
I just drove past my local Home Depot

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Also, why doesn't Home Depot make sure your improvements are within municipal building code specifications? You might be committing a crime with those renovations.
My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me, Lebowski?

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A process that doesn't work (even if it's 'on the books') is an ineffective process.

Inability to correctly implement this process indicates poor process design.

Fix the system, or just keep complaining about how you hate mexicans, it's your choice.

"Don't touch my fucking Easter eggs, I'll be back monday." ~JTFC

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>You are so wrong. I got a 10% raise over 5 yrs. And it is nice having

Right. How does that prove that what I said was wrong?

The automotive workers unions have made it unprofitable for car companies to build cars in the US. Indeed, the only car companies building cars in the US and doing well are companies like Toyota who build plants in Kentucky and (the important part) hire non-union workers.

Result? The non-union plant does better, union members are out of work, a US industry is destroyed - all due to greed on the part of the union.

>And i'll be the first one to run someone off a job if he/she is not doing 1st
>rate work or malingering or loafing.

And in many cases the union will tell you "you can't fire him; he's been here 12 years." So they'll move him so he's someone else's problem.

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>You are so wrong. I got a 10% raise over 5 yrs. And it is nice having

Right. How does that prove that what I said was wrong?

The automotive workers unions have made it unprofitable for car companies to build cars in the US. Indeed, the only car companies building cars in the US and doing well are companies like Toyota who build plants in Kentucky and (the important part) hire non-union workers.

Result? The non-union plant does better, union members are out of work, a US industry is destroyed - all due to greed on the part of the union.

>And i'll be the first one to run someone off a job if he/she is not doing 1st
>rate work or malingering or loafing.

And in many cases the union will tell you "you can't fire him; he's been here 12 years." So they'll move him so he's someone else's problem.

So. I should throw away 30 yrs. yrs. of hard work and go to work for min. wage. FUCK YOU.
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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>So. I should throw away 30 yrs. yrs. of hard work and go to work for min. wage.

No. You should take that 30 years of experience and use it to get a good job - just like everyone else does. The sense of entitlement ("I deserve to make X dollars a year!") has done far more damage to this country than immigrants willing to work for minimum wage.

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I think everyone who wants to work here should have the chance to do so legally. If you give them legal channels, they will use them, and it will be easier to keep out the illegal immigrants/freeloaders/criminals who cause all the problems.

Wouldn't that mean, a more 'securing' of our borders? Whether or not, we have 'legal channels' for them, the illegal immigrants/ free-loaders/ criminals, will still, find a way to get in. This country, according to the president of Mexico, 'has an enormous hunger for drugs' and as long as we do, the criminal element will find a way in.


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This thread is a classic example of the barely, thinly veiled racism that I'm talking about underlying so much of the commentary on this subject.

Why do you guys even try to be remotely coy? Why not just call them "fucking spics" like you really mean? You know you want to. Say it and be done with it already. You're beginning to bore us.

Nope, racism has nothing to do with it. It's about obeying the law. Mexicans who go through the process to come here legally are not who we're talking about.

The subject is illegal immigrants.

Mexicans just happen to comprise the overwhelming majority of those illegal immigrants.

And it's typical of the pro-illegal immigrant folks to accuse the other side of being "racist", to deflect attention from the true issue.

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This thread is a classic example of the barely, thinly veiled racism...

Let them whistle through their hillbilly teeth (let's be honest, a majority are probably wearing coveralls with no shirt, or a just a wifebeater and shitstained whitey tighties). ;) At the end of the day, we all know that they're just pissed about the lack of drive/success in their own life, and have to take it out on somebody intent on improving their own life.

Wow. You speak out against racism, by branding your opposition with your own form of stereotypical bigotry in return.

How ironic.

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>So. I should throw away 30 yrs. yrs. of hard work and go to work for min. wage.

No. You should take that 30 years of experience and use it to get a good job - just like everyone else does. The sense of entitlement ("I deserve to make X dollars a year!") has done far more damage to this country than immigrants willing to work for minimum wage.

I have good jobs. You like elec. and phones and navy ships, and chips for the computer your typing on and etc? That's what I do and I goddamn well deserve what I earn. Then I guess all the CEO's off the Big Corps. should quit ripping off the public and go find a better job too eh? I'd make a third less working rat w/ no rights and no benefits. As there are problems w/ the unions. I've done way better than working RAT tho.
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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A process that doesn't work (even if it's 'on the books') is an ineffective process.

Inability to correctly implement this process indicates poor process design.

Fix the system, or just keep complaining about how you hate mexicans, it's your choice.


I resent your inferrance that I 'hate' Mexicans! I've had many Mexican acquaintances, I've worked with them, I'm even a god father to the child of a good family of Mexican heritage! I am against the 'illegal' entrants from Mexico or anywhere else in this world, who are tearing away the very foundation of this country.
As for our I&NS laws, have you read them all or researched them at all? There's some pretty damned good ones on the books that just need to be enforced.
I think, you're just shooting from the hip and to be blunt... trolling.
Have a nice day!


