
In Honor of Veterans Day

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I was wearing my poppie yesterday and came across a WW2 veteran wearing his. He walked over, shook my hand warmly and thanked me for 'remembering'. He had tears in his eyes.


Considering the topic, your (both of you) personal pissing match on this particular thread is disgusting.


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My grandfather retired from the Navy, at one point earning a Silver Star at Guadalcanal during one of several wartime deployments. He was my hero, both for his service to his country and for the family he raised during that stretch. And while not a veteran, I have to be thankful also for my grandmother, who raised all those kids, frequently alone, while moving from post to post and even overseas. While the families our service members leave at home may not exactly be in harm's way, the support work they do deserves recognition. My uncle served in the USN for 8 years. He later died of mesothelioma, most likely contracted as a result of his work constructing the USS Denver. While he and I didn't always see eye to eye, there were several times during my tour on the Denver that I was glad he'd done his job well. While the veterans in my family get special recognition in my heart, my thanks go to all veterans, including those here who are currently serving and who have served in the past. Your sacrifices are appreciated.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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My grandfather retired from the Navy, at one point earning a Silver Star at Guadalcanal during one of several wartime deployments. He was my hero, both for his service to his country and for the family he raised during that stretch. And while not a veteran, I have to be thankful also for my grandmother, who raised all those kids, frequently alone, while moving from post to post and even overseas. While the families our service members leave at home may not exactly be in harm's way, the support work they do deserves recognition.

Not only that, but in many allied nations civilians were in the front lines too (England, 1940, for example).

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Remembrance Day is always a special day for me. Two grandfathers fought on two different fronts. One flew for the KNIL, one was seconded to the brittish Army. Neither liked to talk much about what they had done or seen, but I know all our lives are better for it.

Thank you both Opa.

Lest we forget

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You are right, but I was calling BS on her statement. She only thanks veterans that will agree with her point of view. She hates my guts. Even thought I have been deployed over there twice.
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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You are right, but I was calling BS on her statement. She only thanks veterans that will agree with her point of view. She hates my guts. Even thought I have been deployed over there twice.

I read those PDF's and I thought to myself, how silly of you to make a big deal of this.

Way to take a thread meant to honor veterans and turn it into your personal brawl with another poster.

Bravo, sir.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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You are right, but I was calling BS on her statement. She only thanks veterans that will agree with her point of view. She hates my guts. Even thought I have been deployed over there twice.

This is a thread honoring our veterans. Your posts in it do nothing of the sort. Both of you should take your little squabble back to PMs.

My thanks go to both of you for your service.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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You and Jeanne knock that crap off, Veterans days is not the day to argue about politics or negative attitudes about the war.

This happens EVERY YEAR.. when I try to thank others for their service...

I am sick of this fucking shit every fucking year.

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