Christians, not niggers..."

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Either way starting an entire thread just so you can publicize your argument with one poster is a bit childish wouldn't you say?

Actually it was perfectly legitimate, and worthwhile in my mind.
Coreece: "You sound like some skinheads I know, but your prejudice is with Christians, not niggers..."

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Either way starting an entire thread just so you can publicize your argument with one poster is a bit childish wouldn't you say?

Not at all. I've been making an active attempt to not hijack threads if at all possible. The topic of discussion and the topic of the thread were sufficiently different to justify the new thread, IMO.
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Things seem "obvious" to you because you oversimplify.

This from the anonymous guy who never writes more than a one line insult?


Personal Information
Real Name: Karl

Karl Marx? Karl Orff? Karl Rove maybe?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Things seem "obvious" to you because you oversimplify.

This from the anonymous guy who never writes more than a one line insult?


Personal Information
Real Name: Karl

Karl Marx? Karl Orff? Karl Rove maybe?

Classic :-)
Coreece: "You sound like some skinheads I know, but your prejudice is with Christians, not niggers..."

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Either way starting an entire thread just so you can publicize your argument with one poster is a bit childish wouldn't you say?

Not at all. I've been making an active attempt to not hijack threads if at all possible. The topic of discussion and the topic of the thread were sufficiently different to justify the new thread, IMO.

I guess I can understand that, nevermind then;)
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Things seem "obvious" to you because you oversimplify.

This from the anonymous guy who never writes more than a one line insult?

Gosh, you're right. I've updated my profile so that - just like you - I'm not anonymous. I think you're really going to like it. Check it out:

Coreece: "You sound like some skinheads I know, but your prejudice is with Christians, not niggers..."

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Karl Marx? Karl Orff? Karl Rove maybe?

Just because you don't know which Karl doesn't make me anonymous, the point being that to those I've met and corresponded with in skydive world, I am NOT anonymous -- unlike those who's profile is full of "No entered".


Ediited to add: I'll expand a little because I think it's an interesting topic.

My name is Karl -- am I still anonymous?

I jump a Sil 190 and have a PD Reserve -- am I still anonymous?

I have just under 100 jumps (an abysmal record for 6 years of hanging around, and there are temporary reasons for that) -- am I still anonymous?

I jump out of Mile-Hi and other DZs in CO, plus have been outside the state to Eloy a couple times. My closest brush with fame in the sport is having had some mentoring from Skratch -- am I still anonymous?

Now, I know you are in a good position to judge here because you are John Kallend, a man known widely in the skydiving world, and you post here under that name with no apparent qualms about it. And I respect that a lot, but at the same time I believe you take on risk in doing so, as does anyone who posts their real info in an internet forum. Personally, I am a real fence sitter on whether I should EVER post my complete info here.

Tell me, is mnealtx anonymous? How about Amazon. How about some of the mods who only post their first name? Are they anonymous?

Not posting your last name here does not necessarily qualify one as "anonymous". There's anonymous and then there's anonymous.

. . =(_8^(1)

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Gosh, you're right. I've updated my profile . . .

Staying anonymous is probably in your best interest, since your ONLY purpose here seems to be tossing out dull, self gratifying insults towards those whom you disagree.

. . =(_8^(1)

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Gosh, you're right. I've updated my profile . . .

Staying anonymous is probably in your best interest, since your ONLY purpose here seems to be tossing out dull, self gratifying insults towards those whom you disagree.

You don't like my new profile? Aww.
Coreece: "You sound like some skinheads I know, but your prejudice is with Christians, not niggers..."

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