
"Your Papers, Please", Ohio Man Arrested for Refusing to Show Receipt at Circuit City

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Zippo - not sure if you were one of the posters that had a problem showing id but how do you feel about showing DL when you use a CC or write a check to make sure you are who you say you are? Aren't they implying that you aren't who you say you are?

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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I've got it. How about I wear a sign on my chest that says "This patron does not consent to searches by store employees and any attempt at unlawful detention will be met with appropriate force."

There. They have their signs, I have mine.

(wipes hands together signifying a completed job, well done)

How about you stay the fuck out of thier store if you dont like thier policies??

How hard is that??:S

Do they have their search policy prominently displayed at the entrance? If not, the policy might as well not exist.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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It's actually a conservative viewpoint to refuse to show government-issued identification to a police officer, not liberal. By definition, liberals want individuals to be less individual and more components of a collective.
Not showing a receipt would fall into the same viewpoint of conservatism..

Those definitions died years ago. "Conservatives" traditionally opposed large and intrusive government, but conservatives currently support the most intrusive, secretive, most power hungry and the largest administration that ever existed.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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so according to your views, illegal searches are ok, so long as the purpose is for the greater good of things...???

because detaining me and requesting me to show MY receipt and allow you to comare it to MY items I have purchased, is an illegal search of person and property...at least in this country it is.

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It's actually a conservative viewpoint to refuse to show government-issued identification to a police officer, not liberal. By definition, liberals want individuals to be less individual and more components of a collective.
Not showing a receipt would fall into the same viewpoint of conservatism..

Those definitions died years ago. "Conservatives" traditionally opposed large and intrusive government, but conservatives currently support the most intrusive, secretive, most power hungry and the largest administration that ever existed.

[:/]I know. Hence my "liberation" over the past decade and a half.

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I WANT them to ask for ID when using a credit card. Checks? Anyone still writing checks needs to be kicked in the groin.

But aren't they implying you are not who the CC says your are such as you think they are implying you are a thief by checking your receipt?

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Where we disagree is that you are calling this a search.

I completely disagree with that. they are counting the items leaving the store and comparing that to the receipt. Make sure the number match.

To me a search would involve them actually searching me. I would have a MAJOR problem with that.

But I realize that what they are doing is:
1) Saving me money.
2) saving them money
3) protecting me (Like I said.. Many time I have got home from the grocery store and realized I left something at the cashier. Paid for it but over looked putting it in the bag. A bag of chips or jar of pickles doesnt really bother me.. But if it was the new MP3 opl;ayer I just bought.. I would be rather thankful that that was noticed before I left the store)
4) Protects them (When the cashier forgot to scan something and/or accidently put some orther guys MP3 player in my bag.

If the items on the receipt do not match what I am taking out of the store, I am glad someone checked. yes.

Someone searching me?? That is a different story.

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because detaining me and requesting me to show MY receipt

Is there a legal and defined time that someone can be detained? What if I stop to tie my shoe and you can't get past me, Are you going to call the ACLU cause I held you up for 20 seconds?

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Those definitions died years ago. "Conservatives" traditionally opposed large and intrusive government, but conservatives currently support the most intrusive, secretive, most power hungry and the largest administration that ever existed.

The panel would also have accepting the following from JK: "Why are we so concerned about 'shrinkage' when we are wasting so much money on an illegal war?"

Of from BV - "Checking receipts is minor when the tundra is melting"

or from Amazon - "George Bush has to deal with shrinkage every moment of his waking life. All of you are pathetic losers."

or from Rehmwa - "what's a receipt? Nightengale for President"

or from Pirana - "I think that shrinkage is a natural term for the galactic mass center as noted by, but with minor mistakes that I'll correct later, Stephen Hawkings. In which, he noted the maximum density of matter can be converted by....."

or from John Rich - "England has much worse shrinkage than many nations. Yes or No?"

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Conservatives" traditionally opposed large and intrusive government, but conservatives currently support the most intrusive, secretive, most power hungry and the largest administration that ever existed.

I do agree with this.. However I would say "Republicans" in place of conservatives. I despise the republican party almost as much as the Dems. Both are corrupt power hungry groups that have lost sight of their core principals.

We are getting way sidetracked here, and this would be a good discussion for another thread.

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as a consumer with the realization humans are involved in the process of inventory and the purchasing process, I'm willing to accept that risk...I'll let them know if I find any errors.

thank you have a nice day...and out the door I go.

