
"Your Papers, Please", Ohio Man Arrested for Refusing to Show Receipt at Circuit City

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So if their policy was fucking you in the ass before you leave you would be OK with that? Hey, it's their policy!! Be gentle, please, Mr. Walton!

Well I would not shop there.

Now if there were selling 52 LCD TV`s for $.99, But that was part of the deal..... Well I still wouldnt shop there but There are plenty that would.
They have that right as far as I am concerned.


I won't be searched by some part time greeter to prove that I am not a crook.

There is a HUGE difference between checking your bag against a receipt vs being searched.

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It is not guilty till proven innocent YOU do not hold the burden of proof to prove your innocence it's the other way around!!!!

So you think they are doing this only to check if the customer is stealing? There might be more to it you know? It might actually serve to check up on other people to keep the costs down for you the consumer....ever thought about that?

Guess not, most people are too busy screaming: ME, ME, ME, ME and I know MY rights.

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We all pay a price for the freedoms we enjoy.

And we all pay a price for convenience too.
If you would like to pay more for an Item to cover the cost of shrinkage, You are free to do that by shopping at a place that does not have this extra level of security.

If you want to wait a little longer and save money, Buy online.

But if you must have it right now.. Then you are welcome to buy it from a store that has it in stock and agree to their terms. If you do not agree to their terms, Shop elsewhere.

A Free country is great like that.

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>I will be suffering if I have to pay more for your liberties.

We all pay a price for the freedoms we enjoy. Those who would sacrifice their liberties for convenience or security deserve none of those things.

WHAT? That makes no sense at all. Very bizarre. :S So what you are saying I don't deserve any freedom because I can't afford to pay more and want to be safe from criminals and others that just want to be cause trouble, and just be overall assholes because it's their right to?

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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actually I think it was Benjamin Franklin...
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

and to your response to me, it was not a PA, it was a question. I'm not quite sure how to respond to yours, unless you meant Democrat, and that I am not.

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I'm rolling over because I have nothing to hide

Would you be okay with the police searching your car after being pulled over for a burnt out tail light?
Would you mind if the government wished to place cameras throughout your house?
Would you be fine with being strip searched just to make sure you are not hiding something when you are doing nothing but walking down the street?
Maybe you should volunteer to have your phone bugged. After all, if you have nothing to hide, you should be alright with being monitored 24 hour a day. Right?
I once refused to let the cops search my car after being pulled over on a traffic violation. They called in the dogs and wasted a crap load of man hours that would had been better spent actually doing their fucking jobs. They wasted a crap load of the taxpayers dollar running their stupid fucking dogs around my car. I'll never, ever allow the gestapo to search my car. I'm more than happy to sit and laugh at these idiots as they parade their dogs around wasting time while someone robs a gas station elsewhere.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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If you want to be a sheep. go ahead and "BAAAAA-A-A-A" if you want. I won't be searched by some part time greeter to prove that I am not a crook.

How is showing your receipt equivalent to a search of your person?

How is showing your receipt equivalent to getting fucked in the ass?

hard to have a discussion with some one when they display an attitude like that.

I was making the point that there is a line that most people hit where policy become unaccpetable and a violation. My line is hit when I am checked out just in case I MIGHT be a thief. I resent that, and will not submit to it. Go catch the thieves - leave me the hell alone.

As far as I am concerned, once I pay, my obligation to the store has ended. I am now leaving with my stuff, and that is the end of it.

Here is a story from nearby me that involves shoplifting and a big box store. It seems that most of these (if not all) would not have been stopped by a receipt check -


This was done the right way - they caught the crooks by observing their theft and arresting them.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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I'm rolling over because I have nothing to hide

Would you be okay with the police searching your car after being pulled over for a burnt out tail light?
Would you mind if the government wished to place cameras throughout your house?
Would you be fine with being strip searched just to make sure you are not hiding something when you are doing nothing but walking down the street?
Maybe you should volunteer to have your phone bugged. After all, if you have nothing to hide, you should be alright with being monitored 24 hour a day. Right?
I once refused to let the cops search my car after being pulled over on a traffic violation. They called in the dogs and wasted a crap load of man hours that would had been better spent actually doing their fucking jobs. They wasted a crap load of the taxpayers dollar running their stupid fucking dogs around my car. I'll never, ever allow the gestapo to search my car. I'm more than happy to sit and laugh at these idiots as they parade their dogs around wasting time while someone robs a gas station elsewhere.

