
Five Good Samaritans stopped a rape in progress

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Anybody have the size and weight of that rapist? He looked pretty big to me, even in that mug shot. Who knows, maybe it did take 5 guys to beat him down into submission.

Or maybe he ran into a parked car or something. Hell maybe he just looks like that.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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the dude is a scumbag his life loses all value to me when he decided to rape, and unfortunately are justice system does not always serve justice.

Yep, that's the rational used by terrorists to enforce their own moral edicts on anyone else whom they don't like.

lets see you said

Under Texas law, by anyone else too. You can use deadly force to save a third-party from rape. That's straight from the law - nothing "gray" about it.

Do you see what i am geting at here.

What I see is you missing the distinctions, once again.

I'm saying that, under the law, you can use deadly force to stop a rape in progress in order to save the victim.

You, however, want to execute the man on the spot with vigilante "justice", after the rape has already been stopped. At that point, you no longer have the right to use deadly force under the law, because you're not saving anyone. You're taking the law into your own hands, and exacting your own retribution. No can do.

Do you see what I'm getting at?

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I'm from Oregon.

When I saw him on the news, I thought 'Jeez, he must have really resisted. Too bad.'

That is just my personal opinion.

We do have capital punishment here in Oregon. The only two people who have actually been executed since it was re-instigated have been the two who voluntarily stopped their appeals.

Most recent newspaper articles state things such as it will take, on average, about 17 years of various court proceedings to actually execute someone here.

I am not trying to offer this as any type of comment, just some info on how things go here in Oregon. YMMV!


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Deadly force is legal in defense of rape.

By the victim, yes - it becomes much more of a gray area after that, unless the defender is subsequently attacked by the rapist.

Under Texas law, by anyone else too. You can use deadly force to save a third-party from rape. That's straight from the law - nothing "gray" about it.

True - but that isn't the case in all states. Stating that as a bald fact is, in this case, misleading.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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SALEM, Ore. -- Five Good Samaritans stopped a rape in progress in a south Salem neighborhood, according to police.

Officers said a 22-year-old woman on crutches was walking near the intersection of Liberty and Boone streets southeast just before 1 a.m. Saturday when she was attacked and assaulted by 37-year-old Paul Landingham.

According to authorities, a car with five people was driving by, saw what was happening and came to the woman's rescue.

Three men pulled Landingham off the woman and held him until police arrived at the scene.

The victim was transported to an area hospital.

;) than "hold" him, after he resisted their citizens arrest.

Too bad they did not kill him.

What are the CCW laws in Ore? If someone had one and told the perp. to freeze and he jumped up and threatened then it would be justicifiable homicide.;) My spelling sux sorry:P
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Take a look at the picture of the suspect. The good samaritans did more than "hold" him, after he resisted their citizens arrest.

Too bad they did not kill him.

Then they would have been responsible for murder and absolutely should go to jail.

Stopping and holding him (only) is the right thing to do. We don't need vigilantism - even when dealing with scum like this guy. He will see punishment under LAW.

I'm hoping he got beat because he tried to escape and they had to stop him. Or they ran up and kicked him in the face to knock him immediately off the woman. That's justified and absolutely the right thing to do. It's the adult thing to do and better measure of the men.

If they just beat him for the hell of it in a self righteous tantrum, then they should be tried on assault as a completely separate crime. This is more appropriate to children and the weak willed.

Do you see the difference?

Anyone who disagrees with what rehmwa is saying here, needs to go do some reading of the law. What he is stating is the law.

When I was in college, I did some research on self-defense law for a project, then interviewed the shift commander of the local PD to get clarification on a few points.

For those of you who think you have a right to use violence to hold a suspect in a citizens arrest; Newflash: You don't. Anything beyond tackling the guy and holding him in a bearhug opens you up to assault charges.

I am not arguing law I am arguing right. I don’t walk around with a disclaimer or a lawyer or the voice-over that warns you about what the side effects I might have.

In reality the real world the dude is a scumbag his life loses all value to me when he decided to rape, and unfortunately are justice system does not always serve justice.
I do believe it's called " NECESSARY FORCE'. To bad a lot of cops don't abide by that law. [:/]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use_of_force
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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You should read that stuff about being "a nation of laws" again.

Gimme a break. So these politicians sit on their fat asses and write fucked up laws to control the populace at the taxpayer expense?
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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