
Republican or Democrat it really does not matter who you vote for.

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Who Runs The World

You need to really check out who your politician of choice really is.

These people control most of the politicians on both sides


Daniel Estulin is a Madrid-based journalist and an investigative reporter who took on the daunting and dangerous task of researching the Bildeberg Group, and who offers his findings in The True Story Of The Bilderberg Group, recently published by Trine Day. Equally intriguing as his harrowing tales of being followed and nearly killed on a couple of occasions while working on the book, is the manner in which Estulin connects the dots between the Bilderberg Group, world events, notable politicians and corporate tycoons and the two other secretive monsters of the ruling elite, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission (TC). The project lasted fifteen years and was motivated by Estulin's curiosity about how it is that the mainstream media has never covered in depth the meetings of the Bilderberg Group whose combined wealth exceeds the combined wealth of all U.S. citizens.

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Good luck getting any serious responses to this post.

For those who make the tin-foil comments, I'd like to see what they have to say about David Rockefeller's own words from his memoirs:


Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure-one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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Yeah I know.... but I thought I would post it anyway.

I remember doing a paper on this back in the early 80's in a pol sci class and I got a similar response from the true believers who dont want to pull their heads out of the sand and realize the truth. I will let someone else pull the names from the current crop of presidential candidates.. both sides... who have ties to these people.

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"The truth" is very subjective. Romans slaughtered Christians to educate them of "the truth", Christians slaughtered non-Christians in the name of "the truth", and it continues today with groups killing other groups just because they believe in a different "truth".
Just because someone doesn't see things the same way you do doesn't mean they have their head in the sand and can't see "the truth". It just means they see things in a different light, that's all.

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I got a similar response from the true believers who dont want to pull their heads out of the sand and realize the truth

JEanne - you are better than this. You are better than to post something so self-messianic. I have a GREAT issue with ANYONE who says that he or she knows the truth abouy something that nobody else knows. "You are being fooled. Let me show you the truth."

I'll put it this way - there are those that would believe that this group is responsible for everything from the explosion of the Hindenberg to the overthrow of the Shah in Iran to the hardpan soil in my yard to the rise of Hannah Montana to the manufacturing of sunspots.

And there are others who believe that the organization does not exist at all.

And then there are those like me who believe that the truth lies somewhere in the middle - that this is a group with powerful influence in certain areas.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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And there are others who believe that the organization does not exist at all.

Oh they do exist.... and it amazes me that they have been able to stay so far under the radar for so long.

I guess it all depends on how much so many people have to gain by ignoring them.. and that is a fundamental truth whether you choose to believe or not.

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Hannah Montana is really a front for Billy Ray to take control of the minds of children from all over the world. There have been mullet sightings as far away as Latvia.

The inflated ticket prices to Hannah's concert's are designed to destabilize the IMF and force the world to join the mullet revolution.

Wake up people.

I saw it on the internet. It's true.
- Harvey, BASE 1232

BLiNC Magazine Team Member

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We've been over this.

Yeah but I would rather see you guys as the world firemen.. let it exploded and burn itself down..... get there after all of the fucknuggets in the fray get to work on their own polulation control measures. They are going to do it eventually anyway.

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Just because someone doesn't see things the same way you do doesn't mean they have their head in the sand and can't see "the truth". It just means they see things in a different light, that's all.


What the hell is a sentiment like THIS doing in Speakers Corner?

I demand the moderators move this post to the Bonfire IMMEDIATELY!!

Speakers Corner is for opinionated assholes only.
Speed Racer

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