Did the dogs 'hit' on anything. Sometimes I think the dogs are just there to provide just cause for a search. The dog scratches his ass and the cops say "There it is, he gave the signal - let's tear this jalopy apart!"

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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I've been into a bunch of big box retailers and have yet to see a policy posted in a prominent place laying down conditions for entry. If it's posted in a hidden location it is effectively invalid.

if the store can't trust its cashiers to be honest, then it should fix that problem directly rather than inconveniencing its customers.

I do find it to be an irritating policy and would prefer to be able to walk out of Costco without them checking me. That said, if it is such a problem then people do have choices and can shop elsewhere.

You have a point in that it should be made abundantly clear to shoppers before they enter.

By nature I rarely fight something on principle alone (otherwise I would spend my whole life fighting). Unless something is really putting me out of my way and seems unreasonable I will usually just grin and bear it. I guess it is about personal limits. I usually find that the things people will challenge are not worth the effort of challenging and often have valid reasons.

For example, you as a professor have to acept assignments from students, and you may or may not choose to use turnitin.com but do you see the justification in students challenging it legally? Personally I always liked when that honesty was enforced.

Regarding this receipt policy it may be distastefull and while they really should inform customers in advance, why not just shop elsewhere and let the stores that do that suffer from the lost sales.

Most importantly, why take it out on the poor security guy who is just doing his job for minimum wage?
My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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I do the same thing.
I just love to hear "I think I smell pot in your car!" to which I reply "Dude, if you smell pot in here, you have an amazing sense of smell as I haven't touched that stuff in 20 years!" they don't usually search after that comment, but they have. If THEY choose to spend my tax dollars that way, all the more power to them and their efforts to work towards us becoming a complete police state.
I also typically protest to the drunk driver roadblocks, but I have on occasion "rolled over" because I was tired and wanted to get home. I don't drive drunk, you have no probable cause to stop me!...that one can take awhile, but the sobriety test practice is kinda funny. Especially when they realize you're not drunk, haven't been drinking, and are fully willing to play the game all the way to the breathalyzer and beyond. Also add to those games that I carry a concealed weapons permit...it usually changes the way they handle me...damnit.

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I frequently question the motives of those who roll over, spread their cheeks and lift their sack at every request without a second thought. If you want to do that, go ahead, but I cherish my rights and will protect them, no matter how small, and no matter as to the convenience of looking the other way.

I don't quite go that far but I do often pick my battles based on whether or not the outcome of winning a fight is worth the time and hassle of having the fight.
My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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>So what you are saying I don't deserve any freedom . . .

No, you deserve all the freedoms everyone else does.

>because I can't afford to pay more . . .

?? You do not have the "freedom" to buy whatever you want at low, low prices. You may have to forego the extra pickles or that nifty flatscreen TV if you can't afford them.

>and want to be safe from criminals . . .

You have the right to be safe in your person and property, which is why we have police.

>and others that just want to be cause trouble, and just be overall assholes
>because it's their right to?

You do not have the right to be free from troublesome or annoying people. (Which is a good thing, or there would be no drop zones anywhere!)

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Would you be okay with the police searching your car after being pulled over for a burnt out tail light?
Would you mind if the government wished to place cameras throughout your house?
Would you be fine with being strip searched just to make sure you are not hiding something when you are doing nothing but walking down the street?
Maybe you should volunteer to have your phone bugged. After all, if you have nothing to hide, you should be alright with being monitored 24 hour a day. Right?
I once refused to let the cops search my car after being pulled over on a traffic violation. They called in the dogs and wasted a crap load of man hours that would had been better spent actually doing their fucking jobs. They wasted a crap load of the taxpayers dollar running their stupid fucking dogs around my car. I'll never, ever allow the gestapo to search my car. I'm more than happy to sit and laugh at these idiots as they parade their dogs around wasting time while someone robs a gas station elsewhere.

There is a differences between Government and Corporations. Apparently alot of people on here can't distinguish the two.

My phones are recorded at work. Don't care. Its part of the job. In fact, it helps prove I'm right when someone wants to dispute something.

Again, all Circuit City wanted was to check the receipt. THey didn't ask to tap this guys phones, or strip search him, they didn't bring in drug dogs, or bomb dogs and they didn't ask for his first born.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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I frequently question the motives of those who roll over, spread their cheeks and lift their sack at every request without a second thought. If you want to do that, go ahead, but I cherish my rights and will protect them, no matter how small, and no matter as to the convenience of looking the other way.

I don't quite go that far but I do often pick my battles based on whether or not the outcome of winning a fight is worth the time and hassle of having the fight.