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Brilliant comparison John, I'd expect nothing less. While we're on the subject of foolish comparisons...

Since your criticism is supported with zero objective, factual or logical explanations, it is meaningless.


lets not forget the crazy conservative republican gun nuts that go rub down their guns every night, ok?

Oops, there you go again, displaying your own brand of stereotypical bigotry, while pretending to defend against the same thing from others.


Are DOT road construction employees in a union? ...looking at them, I'd say they appear to have the highest probability of robbing me or breaking into my house.

And again!

Pot: Meet the kettle.

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Brilliant comparison John, I'd expect nothing less. While we're on the subject of foolish comparisons...

Since your criticism is supported with zero objective, factual or logical explanations, it is meaningless.


lets not forget the crazy conservative republican gun nuts that go rub down their guns every night, ok?

Oops, there you go again, displaying your own brand of stereotypical bigotry, while pretending to defend against the same thing from others.


Are DOT road construction employees in a union? ...looking at them, I'd say they appear to have the highest probability of robbing me or breaking into my house.

And again!

Pot: Meet the kettle.



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>I have good jobs.

Good for you!

>You like elec. and phones and navy ships, and chips for the computer your
>typing on and etc? That's what I do . . .

Great! You have a cellphone? Chances are it uses a chip (an MSM) that I've worked on. And I'm not even in a union!

> Then I guess all the CEO's off the Big Corps. should quit ripping off the
> public and go find a better job too eh?

What are you talking about?

> I'd make a third less working rat w/ no rights and no benefits.

Well, there you have it - and that's why US car companies are going bankrupt. You can get more money through a union, and so that's the avenue you pursue. The union company's products cost more (labor costs are higher) and so people choose non-union alternatives. Result - Flint, Michigan.

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A process that doesn't work (even if it's 'on the books') is an ineffective process.

Inability to correctly implement this process indicates poor process design.

Fix the system, or just keep complaining about how you hate mexicans, it's your choice.


I resent your inferrance that I 'hate' Mexicans! I've had many Mexican acquaintances, I've worked with them, I'm even a god father to the child of a good family of Mexican heritage! I am against the 'illegal' entrants from Mexico or anywhere else in this world, who are tearing away the very foundation of this country.
As for our I&NS laws, have you read them all or researched them at all? There's some pretty damned good ones on the books that just need to be enforced.
I think, you're just shooting from the hip and to be blunt... trolling.
Have a nice day!

I agree. I have a 1/2 Mexican, 1/4 Irish, 1/4 Native American Indian 2 yr. old granddaughter. Or something along those lines. Heinz 57. Talk about hell on wheels.[:/] She's gonna be one chicka you're not gonna mess w/ when she grows up. And the father is ILLEGAL. Imagine that.
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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A process that doesn't work (even if it's 'on the books') is an ineffective process.

Inability to correctly implement this process indicates poor process design.

Fix the system, or just keep complaining about how you hate mexicans, it's your choice.


I resent your inferrance that I 'hate' Mexicans! I've had many Mexican acquaintances, I've worked with them, I'm even a god father to the child of a good family of Mexican heritage! I am against the 'illegal' entrants from Mexico or anywhere else in this world, who are tearing away the very foundation of this country.
As for our I&NS laws, have you read them all or researched them at all? There's some pretty damned good ones on the books that just need to be enforced.
I think, you're just shooting from the hip and to be blunt... trolling.
Have a nice day!

I agree. I have a 1/2 Mexican, 1/4 Irish, 1/4 Native American Indian 2 yr. old granddaughter. Or something along those lines. Heinz 57. Talk about hell on wheels.[:/] She's gonna be one chicka you're not gonna mess w/ when she grows up. And the father is ILLEGAL. Imagine that.

Her daddy, won't need to keep a shotgun by the door!:D:D I'll bet, she's just cuter'n anything, too! I get a kick out of folks who are quick to point fingers. I wonder... how they like their crow?:D:D


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Nope, racism has nothing to do with it. It's about obeying the law. Mexicans who go through the process to come here legally are not who we're talking about.

The subject is illegal immigrants.

It's about selectively enforcing the law against Mexicans to our nation's (and others') detriment.

It sure looks like racism as it's been in response to every wave of immigration since the 19th century. Each time it "wasn't" racism but in retrospect they were all racism. The pattern is clear, the means are similar and in many cases identical, why should the result be any different?
My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me, Lebowski?

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Nobody's saying "just let them in".

We're saying, "improve the process to allow people people to come into the US so they can be appropriately documented and taxed".

To everyone else that likes to say, "my parents came through Ellis Island, there's NO similarity between me and other immigrants, blah, blah, blah," why don't you guys tell us (specifically, please) what the process is to legally immigrate to the US.