I've never shown a receipt at any of the places everyone here mentioned. :S
call me rude, but they only ask, it's not like they forcefully stop me or anything.I simply politely decline their offer and carry on about my business.
carefully avoiding any shoe tie-ers that may be attempting to obstruct my progress of course.

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> I WANT them to ask for ID when using a credit card.

[zippo mode]

Now wait a minute. You want them to reach into your wallet, pull out your license and do whatever they want with it? How often do you bend over and spread your legs like this for these cashiers?

There is no law that says it's legal for them to demand you hand over your license. So let me ask you this - if their policy was fucking you in the ass before you could use your credit card you would be OK with that? Hey, it's their policy!! Be gentle, please, Mr. Walton!

If you want to be a sheep. go ahead and "BAAAAA-A-A-A" if you want. I won't be searched by some part time cashier to prove that I am not a crook.

[/zippo mode]

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> I WANT them to ask for ID when using a credit card.

[zippo mode]

Now wait a minute. You want them to reach into your wallet, pull out your license and do whatever they want with it? How often do you bend over and spread your legs like this for these cashiers?

There is no law that says it's legal for them to demand you hand over your license. So let me ask you this - if their policy was fucking you in the ass before you could use your credit card you would be OK with that? Hey, it's their policy!! Be gentle, please, Mr. Walton!

If you want to be a sheep. go ahead and "BAAAAA-A-A-A" if you want. I won't be searched by some part time cashier to prove that I am not a crook.

[/zippo mode]

Aw.......shut up!;):D

You can see the difference, can't you? Checking a receipt and looking through a bag is a search. Checking ID when using your credit card is verifying identity for a cash transaction. Also, I'm certain that the credit card agreement states something about providing ID for certain transactions.

Sorry I couldn't work something about someone getting nailed in the keyster in there.......

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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I have another scenario that may be come very much a reality in the near future as RFID tag and technology becomes more useful (It SUCKS right now in a real world environment).

What if they eliminated the receipt checker completely but still did the exact same comparison while you were leaving the store?
The way it would work would be you put your receipt into a reader and it compares the items on the receipt to the items in your cart. All good, The door opens. Not good an alarm goes off.

You can bet that as RFID technology is accepted, there will be atleast two check points to look for errors.

I personally like the human there better as it would less embarrassing if there was a mistake.

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>Checking a receipt and looking through a bag is a search.

I agree. But asking if they can check your receipt and peer into your bag is a request, not a search.

>Checking ID when using your credit card is verifying identity for a cash

Going into your wallet to extract your credit card would be a search. Asking you to let them see it is a request, not a search.

They are fairly similar. In both cases, you are willing to provide payment for a product, but not follow their 'rules' as to how that process should work. You can refuse to show ID - then they might refuse to sell you the product. They might even try to physically stop you if you then attempted to leave with the product, even if (in your mind) you had offered fair payment.

>Sorry I couldn't work something about someone getting nailed in the
>keyster in there.......

It's just not a SC post without a reference to anal sex . . .

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I'm sure the hackers have already figured out how to beat RFID technology.

With RFID they might not even have a cashier. You just walk out and the scanner adds up your items and charges your card. Disputes could be a problem though - like if they charge you for a 52" Plasma TV instead of a bag of oranges.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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just beware of the shoe tie-ers on the way out. :P

My ACLU attorney who follows me around will take care of them, one civil rights lawsuit at a time.;)

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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just beware of the shoe tie-ers on the way out.

I did or tried to detain the accomplice of the guy who was tieing his shoe since he tried to grab my wallet out of my purse while walking into a store. M-fer got away. >:(

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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RFID knows what I have in my little bag, RFID knows my CC, compare the transaction database to the RFID product database and blammo!

You clearly haven’t played with RFID much. Lol!!
I have been trying to get a reliable RFID interface to my Inventory Control component of my software package for the last couple years.

Still only about 80 to 90% accurate with more than a couple items passing through the portal and the implementation costs are still out of sight for most of my customers.

The day of grab a bunch of items and walk out the portal are still a long way off.

As for hackers… Well with a $20 pack of Avery labels and any printer out there, I can produce bar-codes for just about anything. Want a 52” TV to ring up as a bag of oranges?? No Problem at all. Give me the SKU for the oranges and I will print a Bar-code sticker in less than 60 seconds. As many as you want.
RFID tags are not much harder just have to have a more expensive printer.

If anyone is getting it up the ass here, it is the Stores and the Honest Customers. If showing my receipt on exit save me money every trip, More power to them.

Honest people have nothing to fear here.

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