I see your point, and understand. But after I stand in line for 30 minutes because they won't hire the necessary cashiers, I'm in a fighting mood. Then when they try to screw with me on my way out the door it only makes things worse. Add to that the near road rage from the traffic trying to get there and I'm ready to take something that seems trivial to the Supremet Court and beyond.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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You do not have the right to be free from troublesome or annoying people. (Which is a good thing, or there would be no drop zones anywhere!)

that was funny.:D:D But that would be worth fighting for!

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Yes, they can set all the policy they want.
No, they cannot violate your rights. Unless you let them. Refer back to my previous post.
You can continue to shop where you want, when you want, as long as you abide by the policies of the stores you shop in. Not willing to abide by the rules=don't go there. Simple.

If they want to enforce any type of policy then they need inform shoppers before shoppers enter their store. It is not my job to search out their policy. If I am not stealing and they have no proof that I did, well, they can just go suck themselves. If some moron rent-a-pig was to place his/her hands on me, that is assualt and I will press for charges. They have no right to just choose who to harass at random with the hope of catching someone.
The store should place a lawyer outside their door to explain to each and every customer exactly what the stores policy is.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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The store should place a lawyer outside their door to explain to each and every customer exactly what the stores policy is.

You people won't show a receipt why would stand there and listen to some lawyer explain the COMPANIES (not the governments) policies.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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>I will be suffering if I have to pay more for your liberties.

We all pay a price for the freedoms we enjoy. Those who would sacrifice their liberties for convenience or security deserve none of those things.

WHAT? That makes no sense at all. Very bizarre. :S So what you are saying I don't deserve any freedom because I can't afford to pay more and want to be safe from criminals and others that just want to be cause trouble, and just be overall assholes because it's their right to?


Maybe you'll understand Ben Franklins words a little better?
"Those who would sacrifice essential liberties for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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The store should place a lawyer outside their door to explain to each and every customer exactly what the stores policy is.

You people won't show a receipt why would stand there and listen to some lawyer explain the COMPANIES (not the governments) policies.


I know the companies' policies, and I know the law. And I still won't show a receipt, unless I'm at Guitar Center (where they actually check the items for damage, so letting them makes sense).

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The store should place a lawyer outside their door to explain to each and every customer exactly what the stores policy is.

You people won't show a receipt why would stand there and listen to some lawyer explain the COMPANIES (not the governments) policies.


How about searching your bag? The one that contains YOUR property that YOU just paid for.

The fact is that these policies are primarily to protect the store against crooked cashiers. YOU get your bag searched because THEY have hired dishonest workers.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Why are people looked at as being a jerk or asshole just because they refuse to roll over and take the easy route even though it violates their personal rights?

Because people like that just want to be difficult. They can't just be a productive member of society. They want to "fight the power" They obviously have nothing better to do. There are bigger battles to fight other than YOU CAN"T SEE MY RECEIPT. I thought my life was somewhat pathetic till I read what this thread was about. I definately have alot more going on then most.[:/]


If you were living in a more primitive society, I'll bet large money you could be heard berating a young girl for objecting to having her clit scraped off with a piece of flint [female circumcision] by the tribal elder. "Who do you think you are, Miss Freedom Fighter?!?!?!" "Cant you just be a productive member of society?!?!?!"

My God but you are so well ...socialized.
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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There is a differences between Government and Corporations. Apparently alot of people on here can't distinguish the two.

Then you should be fine with curcuit city searching your car to make sure that you have not been placing stolen items in your trunk throughout the day. Maybe you would be happy to have them come to your house to make sure that you didn't steal your TV from their store. Would you allow them to search your purse. Maybe dump it out on the counter and go through each item?
Your right, they are not the government. I wouldn't allow the government to search me and I damn well wouldn't buckle to a friggin retard rent a pig.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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My God...I can't believe some of you.

According to your way of thinking it OPEN HOUSE FOR THEFT!!!!!!!!

I'm walking out of here with 72 LCD TVs and you have no right to check to see if I paid for them!
I'll be right back for the next load!

Anybody want to buy an LCD TV cheap?

Somebody's already said it:

May God help us.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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actually I think it was Benjamin Franklin...
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

and to your response to me, it was not a PA, it was a question. I'm not quite sure how to respond to yours, unless you meant Democrat, and that I am not.

You are correct, it was Ben who said that. Obviously at a time when he had his head up his ass.
In the real world we all give up some freedoms and liberties in exchange for safety. (We each give up the freedom to burn old tires in order that we don't destroy our environment, for example.)

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