We'll use Mexico as a starting place for this exercise, assume no prior criminal background, and a middle class income.


We don't need to 'improve the process'. The laws pertaining to 'the process' are on the books already. Those laws are just not being enforced. We've tied the hands of the Border Patrol. Those laws are posted on the 'world-wide web' as well as the procedure to become a 'legal' citizen. Look it up!
What a lot of folks who live far away from our Southwest border aren't seeing is, the crime and corruption crossing our border on a regular basis. While you're on the 'world-wide web', check-out Laredo, Texas... see what you find. That's just a part of the problem. Not just Texas, but New Mexico, Arizona and California. Check-out what's going on and then, consider the fact that all that, is filtering into all our cities and towns throughout this country.


If people that we really would like here didn't find the process of coming legally so discouraging, difficult, and sometimes downright offensive, maybe they wouldn't come illegally. Then we'd have more enforcement resources to devote to catching the undesirables.

I know an expert electron microscopist with a PhD in engineering who is now in his 4th year of waiting for his green card. How fucked-up is that?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I know an expert electron microscopist with a PhD in engineering who is now in his 4th year of waiting for his green card. How fucked-up is that?

Complain to your congressmen. That law is designed to keep him from taking a job away from an American expert electron microscopist with a PhD in engineering. Apparently there must be an excess of those around compared to the number needed, otherwise your acquaintance wouldn't have any trouble proving that his skills are both unique and necessary, which would qualify him for permanent status.

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>Construction sites that use these guys undermine the attempts of
>the unions to build a strong economy.

Nowadays unions have one purpose - to get more for themselves and their members. That's it. Claiming that unions want to "build a strong economy" is like claiming that Enron just wants to provide hardworking americans with affordable power. Unions don't care if they bankrupt the company they are taking action against as long as they get another $1.13 an hour for the guy who holds up the "SLOW" sign.

What are you pulling down a year, Bill. More than 50 grand? Are you worth it? You probably believe you are worth far more. Do you believe that you should be compensated fairly for your time and skill? You probably do and so does the man or woman who is busting their ass in all types of weather to build the homes we live in. You union busters are part of the problem. You suit and ties see unions as the enemy when unions work to see that the employee is compensated fairly for their time. That compensation flows right back into the community. The more I make the more I spend. If the employee is only making pennies, that hurts the economy. It hurts the local resturuants. It hurts the local stores. It hurts the community because there is less tax flowing into the city coffer.
You union busters would rather sit back and watch the people who build the buildings you use starve.
I'm not in the unions these days but, if I were to go back into the trades, damn right, union all the way.
My time and skill is worth every dollar.
You folks who believe that the union turns a blind eye to shoddy work have never worked a union jobsite. Shoddy work will get you blackballed. Good luck finding work on a good paying site. They'll have your name. Maybe the illegals will take you.
Hell, if the carpenter isn't worth what he makes then all the suits out there are worth far less as there is no danger in pushing a button. Try working where things are moving. Try working above the ground up on ladders and planks slamming nails. Try it in freezing weather or extreme heat. Try being at the top of a 40 while the winds are slamming you.
So cozy to detest what you do not know, eh Bill?
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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I know an expert electron microscopist with a PhD in engineering who is now in his 4th year of waiting for his green card. How fucked-up is that?

Years ago, I met an illegal alien who crossed our border under the cover of darkness to persue a 'better life'. He, was a professor at the university in Mexico City. I have more respect for the man you mentioned because, as tough as it is, he is going through the legal process to obtain a 'Green Card'. I applaud him! The man I mentioned, could've done the same thing. As for the 'process', all I can say is, the wheels of government turn slowly but on the other hand, we are a nation of instant gratification. I respect the man you mentioned for his patience as well as all those who have or are going through the process... correctly.


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At masterrig, You say you resent the inferrance, and yet nearly every post prior to my initial comment in this thread indicated the dislike of "fucking mexicans". My last sentance was more directed at the overall group of people in this thread, not specifically at you.

As for John Rich, perhaps my hillbilly comment was meant to provoke a sense of irony. Don't be pissed at me because it zoomed over your head.

"Don't touch my fucking Easter eggs, I'll be back monday." ~JTFC

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At masterrig, You say you resent the inferrance, and yet nearly every post prior to my initial comment in this thread indicated the dislike of "fucking mexicans". My last sentance was more directed at the overall group of people in this thread, not specifically at you.

As for John Rich, perhaps my hillbilly comment was meant to provoke a sense of irony. Don't be pissed at me because it zoomed over your head.


You are the one, referring to those folks as 'fucking mexicans'... not me. Obviously, you haven't read all of my posts. I have also made reference to all 'illegal aliens'... not just those of Mexican heritage or Hispanic heritage. Don't, twist my words.


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